You Are His Beautiful Masterpiece!

Today I wanted to share with you a foundational truth that every person needs to hear and be settled in. In a world that glorifies “self”… “selfies”… portraying allusions through photoshops, editing apps anyone can portray anything. You truly do not know what you are actually seeing. Is it reality? Is it the truth?

The world glorifies so many things… especially the “perfect”… the perfect age, the perfect figure, the perfect hair, the perfect spouse, the perfect family, the perfect career, the perfect house… and all of these “perfects” are displayed on social media platforms for the world to see and like.

If we are not careful, we can fall into the downward spiral of comparison, which is not healthy and can lead to the fast track of disillusionment, discouragement, despair and discontentment. And then we begin seeing our lives with a critical eye, focusing only on the perceived negatives which often leads to complaining and dissatisfaction. And Honey, you don’t want to travel down this dark path, it only leads to a scary land called Destruction! So, let’s avoid this dark destination if we can.

So, today I want to glorify God’s Truth over all lies of the enemy that can try to come and steal your peace and self worth. The foundational Truth every Kingdom Lady needs to hear is “YOU ARE FEARFULLY & WONDERFULLY MADE!”

Promise to Stand On, Pray and Declare:

Psalm 139:13-16 says, “For You formed my inward parts;

You covered me in my mother’s womb.

I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;

Marvelous are Your works,

And that my soul knows very well.

My frame was not hidden from You,

When I was made in secret,

And skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.

Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed.

And in Your book they all were written,

The days fashioned for me,

When as yet there were none of them.”

youWhen you were in your mother’s womb, He covered you. He knew you. He designed you. Every cell of your body. Every organ. Perfectly placed and functioning. He gave you all your “uniquely you” features… your hair, your eye shape and color, your smile your height, your personality, your laugh, your DNA, your fingerprint. EVERYTHING about you is unique. You are a One-Of-A-Kind Divine Design from the Creator Himself. You are His Masterpiece, a priceless work of art. So, why would you ever diminish His perfect creation? Why would you ever compare yourself to someone else? Why would you ever feel insecure or jealous of another Kingdom Person? You are truly something beautiful to behold! You don’t hide a Masterpiece, you put it on display for others to enjoy. Life comes and it goes. We will never get back yesterday. But today we can enjoy who we are, at the age that we are, and who He has created us to be. We can be free to be all that He has designed us to be. He fashioned our days ahead of us. We have a destiny STILL to fulfill. We Are Not Too Old, and It’s Not Too Late!

There will NEVER be another you! Leave your unique imprint on this world. Maybe you do not have many in your life who verbally celebrate who you are… Maybe you have not received a compliment in a long time… Maybe you are believing that you are past your prime, it’s time to give up and give in. HONEY YOU MUST STOP BELIEVING THE LIE! You are fearfully & wonderfully made. True perfection! And I think you are AMAZING!

So, no matter if you are in your fabulous 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s or beyond you are beautiful because He created you! So go put on some mascara, maybe even a red lip and enjoy being the godly woman He designed you to be! A Masterpiece displaying His glory!

You are greatly loved and adored. Pray the above “Truth” and meditate on it, and allow His Words of Promise to renew your mind. The best is yet to come for you Beautiful One! Don’t ever believe the lie of the enemy, only believe the Truth of God’s Word!

You are His Beautiful Masterpiece!

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