GOD WILL USE SEVEN PRINCIPLES OF JUDGMENT AT THE GREAT WHITE THRONE. GOD WILL JUDGE: 1. With Truth (Romans 2:2) 2. According To His Kindness (Romans 2:4) 3. On The …
I know what you are afraid of. I’ve been there myself. I understand what it means to have spiritual fear. Maybe you’e never heard it put that way before, but …
In the Garden of Eden, Satan first appealed to the lust of the flesh. The fruit looked good to Eve, so why not have a bite? “Did God really say, …
Dear Roger, I have so many questions about the “millennium”. or “Thousand-Year Reign of Christ.” Can you help me understand what John was describing? Love, Crystal Dear Crystal, I would …
Dear Roger, I believe I’m in a spiritual battle right now. What are some things that I need to keep in mind when I’m fighting Satan? Sincerely, Paul Dear Paul, …
“But Jesus, on His part, was not entrusting Himself to them, for He knew all men, and because He did not need anyone to testify concerning man, for He Himself …
As Jude called his readers to fight for the faith, he wanted them to know that turning from the truth was not new, nor was it novel. The battle for truth …
HOW TO RECOGNIZE A FALSE PROPHET Matthew 7:15-20 – S-1057 After giving the invitation to “enter by the narrow gate”, to come to God by the only way He has …
Let’s do a short study through I John 1:5-2:2 about the importance of deception and confession. “This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is …
Pop spirituality re-defines certain Christian terms. New Age and Eastern mysticism often use words that seem or sound Biblical, but are not. God, Christ and redemption mean something quite different. …
Satan tempts us to sin and stops us in our tracks by accusations, but his most insidious weapon is deception, because we don’t know when we are being deceived. Through …
The person on this planet most suited to deceit is you. The person on this planet more capable of harming yourself is you. You and I are, in fact, able …
Hiram Johnson said, “The first casualty in war is truth.” God’s people have been in a cosmic battle since the fall. Satan’s first allegation against truth was in Genesis 3:1: …
One of the most used (if not overused) terms of our culture is the term dysfunctional. It has become the chic descriptor of flawed and broken people and especially families. Too often …
Everything visible and physical is preceded by something invisible and spiritual. The consequences we are dealing with in our lives, in our homes, in our culture, we are dealing with …
Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. 2 CORINTHIANS 11:14-15 Paul had discovered that false …
The Bismark was the pride and terror of the German Navy in WWII. It could outrun and outgun anything in the English Navy. But when being pursued by the British on …
The competition for your devotion is fierce. We just arrived in India: it’s my second time visiting this beautiful nation. One of the first thing that strikes you as a …
Every once in a while a new movement comes along that seeks to capture the attention of people away from traditional faith commitments. My attention was grabbed by one so-called …
“I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel— not that there is another …
Dear Roger, Why does it seems, churches or missionaries seem to be oblivious to us trying to pay tithes and offering every time we come to service. They never stop …
There are many divergent views about the second coming of Christ, but most agree that in the latter days there will be false prophets, false teachers, and false Messiahs. Jesus …
“The best way to think about Satan’s power is not in terms of physical strength, but moral deception.” Deceiver and Accuser Even though this supernatural being, this fallen angel and …
Dear Roger, Can a Christian be deceived? How is this possible? I am afraid I will not know how to distinguish what is true and what is false in my …
Dear Roger, Why are there so many false religions, and how do I know which ones are real? I hear a lot of singers, movies and writers talking about …
Have you ever heard this one: Can God create a rock so heavy that even he could not lift it? Did you know that there is a biblical answer to …
“…In this world, you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome this world.” John 16:33 NIV A sign beside the door of an Army Chaplain’s office stated: …
We’re not all too bad at bobbing and weaving. We’re pretty good at side-stepping and side-lining issues. We’re quite adept at cutting and spinning, doing a bit of …
Technology is a tool that when used well extends our natural reach and ability. In fact, these words are an example of how the internet and text can extend far …
Dear Roger, Why did so many people of the bible sit under trees or go into nature to hear God? I’m sure there is a connection..but is there a stronger …
The somewhat seedy Book of Judges reveals a repeated pattern in the history of Israel. Life in Israel gets really bad. In fact, the only time the Israelites turned to …
The story of Ananias and Sapphira teaches the gravity of allowing Satan to gain a foothold in God’s church through lying and deception. The passage connects pretense, divided self, lack …
Abraham learned that half-truths that deceive are still lies. Don’t be surprised when our children copy our actions, not our boundaries. Abraham’s deceiving ways were passed down to his son, …
For years I’ve been haunted by one of John Newton’s letters, which was later titled “Blemishes in Christian Character.” Newton was an 18th century Anglican minister who had once been …
True freedom doesn’t come from doing what we want to do but from living out the will of God, then let’s choose to be people who submit to God, who …
Have you ever been lost? I HATE my car’s GPS navigation. She bosses me around in her smooth British voice, but frequently tells me to turn ten seconds after I …
The little letter of 2 John was critical in preserving the integrity of God’s message. John encourages and warns the church at the same time to know the truth, walk …
Before I launch into this blog, I want to remind you that a difference between a man and a woman is not a value judgement; it does not expose weakness …
Have you seen control and manipulation divide your church? Have you suffered through the fall of a spiritual leader into sexual sin? The life of Queen Jezebel gives us a …
Honesty is not something that can simply be taught in a sermon. It is revealed by the light of God’s truth and the conviction of the Holy Spirit. Only then …
Samson: what a sad end to such a promising start! He had taken for granted all that he had going for him, and used it only for himself. He never …
The hallway is silent except for the wheels of the mop bucket and the shuffle of the old man’s feet. Both sound tired. Both know these floors. How many …
We Want You to Be a Christian Hedonist: Or, Don’t Miss the Joy!
by John Piperby John PiperWhat Is Christian Hedonism? My shortest summary of Christian Hedonism is: God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him. We all make a god out …
Deception doesn’t usually come through this big, huge, ugly monster. then we wouldn’t buy into it. The Devil appears as an angel of light and offers lies in a subtle …
You don’t learn deception by going and scouting for deception. You learn about it by becoming immersed and saturated with the Word of God, knowing the Truth so that when …
Living a life of integrity and honesty brings freedom to our lives and to our relationships with God and others. God accepts us just as we are, and those who …
The speakers in the mall are playing sleigh-bell songs, Santa is in his grotto with a long line of children waiting to stroke his whiskers and the media is …