But Lord, I Can’t…
I wondered if you too have ever said… But Lord, I CAN’T… Something I have learned through the years is the “I CAN’T…” mentality always has an inward focus, looking solely at…
I wondered if you too have ever said… But Lord, I CAN’T… Something I have learned through the years is the “I CAN’T…” mentality always has an inward focus, looking solely at…
We saw the storm coming. While it was still days away, the predictions chilled our spines and jolted our complacency. “It’s a monster!” “Disaster is not only at our doorstep,…
In 2015, The New York Times ran an article called “Googling for God.” In this article, author Seth Stephens-Davidowitz starts by saying, “It has been a bad decade for God, at…
Do you ever get tired of the spin? It even affects the language that we use. John Ortberg has noted how our language has changed a little bit over the…
The man without God says: “You and I control our own destiny. God expects us to make things happen. Faith may give you peace and the freedom to find meaning…
If we aren’t battling our sinful desires…they’ve won. Christianity will always have a bad reputation, unless we prove otherwise by our lives. It all comes down to how we live.…
This past Sunday you may have heard me make a possible puzzling statement… “Pure rationalism will lead to irrationalism.” What does that mean? Let me explain. Man’s reason and senses enable…
Dear Roger, I am worried that my daughter has joined a cult. She joined this church and it seemed like a good fit for her and then she changed. She…
We live in a time where parents feel they have to praise everything kids do; no matter what. Whether they make a good effort, a poor effort, a mediocre effort;…
Why do we call people without Christ “lost?” Dr. John MacArthur teaches us why the cross is foolishness to the unbeliever: “Unregenerate sinners are completely lost. Unaided and unilluminated, in his…
Government officials who are trained to detect counterfeit money, don’t study the counterfeits. They study the real bills, which they have come to know so well that when a counterfeit…
Look at your mental processes. For example consider the following: How many “could-have”, “would-have”, “should-have” statements have you made today? How many “if onlys” were part of your inner vocabulary…
Breath is crucial to our existence. When it is present, it comes with hope, opportunity, and potential. When that breath is the very breath of God, something even greater happens.…
Dear Roger, My girlfriend and I have been together for nine years. We both believe that marriage is within God’s will for us. However, whenever I raise the question of…
“…In this world, you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome this world.” John 16:33 NIV A sign beside the door of an Army Chaplain’s office stated: …
Dear Roger, What are your thoughts regarding the significance of government stymieing themselves in their ability to pass a bill to increase our country’s debt? Love, Julie Dear Julie, Democrats…
Jesus’ parable of Lazarus and Dives is a glimpse into the afterlife. We learn from Jesus that hell is real and that we can be certain of our eternal destination. Hell…
The battle for the mind of God’s servants is continual and intense. Five principles for guarding your thoughts are 1. Don’t believe everything you hear. 2. Guard your minds from…
Overflow with hope, the word overflow means to super-abound, to be filled to the brim, it would speak of a container that is filled where you can’t pick it up,…
A child’s Christmas is always magical-twinkling lights, reindeer hooves, sugar cookies and snowy skies. On Christmas Eve of my fifth year, I was decked to the max. I donned my…
Jesus asked this penetrating question to three seekers and His response forever transformed their lives.• A blind spiritual zero (the blind beggar) – became a blazing light of God’s power• …
How can declining birth rates impact the unique Christian view of the family? This is a pressing issue, because we need to get a handle on this complex phenomenon. In…
Adultery in our culture has become acceptable, even commonplace. The path to promiscuity is paved by a lot of prominent people. It is amazing what happens in this process. How…
Gideon is a man with a major inferiority complex, as we learn right away. We see early in the story that he considers himself a loser of all losers. He…
Self-examination is a lost spiritual art. This message will help you learn to discern and make sure you are “in the faith.” Preached at National Community Church. Please wait for…
Some time ago, a woman came to the microphone at a conference and told of how, 14 years earlier, her adult daughter had been stalked and then viciously murdered by…
Faith is a combination of belief and commitment. A belief is a thought that we think to be true. A commitment is an act of our will. In life there…
Faith is the secret ingredient to life that explains the extraordinary behaviors of ordinary people and the supernatural events that surround them.
Dear Roger, How were years determined in Noah’s days? Sincerely, Member of Casas’ Discovering Christianity Class Dear Member, You are obviously referring to the genealogies in the early part of…
Whose job is it to convict a lost world of its sin? It is the work of the Holy Spirit. Confrontational approaches to sharing our faith violate the relationships which…
Living by faith is the lifestyle guaranteed to please God. Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. God rewards our…