
Deleting Your Demons

Introduction Some people have a compulsion to hoard things like collectibles, sentimental items or even garbage. When someone accumulates garbage, that waste attracts insects and rodents, making a bad situation…

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The Fall of Lucifer

Was the fall of Lucifer really discussed in Isaiah 14? What can we learn about Lucifer from this passage? This passage in Isaiah contains a prophecy against Sennacherib who proclaimed…

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Deal with Your Demons

How does Satan influence you? How do you defeat him? You can clearly ways to recognize demonic oppression in your life and find victory! I believe a Christian cannot be…

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Wisdom and Sabbath Rest

Sabbath rest is essential to effective Christian living. Dr. Timothy Keller, in his sermon, Wisdom and Sabbath Rest, articulates invaluable principles for observing a sabbath. Rest, ironically, is an activity…

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The Window of Adultery

Adultery? Are you kidding me? What a time for the worship leader to betray his God, his family, and his church! The triumphal entry donkey was already booked, Jesus’ beard…

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Tension is Good

We are carry an internal tension that’s associated with our appetites. We struggle desperately because we all want MORE. When we talk about our appetites, we immediately think about food…

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Know Your Enemy

The personality, position, power, purpose and destiny of Satan is carefully studied. His demonic forces are described, and the victorious power of God over the Adversary is taught.

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