How to Teach Your Child About Sex Podcast

Marilyn Morris, founder and president of Aim For Success, Inc. and author of Teens, Sex and Choices and ABCs of the Birds and Bees for Parents of Toddler to Teens has been sharing the message of sexual abstinence for 23 years. She has been featured on the Discovery Channel, the Jane Pauley Show, National Public Radio (NPR – “All Things Considered”) and in Rolling Stone magazine. She has also received recognition from Dr. Laura, Focus on the Family and President George W. Bush.

Aim For Success is America’s largest provider of abstinence programs. They present about 2,000 programs a year to 6th to 12th graders across the America. Marilyn started Aim For Success in 1993 and since that time, she and her professional speaking staff have reached over 1.5 million teens, educators and parents with the abstinence until marriage message.

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