The “I Am’s” of Christ
As the ancient Israelite people–suffering under the hands of the Egyptians–lifted their voices to God for help, He heard their cry and surprisingly responded by sending a fugitive, fearful, and…
As the ancient Israelite people–suffering under the hands of the Egyptians–lifted their voices to God for help, He heard their cry and surprisingly responded by sending a fugitive, fearful, and…
We are going to be in Philippians chapter 2 today, as we talk about this great story, the Christmas story. You know, normally you think about Matthew. You think about…
Our lives should completely focused on the person of Jesus Christ. He is the central character in everything that’s happened and all that will be. He is the reason we…
As you know, we’ve been in a series in Galatians, and we’ll hold off on that until next Lord’s Day. And this morning, just to think a little bit about…
Here we are explicitly told what the walk of believers entails: the walk “in love,” the imitation of God and of Christ, who loved with a love beyond compare. Having…
Believers, increasingly conformed to Christ in faith by the Spirit, and comprehending, in community, the immensity of Christ’s love, glorify God who dwells in them. Ephesians 3:14-21 This pericope is…
Believers, once in dire straits, but now sharing Christ’s exaltation, demonstrate to the universe God’s mercy, love, grace, and kindness as they undertake good works. Ephesians 2:1-10 Prior to regeneration,…
Jesus came to the earth three times: He came humbly as a baby, He came secretly at the Rapture and He came victoriously as King and Judge. Examine these three…
Do we choose to be Herod, cling to our power, and our glory, and our sin, and ourselves? Or do we willingly humble ourselves before Jesus and find that in…
Christians have a legal right to have their prayers answered because prayer is not just an activity. Believers have an authorized right for God to hear and respond to their…
Are there times when you feel a strong pull to say or do something to fit in or to be liked or to control someone’s perception of you? At some…
“All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing has come into being that has come into being.” “For by Him all things were created . .…
God may actually be shouting loudly, and it’s possible we’re just not listening. After running 90 miles away from Queen Jezebel because he had killed her 400 prophets of Baal,…
This is one of my favorite prayers, expressing the power and presence of God: The Prayer of Saint Patrick I arise today Through a mighty strength, the invocation of the…
Dear Roger, My friends and I recently bought a couple of lottery tickets. We don’t do it often, but the potential payout was over several million so we decided to…
Dr. Russell Moore explains that sharing the Gospel is not complicated. In fact, he can clearly summarize it in three words: “Can you explain the gospel in three words? Someone…
One night after I had gone to bed early, the phone rang, and when my son picked up he heard a woman weeping on the other end. She was crying…
One night after I had gone to bed early, the phone rang, and when my son picked up he heard a woman weeping on the other end. She was crying…
Has there been a person in your life you thought you knew, but you really didn’t? Could that person be Jesus? Stay with me as we explore this pivotal question!…
Dear Roger, Does God lead us into temptation? When I failed in it, really? Just trying to tell me I am weak;… break me. How do follow Him again when…
It’s kind of terrible how Ascension Day is almost completely ignored by lower-church Christians. We could say it’s because we don’t observe the liturgical calendar, but we do when it…
All the best stories have it. The right setting. The climactic action. The memorable characters. And the greatest story forever told is no exception. Steven Furtick surveys the panorama of…
The Festival of Lights For many people in the diaspora – both Jews celebrating Hanukkah and Gentiles observing this celebration – Hanukkah is all about dreidels and latkes. However, if…
Have you ever considered the significance of the appearing of Moses and Elijah on the Mount of Transfiguration and what it might mean for your life? It may be obvious…
Evidence does, indeed, show that Jesus lived. The question is, will you believe it? At this point we’re not even addressing the question of whether Jesus was God in human…
Dear Roger, How can we tell the difference between Christ and Antichrist? I have heard a lot of theories. What do you think? Sincerely, Kevin Dear Kevin, Who is Antichrist?…
Dear Roger, I have a problem and don’t know how to help myself. When I was about 6 or 7 years old, I was sexually molested. For a long…
Dear Roger, I really struggle with anger. It seems like I just can’t keep it under control. I know it’s not Christian to be angry, so what advice would…
New pastor or leader, how do you build trust between you and your staff and church members? Here’s a cautionary tale, and a little advice on HOW to be an…
We completely underestimate the power of Jesus. What often happens when you hear the name “Jesus”? Is He namby-pamby or the God of the Universe? Pastor Francis Chan takes a…
The tragic death of any celebrity offers every parent the opportunity to talk to your kids about drugs. Her death is on every television, magazine, and Web site in the…
For years I’ve been haunted by one of John Newton’s letters, which was later titled “Blemishes in Christian Character.” Newton was an 18th century Anglican minister who had once been a slave…
People skills are invaluable in leadership. Imagine how difficult it would be for a man to lead if he was timid and indecisive. Or consider the wreckage produced by a…
We learn much about deep faith when we examine the temptation of Christ. Deep faith begins when we stop trying to prove who we are and by what we do…
The Apostle Paul commended the Colossian believers for their faith, their love for the saints and their hope of heaven. Paul prayed for them to live a life worthy of…
“As you come to Him, the living Stone – rejected by men but chosen by God and precious to Him – you also, like living stones, are being built into…
Neil Anderson’s Freedom in Christ Ministry provides powerful, relevant resources for fighting spiritual battles. One of the chief battles every Christian faces is the struggle with fear. “Courage is…
The heart of God working in the heart of man doesn’t look the same on everyone when it happens. But whether in the quiet stirrings of our spirit or in…
Dear Roger, Why did so many people of the bible sit under trees or go into nature to hear God? I’m sure there is a connection..but is there a stronger…
Learn to make the hand-off. Try to do for the next generation of church leaders what the previous generation of church leaders has not done for you. We need to…
At The Global Leadership Summit, Patrick M. Lencioni discussed the the benefits of focusing on organizational health. Here are a few of his observations: Organization health is the single greatest competitive advantage…
Twitter has made me a better disciple of Christ. I don’t tweet about what I eat, or babble nonsense about my day, but I think twitter is a powerful tool…
Have you ever heard someone make this statement? “You’re putting God in a box!” I’ve watched it used in two ways. One is legitimate, the other is a deflection from…
The message of Jesus was hard. He demanded that His followers take up their cross, leave everything behind and follow Him. He didn’t cultivate the crowds, He weeded them out…
I’ve seen it done wrong. I’ve seen it done right. Firing a pastor is a traumatic thing. I’VE SEEN IT DONE WRONG. From seven to seventeen I grew…
I opened up the paper on Sunday morning and found it telling me that science may well show us that “dogs are people too” and should possibly be given the…
My identity is not in what I see. “My identity is not in my future accomplishments or my past failures.” “I do not live a life of fear or anxiety.”…
What are the implications of the resurrection for our lives? How will the Good News of Jesus impact the way you live?
One of the great dangers of faithfully observing Sabbath is legalism. What about pastors, nurses, doctors, police officers, and others who must work on Sundays? Jesus observed Sabbath but he…
Hell Gates were a real structure in Jerusalem, and every person in New Testament times knew what they were and how specific God’s protection and power is for our lives!!…
Why do women walk away from church? Most people assume that men are leaving church and the women remain to “hold up the pillars,” but George Barna’s statistics on female…
I believed, at the ripe old age of eight, that Thanksgiving was a wash-a “teaser” holiday that prevented Grandma from shopping for my etch-a-sketch. We got one measly day off…
Jesus describes His return in Matthew 24. Other passages in Thessalonians, Daniel’s prophecies and John’s vision in Revelation teach that Christ will come twice. He will come in secret for…
Jesus did not live a conventional life. He chided the religious leaders and ate with tax collectors and sinners. Christ came to do transplants, not cosmetic surgery. This is good…
Conscientious Christians need to think critically and biblically and tactfully about every issue facing our country. I think every political issue has spiritual overtones or undertones. I think we need…
The world was captivated by the rescue of the Chilean miners. There hasn’t been such a risky and yet encouraging story in the news media for a long time. Here…
Dear Roger, Some believe the Bible is the absolute word of God. Others believes that the Bible is God inspired. I believe in the latter. What is your feelings about…
Dear Roger, I have a problem and don’t know how to help myself. When I was about 6 or 7 years old, I was sexually molested. For a long time,…
The foundation of our faith completely rests on Jesus. Just as a building cannot stand without a cornerstone, you and I cannot truly understand who we are without giving our…
To reduce stress, you have to be intentional about changing your lifestyle. Here are some practical tips that will enrich and de-stress your daily life. Never borrow from the future.…
To continue with my theme from the last week’s series of blogs about the resurrection, there’s one more entry I’d like to post about what the resurrection does for us.…
The top ten health crises in the world are refusing aid. In Somalia, violence is worsening and healthcare has collapsed. Fighting in eastern DR Congo and north-west Pakistan has left…
The test of faith is to stand firm and follow in the footsteps of Christ, the author and finisher of our faith. Hebrews 11 gives us a litany of faithful…
Session Two describes Jesus’ preparation for ministry during the “silent years,” His early ministry and the Messianic secret. During these years, Christ’s mission and vision is crystallized.
We learn much about the compassion and sympathy of Christ in the story of the feeding of the five thousand. The account, recorded in all four gospels, demonstrates its importance…
JESUS THE TRUTH The culture in which we live would like to convince us that truth is purely subjective. If we are to distinguish between valid criticism and unjust accusation,…