
I Am Always with You

Christ’s departure from this planet was not a departure from His church. He promised His disciples before He ascended to heaven, “I am with you always” (Matthew 28:20). And in…

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We Are Empowered by God

Paul’s divinely empowered role in the administration of God’s plan forms a paradigm for the ministry of all believers, as God is made known to the cosmos through the church.…

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Is Loneliness an Epidemic?

We’re lonelier than ever, some say. We’re not lonely enough, say others. They’re both right. THE PROBLEMS OF LONELINESS AND COMMUNITY University of California, Berkeley, sociologist Claude S. Fischer writes…

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Kingdom-Centered Prayer

Throughout the Old and New Testaments and church history, every spiritual awakening was founded on corporate, prevailing, intensive, kingdom-centered prayer. We cannot create spiritual renewal by ourselves, but we can…

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How to Love Your Church

Why do so many Christians love Jesus but not the church? Perhaps they have experienced hurt and disappointment. Are you happy with your church? Love for the church comes from…

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Titus: Truth-Seekers

The book of Titus was written to a church living in moral and doctrinal confusion. Paul charged Titus to set things in order by teaching sound doctrine and instructing his…

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Feet First Part One

Jesus teaches us that we are to serve Him boldly, without reservation. We can learn to take our eyes off of ourselves and our limitations and positively focus on Him.…

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Lukewarm and Lovin’ It

The church at Laodecia was called lukewarm by Christ because they were apathetic, materialistic, and self-sufficient. We must not be satisfied with our spiritual condition. We must be humble and…

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How God Saves the Day

As followers of The Way fled persecution in Jerusalem, they carried the message of salvation with them to places previously unreached by the Gospel (Acts 8:1-4). But it was in…

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Don’t Go Solo

Singing sensation Taylor Swift sold four million records last year. Among her best current songs are “You Belong with Me” and “Two is Better than One.” The Bible tells us…

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Don't Go Solo

Singing sensation Taylor Swift sold four million records last year. Among her best current songs are “You Belong with Me” and “Two is Better than One.” The Bible tells us…

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Who Needs Church?

With so many alternatives, why should we attend church, live in community and serve God? The church is God’s means for growing up His children. God gives gifts to His…

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Re-Learn: Oneness

Jesus’ final prayer was that the church might be unified in the same way the Son has unity with the Father. A unified church focuses on God’s priorities, rallies against…

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An Identity of Love

TEACHER TO TEACHER This is the last lesson in our Faith Foundations study series. It contains four “big ideas.” First, we describe Casas as a Kingdom church whose primary mission…

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We Need Each Other

God created man with physical, spiritual and relational needs. Relational needs are to be satisfied by near ones such as spouses, family, friends and church members.

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Why Paul Was So Cool

The apostle Paul is so precious to us because he was Christ-centered, a steward of God’s grace, a messenger of the mystery, a champion of the church, and a recipient…

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Effective Management

Nationally-known church and business consultant discusses the role of a manager: to supervise people and to obtain and allocate resources. The supervising manager knows how to recruit, organize, utilize, develop,…

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A New Humanity

Paul gives us three pictures of the church in this passage. As members of the family of God we have the privileges of belonging, companionship, provision and protection. We also…

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