
Build a Bridge

Have you ever walked into a room and felt out of place; like there was a chasm standing between you and everyone else? Maybe it was the way you dressed,…

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How to Accept One Another

In our contentious times, battle lines are drawn based political philosophies, religious beliefs, ethnic backgrounds, financial status, age and sex. Answers to “what’s right” and “who’s best” dominate the topics…

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The Power of a Blessing

Remember: List 5-10 things you remember from childhood. Now, go back and scan your list. How many of those memories are negative in nature? Don’t be alarmed if most of the…

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Deal with Your Demons

How does Satan influence you? How do you defeat him? You can clearly ways to recognize demonic oppression in your life and find victory! I believe a Christian cannot be…

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You Are God’s Masterpiece

Paul teaches that we are God’s poema-His “masterpiece” designed to reflect His character on the earth. Grace is God’s means for our transformation. Preached at Bent Tree Bible Fellowship. YouTube link…

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Running to Win

No matter what age we are, the Bible tells us that there is still an incredible prize that awaits us. I can celebrate victory because I can celebrate Christ. 1…

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Does Physical Beauty Matter?

This message is one our culture preaches in earnest to girls and women, beginning in earliest childhood. It comes at us from virtually every angle: television, movies, music, magazines, books,…

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Enter Into Joy

Genesis 43 recounts the reunion of Joseph and his long-lost brothers. The moving story in this chapter paints a picture of brothers expressing fear, guilt, grief and pain. Emotions are a…

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Be Like Boaz

Boaz exemplified the generosity and condescension of Christ as he bestowed upon Ruth his undeserved favor. We should be grateful for grace and having received it, we give it.

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Troubles and problems come our way constantly. Can I pay my mortgage? Will my teenagers come out okay? Do I have enough money to make it to the end of…

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Believing the Best

Believing the best is a challenge. It is so easy to focus on what’s wrong with someone rather than on what’s right about them. It’s the natural human response. But…

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R U Pretending?

Living a life of integrity and honesty brings freedom to our lives and to our relationships with God and others. God accepts us just as we are, and those who…

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