
Jude: A Call to Battle

Standing for God’s truth is a serious thing. Standing against it carries major repercussions. In this series, Skip Heitzig presents Jude’s call to get in the ring—a call that is…

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Forgiven and Forgiving

Some time ago, a woman came to the microphone at a conference and told of how, 14 years earlier, her adult daughter had been stalked and then viciously murdered by…

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Choose to Believe

Science itself points to a non-physical reality. Making something from something is talent. Making something from nothing is miraculous. God Himself broke into our natural world in the person of…

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Menus of Faiths

John Godfrey Saxe articulates a classic argument that all faiths are the same and that no one should make truth claims about God. He states that the true God is…

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Where is God?

Why does the existence of God matter? Are evil acts, done in the name of God, the result of Jesus’ teaching? Why aren’t believers better advertisements for God and Christianity?…

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Crushed for Comfort

Only by having a proper view of God can we comprehend the reason for suffering. Suffering allows us to comfort others, to learn our own insufficiencies and God’s sufficiency. When…

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