You Have a Choice

I always love how the Holy Spirit gently nudges when He has something to share… Upon returning home from the magnificent Southern Rocky Mountains, there was something that resonated deep within my spirit… something I pondered and settled deep within my heart, and stood firm in… and I wanted to share what I learned with you…

You Have A Choice.

The beauty of being a Kingdom person,  is you have been given the Freedom of Choice.When you chose to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, your life forever changed… and changed for the good! Youwere given the Holy Spirit (Who resides on the inside of you) to be your Comforter, yourStrengthener, your Intercessor, your Helper… the One who comes alongside you to help. He also empowers you to be a witness… to share the Gospel message boldly and fearlessly, and helps aid in your sanctification process… the things you use to do, you no longer desire to do. He helps bring these things to your attention, and leads you into righteousness.

Upon your salvation, you were also given the precious and powerful Word of God (The Sword of the Spirit) as a Divine Guide to help you navigate successfully through life with righteousness, clarity, peace, abundance, fruitfulness, direction and knowledge. The Word of God is living and active and full of power making it operative, energizing, and effective. It is your Life Manual, that is ready and made available for you to read daily and apply… so that you can flourish in this life.

You Have A Choice.

In life, there will always be “opportunities” for you to step out of peace, but you must purpose in your heart each and every day that nothing is going to take your joy nor your peace. For the joy of the Lord is your strength, and we as Kingdom Ladies are to seek peace and pursue it.

Something I have learned through the years… we cannot control everything that is happening around us… what others might say or do, or how others may behave, or what may come our way whether it be expected or unexpected, but what we can control is our response to it.

You Have A Choice.

When in the mountains, I predetermined in my heart to choose (with the Holy Spirit’s help) to remain in peace and rest. I knew this time away was divinely designed as a time or refreshing, renewal and restoration. A time away from everyday responsibilities… a time of unplugging from the phone and all it’s apps. I chose to remain in peace, enjoy the beauty of His creation and just downright enjoy my time in the mountains, and I thoroughly did! I Made the Choice.

You Have a Choice. 

Life will bring you to a place of decision. A place where you have to choose your response… choosing peace over worry… faith over fear… forgiveness over unforgiveness… letting it go over rehashing it over and over… enjoying the moment over squandering it away… knee jerk reacting over just being still and allowing God to work it out in His time and in His way.

You (under the yielding of the Holy Spirit, and obedience to God’s Word) can change how you respond to anything. You can renew your mind by the Word of God. And Honey let me sweetly remind you again… you have been given the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. You have been well equipped to navigate through anything, and come out victorious while holding your peace… and perhaps your tongue. 😉

Daily, and in every situation, You Get to Choose…

…life instead of death in the words you speak about yourself and others (Prov. 18:21) …building up your household instead of tearing it down (Prov. 14:1)… walking as the “NEW” creation He designed you to be through salvation (2 Cor. 5:17)… to be happy or not, to be at peace or not, to walk in joy or not, to enjoy the moment or not… the Choice is Yours.

You Have A Choice.

I love you and pray you have a blessed week. When opportunity arises for you to step out of peace or out of joy, remember You Get to Choose. You Have A Choice. I choose peace. I choose joy. For the kingdom of God is righteousness, PEACE and JOY in the Holy Spirit! (Rom. 14:17)

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