
Mad Men and God

This past Sunday you may have heard me make a possible puzzling statement… “Pure rationalism will lead to irrationalism.” What does that mean? Let me explain.  Man’s reason and senses enable…

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Christian Killers

Jude describes the earmarks of falling away: stubbornness, complaining, fault-finding, dishonesty, boasting and manipulating. The antidote for falling away is a repentant heart and uncompromising honesty with God, self and…

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Intelligent Faith

I have learned that my faith in Christ is an intelligent faith. It is based on the weight of the evidence. This brings my mind and my heart into harmony,…

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Where is God?

Why does the existence of God matter? Are evil acts, done in the name of God, the result of Jesus’ teaching? Why aren’t believers better advertisements for God and Christianity?…

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Conflicted Love

Apostates do not like God so they make up a god they can like. They are grumblers, fault-finders, boasters, flatterers and indulgers to evil desires. Many of us are so…

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