
No More Nails!

When Jesus paid the ultimate price on the cross to extend mercy, He never intended for us to keep it to ourselves. Discover the freedom found in forgiveness and the…

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The Brutal Suffering of Jesus

As Americans, we live in a sanitized and antiseptic culture. Everything is clean, orderly, and has its place. Even our suffering. Most Americans don’t experience extreme brutality like Jesus experienced for…

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Why the Cross is Foolish

Why do we call people without Christ “lost?” Dr. John MacArthur teaches us why the cross is foolishness to the unbeliever: “Unregenerate sinners are completely lost. Unaided and unilluminated, in his…

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War of Words

We live in a time of spiritual intensity. Battle lines are drawn. For Christians especially, every word and action counts for something. It is a time of choices, where those…

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Why Pornography Will Kill Sex

TIME magazine featured a cover story on a new initiative against Internet pornography. These anti-porn activists, though, aren’t the caricatured pursed-lip moralists. They are instead young men who say that…

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Is Suffering Optional?

Suffering for the sake of Christ is not optional. If we truly follow Jesus, we will suffer as He did. Pastor Chan tours teaching on suffering from every New Testament book. …

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The Good Shepherd

Old Testament shepherds sacrificed their sheep. Jesus, the Good Shepherd, sacrificed Himself for us, His sheep. False shepherds only care about fleecing the sheep and stealing away their lives and…

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The Wall is Down

Christ also destroyed a wall between us and God so that we may know him personally and intimately. Christ can bring peace and reconciliation in our personal relationships as well.…

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The Sin Exchange

Lately I’ve become increasingly more aware of the enemy’s subtle tricks and deceptions in my life. As someone who works in ministry as a vocation, it is easy to get…

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