
Is Jesus Enough for You?

We need to live lives that demand an explanation. Paul lived this life that didn’t make any sense. In Philippians 4, he is talking about joy and contentment while chained…

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Addicted to Jesus

God wants us to be addicted to Him. We can fall in love with doing good things, with resisting sin, with caring for the poor, with memorizing Scripture, but it’s…

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Holy Anguish

Churchgoers can listen to a sermon and never apply it. If they trusted Christ when they were young, they often trust that one-time decision to keep them out of hell…

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Corinth: Coming Clean

Because of Jesus, we have been washed completely clean, set apart for God’s purposes,  and declared just before God. All of these blessings come at the huge price of Jesus’…

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Vows and Covenants

Vows originate with man, and we are wise to fulfill them promptly. Covenants begin with God. These are mutual agreements of solemn and binding force between two parties. Don’t make…

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Covenant Commitment

In neighborhood after neighborhood across America, the rows of rooftops conceal people whose lives in one way or another have experienced the impact of family disunity or divorce. Perhaps they…

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Rekindle the Passion: Ephesus

Jesus commends the Ephesian church for its strengths, offers correction for its problems and encourages members to re-kindle their first love, the Lord Jesus. In the struggle to live passionate…

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Profiting From Criticism

In previous discussions about admonishing others, we’ve talked about two important issues.  If we’re going to love someone thoroughly, we must be willing to admonish if necessary.  On the other…

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Unsung Heroes

Stephen is one of God’s overlooked, unsung heroes. But the New Testament is born because Stephen lives and dies for the glory of God. Being persecuted for our faith is…

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