Does Your “Inner Circle” See Jesus in You?

“When Jesus was preparing to return to his father, he commissioned his friends to go—to astronomically expand the impact of their lives.  He called them to action in Acts 1:8;  to a mission that spanned the globe. “You shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria and to the ends of the earth.”

Our mission is the same today, though our individual areas of impact vary.  So I invite you to ponder your place in the mission:  Where is your Jerusalem? Your Judea? Your Samaria?  Are we reaching “the ends of the earth?”  Are we being witnesses of Jesus in our towns, our nations, and our world?

The world is waiting for the witness and presence of God’s people.  Billions of people live below the poverty line, millions of children go hungry around the globe, and preventable disease claims thousands of lives daily.  But we each have the opportunity to make a difference.  What would happen if we seized the moment?

Taken from Used by permission.

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