Even Good People Are Without Excuse

GOD WILL USE SEVEN PRINCIPLES OF JUDGMENT AT THE GREAT WHITE THRONE. GOD WILL JUDGE: 1. With Truth (Romans 2:2) 2. According To His Kindness (Romans 2:4) 3. On The Basis Of Accumulated Guilt (Romans 2:5) 4. By How Well Our Deeds Compare To The Best Deeds Of Jesus (Romans 2:6-10) 5. Without Favoritism (Romans 2:11) 6. According To How Well We Live Up To The “Light” We Have Received (Romans 2:12-15) 7. According To Our Inner-Most Secrets (Romans 2:16) CHRIST INVITES US TO SETTLE OUR CASES OUT OF COURT (MATTHEW 5:26-27.)



Romans 2:1-16


●SLIDE: It began with Survivor. Then came American Idol, the Apprentice, America’s top model, America’s Biggest Losers, The American Inventor.

Contestants are evaluated and eliminated—only the smartest, strongest, skinniest survive.

I guess. Sometimes I don’t have the slightest idea what criteria the judges are using.

I watched Randy, Paula, and Simoncrucify Katherine McFee on American Idol last Tuesday night. You need to know that she is the best vocal by far. Beautiful. Doesn’t mean that America will give her the most votes. But she certainly did not need to be treated the way she was last Tuesday night on American Idol.

All Idols singing Andrea Bocelli songs. Katherine led off the program. Outstanding performance. Julie: “Best performance of the night. No one can top that.”

She turned to face the judges and get their opinions of her performance for the night before America would be turned loose to vote. Expectancy of great review on her face. She’d done a great job and she and everyone else in America knew it—except the three blind judges.

Randy: Awful, song way to big for you.

Look of despair and disbelief on her face.

Then Paula: “This should have been your moment and you ruined it.”

Then Simon: “That was like bad karaoke.”

Then, Ryan Seecrest, “You look beautiful. You will probably get some votes from people who had their volume turned off.”

Julie and I looked at each other: “What criteria are they using? Are they out to sabotage her? This so unfair!

I know why Kelly Pickler lasted so long. America voted for her looks and figure. It was about time for her to be voted off last Wednesday.

But Katherine?? The comments regarding here were a capricious mystery.

Have you considered that the Game Of Life is a Reality game which is in the process of being evaluated by Jesus Christ Himself?

●SLIDE: In Romans Two Paul lays out the criteria of evaluation for the game we call LIFE which we are all playing. Only it is not a game. It is for Keepers. There are no good excuses.

God’s evaluation criteria is never capricious. It is consistent, truthful and fairly applied.


OVERHEAD: Gospels, Acts, then Book of Romans is the foundation for the all of Christianity.

OVERHEAD: In Romans One Paul demonstrated that no one can be excused for ignoring and dismissing God. Both the internal witness of the conscience and the external witness of nature (Intelligent Designer) make it clear that God exists.

Any society that dismisses surrendering to the Person of Jesus Christ will soon find that He gives them over to promiscuous sex, rampant homosexuality and depraved minds.

In Romans Two Paul changes from the general plural in Romans One to the specific singular. No longer is Paul discussing “they” who are abandoned by God after they first dismissed Him.

He is now addressing the individual—especially those who thinks to himself, “I’m good enough for Heaven. I’m a lot better than most of the other folks I know.”

●SLIDE: In God’s eyes, there are no “good people”. We are all flawed.

READ ROMANS 2:1: You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge the other, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things.

What about the good people? Surely, God would not send the good people to Hell.

In God’s eyes, there are no “good people”. We are all flawed.

Lowell Johnson

Rapist at our house

I have learned a lot since those early days. We all have flaws—even the best of us have warts.

Sooner or later we discover the infinite difference between Jesus Christ and us.

OVERHEAD: Remember as a child with Dad on top of Braniff Building in Dallas. Looked down, said, “All the cars look like toys.” Dad said, “Look at the people.” “They all look so small.” “Can you tell the difference between a five foot tall man and a six foot tall man?” “No.” Few minutes later we were down on the sidewalk. “Now can you tell the difference between a tall man and a short man?” It was easy.

So it is on our human judgment. On the human plane we can see all sorts of variations in wealth, culture, education, character, goodness, and badness.

From God’s point of view all men are on the same level. All have sinned.

Many people feel that it may be close, but that they’ll make it to Heaven.

●SLIDE: Picture themselves before the Judgment Throne. Dictate code and procedure to God. Get upon bench and explain why they did what they did and that God will smile and wink and say, “Well, you really were pretty good, come on in.”

The Bible teaches that will never occur.

READ ROMANS 2:3: So when you, a mere man, pass judgment on them and yet do the same things, do you think you will escape God’s judgment?

“Do you think that you will escape” = “logidzomai” = “calculate” or “compute” –

Translation is very strong in Greek.

Roger paraphrase: “You dummy. Do you really figure that you have calculated some change that will let you go up against God and get away with it? You don’t have a ghost of a chance.”



Explain The Books of Works

Explain The Book of Life later.

In Romans Two Paul detailed the seven criteria that God will use at the Great White Throne.

●SLIDE: 1. God will judgE WITH TRUTH (Romans 2:2).

READ ROMANS 2:2: Now we know that God’s judgment against those who do such things is based on truth.

●SLIDE: James 1:23-25: God’s Word is a mirror. Look in mirror of Word of God and see ourselves as God sees us.

Very few people see themselves as God sees them—because they don’t read the Bible.

Many of us have a distorted image because we are in the habit of comparing with others.

Will come to Judgment Day and God will say, “Let’s judge you for what you really are.”

●SLIDE: 2. God will judgE ACCORDING TO HIS KINDNESS (Romans 2:4).

READ ROMANS 2:4: Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, tolerance and patience, not realizing that God’s kindness leads you toward repentance?

People say, “How can God allow a tyrant like Hitler or Stalin or Saddam Hussein? to murder millions of innocent people? Why doesn’t God judge these men?”

Question that we ought to ask is, “Why didn’t God shrivel my hand when I took a pencil and cheated on my income tax? Why didn’t he strike me dumb when I was gossiping on the phone this morning?”

It’s because of God’s kindness – To lead us to repentance.

Notice the trinity of grace! Three degrees of God’s kindness which will come to every man.

*God’s kindness – God provides for and protects and preserves even when we don’t deserve it.

*God’s tolerance – Greek word describes God lifting one hand with the thunderbolt of His wrath to strike against man. But then with the other hand He restrains Himself from giving to man what he certainly deserves.

*God’s patience – close synonym to the other two. Further describes God’s third level degree of holding back from bringing His wrath to men while they are on earth.

Stand before God at Judgment. “I did so many things for you while you were alive: sunsets, good job, healthy children, nice possessions, etc. Yet you never turned to me.”

God’s kindness to turn them to repentance – the longer they reject His kindness, the more inexcusable they will be when they stand at the Great White Throne Judgment.

●SLIDE: 3. God will judgE ON THE BASIS OF ACCUMULATED GUILT (Romans 2:5).

READ ROMANS 2:5: But because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of God’s wrath, when his righteous judgment will be revealed.

If grace and kindness of God have not led you to repentance, then every day, moment by moment, hour by hour, you are storing up drops of the terrible treasure of God’s wrath which will break forth at the Great White Throne.

Picture is most striking – picture of a man who unwittingly collects rattlesnake eggs and brings them to his bedroom where they will one day all hatch at the same time – and destroy him.

●SLIDE: 4. God will judgE WITH JUSTICE—NOT MERCY (Romans 2:6-10).

READ ROMANS 2:6: God will give to each person according to what he has done.

No one in his right mind wants to be judged on works! I want mercy—and you do, too.

Richard III went out to reconnoiter at twilight. Found a sentinel fast asleep at the outpost. The King promptly stabbed him in the heart. He left a note with a stern inscription upon his chest:

“I found him asleep and I left him so.”

That’s what it’s like to be judged according to works. I don’t want justice. I want mercy!

Standing before God now is the man who says, “Look, God, I’ve lived a good life. Take my good works and put them over against my bad deeds and certainly the good will outweigh the bad.”

But the problem is that he thought that his good deeds will be weighed against his bad deeds.

That will not be the case.

Word for “works” or “deeds” – “what he has done” – basically means, “good deeds.”

God is so gracious. He’ll leave out the bad deeds. Just take the good deeds and God will compare them with the works and life of Jesus. Heals lame, blind, deaf; take on sins; die for the world.

I certainly do not want to go through that Judgment.

●SLIDE: 5. God will judgE WITHOUT FAVORITISM (Romans 2:11).

READ ROMANS 2:11: For God does not show favoritism.

God doesn’t play favorites. No matter how much God likes someone; no matter how much we like God or we think God likes us, God will not play favorites.


READ ROMANS 2:12: All who sin apart from the law will also perish apart from the law, and all who sin under the law will be judged by the law.

OVERHEAD: Two types of people: Those who have heard the Gospel and those who have not.

Those who have heard the gospel—good news— will be judged on whether or not be lived up to what he knew—did he receive Christ or not?

What about man who has never heard of Jesus or of the Bible? He’ll be judged according to how well he lives up to what he knows—how much Light he has received.

READ ROMANS 2:14-15: (Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law, 15 since they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even defending them.)

The key is – are we living up to the amount of light we have received?

READ ROMANS 2:13: For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God’s sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous.

Let’s say I’m daydreaming as I drive through the school zone. Let’s say that I’m doing 55 mph in a 15 mph zone. Go to court and judge pulls out citation. “Were you actually doing 55 in a 15 mile zone?” “Well, you see…” “Yes or no?” “Well, yes.” “I find you guilty. I fine you $500 for going 55 in a 15 mph zone.”

I say, “Just a minute, judge. I know that it was a 15 mph zone. I know that!”

Judge replies, “I’m not fining you for what you know. I’m fining you for not living up to what you know.”

Here is the question for global outreach. How can God judge him for never hearing about Christ.

He will be judged according to how well he lived up to the light he has received. Don’t get too excited!

Not one person at this judgment will pass the test! No one lives up to the amount of light they have received. All fall short.

●SLIDE: 7. God will judgE ACCORDING TO OUR INNER-MOST SECRETS (Romans 2:16).

READ ROMANS 2:16: This will take place on the day when God will judge men’s secrets through Jesus Christ, as my gospel declares.

God will open the closet doors. What have you hidden away?

Skeletons will come out of closets then. Deeds long buried in the depths of memory will be brought up. Unsolved crimes will find their solutions. These are the secrets of men.

Woman came to see her pastor – 60 years old – pillar in Christian community.

“Must make confession to you. 38 years ago I murdered a man.” Pastor shocked.

She related details. At 22 she lived in a boarding house. Man who lived on her floor had sexually abused her. One night he came to his room drunk and fell on his bed in a stupor. She entered his room and turned on the gas in a small heater without lighting it. Pulled rug close to the door and closed it.

Went to her room and lay sleepless through the night until the alarm was given. Someone knocked at her door and told her that her fellow boarder had committed suicide. That was all there was to it. She was never detected.

But God knows the secrets of man.

You don’t want to face this Judgment.

SLIDE: Christ invites us to settle our cases out of court.

READ MATTHEW 5:26-27: “Settle matters quickly with your adversary who is taking you to court. Do it while you are still with him on the way, or he may hand you over to the judge, and the judge may hand you over to the officer, and you may be thrown into prison. 26 I tell you the truth, you will not get out until you have paid the last penny.

Christ died on the cross to offer us a chance to settle the issue of our sin before Judgment Day.

If we die without Christ our cases will come to trial and God has enough evidence to condemn every one of us to Hell—and He will.

There is mercy now—settle out of court. But the days of mercy are not without end. When we die, our choice is sealed for eternity.

Explain: Book of Life – those who settle out of court.

What might coming to God through Christ look like?

David’s confession in Psalm 51after he had been reminded and convicted of his sin by Nathan the prophet. He had committed adultery with Bathsheba; murdered Uriah; lied about everything. When he recognized his guilt he prayed:

READ PSALM 51:1-3: Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions. 2 Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin.

I want you to see verse 4. David said, “I don’t want to mince words. I don’t want to leave anybody with the wrong impression.”

READ PSALM 51:4: Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight, so that you are proved right when you speak and justified when you judge.

“I want it distinctly understood that you have every right to judge me. I’m not laying blame on Bathsheba because she left the curtain open. Not blaming circumstances. Not blaming her husband Uriah for not being a better husband.

“I’m saying that I have sinned before you, O God. It’s all my fault.”

All right, let’s settle this out of court.

●SLIDE: “No condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus” – Romans 8:1.

Serious business: Water moccasin story at Grapevine Lake: “Get out and get out now.”


“Get out and get out now.”

Criteria: Obey or not? Bite or not?

Not Randy or Paula or Simon talking to you. This is God through His Word: Settle out of court.

Psalm 51:7 and 10: Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. … Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

Bow heads: Listen carefully—some of you engaged with—frightened, not want to face judgment. Plead with you to settle your case out of court. His arms are open in invitation. Do it at your seat—then come to hospitality room after service is dismissed.

Christians: Burden for friends and neighbors—not just an intellectual exercise. Friends will face this: Bring them here to come and see.

SONG: There is a fountain filled with blood.

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