Bible Study

The New Heaven

THE NEW HEAVEN Revelation 21-22 Revelation #22 Today we move from time into eternity—from the old creation to the new creation. We are going to talk about the new Heaven.…

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Praying God’s Word

For as long as I can remember, I have found such great comfort and “faith building” in the Scripture passage of Isaiah 55:8-11. When I came upon these verses in…

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30-Day Bible Reading

Revive Our Hearts Day 1: What You’ll Find Between the Covers We’re so glad you have taken the challenge to read the Bible daily for the next thirty days. It’s…

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21 Days of Prayer

This next month we begin an important conversation about our vision for the next mission season of connecting people to Jesus and one another at Southeast Christian Church. Where do…

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Whatever is Good

“Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything…

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3 Ways to Wait for Heaven

Focusing on our eternal inheritance is key to maintaining a proper perspective on Christ’s sufficiency, especially when you’re in the midst of difficult circumstances. That’s not always easy because we’re…

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Can We Learn in Heaven?

I heard a pastor say, “There will be no more learning in Heaven.” One writer says that in Heaven, “Activities such as investigation, comprehending and probing will never be necessary.…

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Psalm One: Intimacy with God

The godly person stays apart from worldly influences, reverences God supremely and feeds on His Word continually. He will weather any storms. from Cornerstone Church archives, Cornerstone Church, Simi Valley,…

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Where Did Cain Get His Wife?

Dear Roger, If Adam and Eve had only boys, how did their children reproduce to create the world’s people? Incest? Sincerely, Questioner in Casas’ “What’s Next Class” Dear Q, According…

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Be Ready

We have an opportunity to make every day count before Christ’s return. Living in the light of the urgency of our call and the hope of His rewards changes everything.…

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Bethlehem Star

What was the Star of Bethlehem and what did it signify? Nine points of the star’s meaning are revealed in Matthew 2. The light of God’s glory not only appeared…

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