
Victory Over Temper

“They do not know what they are doing.” Luke 23:34 Thirty-seven years old. Thin, almost frail. Balding and bespectacled. An electronics buff. Law-abiding and tired. Certainly not a description you…

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Face and Defeat Your Fears

What are our sources of fear? From where do they originate? Past hurts can lead to present fear. Any traumatic event-a painful divorce, a car accident, a debilitating illness can…

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Predestined to Hell?

Dear Roger, Did God predestine people to go to Hell? Sincerely, PH Dear PH,   Let me begin with an overview of predestination as envisioned by John Calvin. Calvinism teaches,…

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God With Us

The heart of God working in the heart of man doesn’t look the same on everyone when it happens. But whether in the quiet stirrings of our spirit or in…

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Don’t Go Solo

Singing sensation Taylor Swift sold four million records last year. Among her best current songs are “You Belong with Me” and “Two is Better than One.” The Bible tells us…

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Don't Go Solo

Singing sensation Taylor Swift sold four million records last year. Among her best current songs are “You Belong with Me” and “Two is Better than One.” The Bible tells us…

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Crushed for Comfort

Only by having a proper view of God can we comprehend the reason for suffering. Suffering allows us to comfort others, to learn our own insufficiencies and God’s sufficiency. When…

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Healing Wounds

Life sometimes hurts. We heal hurt with comfort, anger with forgiveness, guilt with confession, fear with perfect love and condemnation with God’s unconditional love and acceptance.

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Mourn and Comfort

We all have up and down days. God wants us to rejoice together and comfort each other when we are hurting. Comforters come uninvited, openly express the depths of their…

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