We Must Believe!

There was a man, many years ago, who was intimately acquainted with Jesus. He and his two sisters were greatly loved by the Lord and fellowshipped with Him often. This man became sick and his sisters sent to Jesus a message letting him know. Jesus upon hearing this news declared the sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified through it.

After two days had passed, Jesus and His disciples went to where the sick man was, but the man had already died and had been buried in his tomb for four days. Being met by both sisters and seeing the doubt and hurt they were experiencing due to the loss of their beloved brother, Jesus showed deep feeling and wept for He was moved by great compassion because He greatly loved them.

Then Jesus went to His friend’s tomb and spoke these four powerful words…

“Take Away The Stone.” 

Can you imagine God Himself, the glorious Second Person of the Trinity, speaking to this seemingly impossible situation that mankind has deemed FINAL, from a place of ALL Authority and Power, “Take Away The Stone”… Remove any hindrance… Make way for My Power and Glory to be displayed… It must have been a surreal moment in time, for the Creator was about to speak to His creation and a miracle was about to come forth… There must have been such anticipation in the air, and a sense of wonder and excitement… Because Jesus was now on the scene.

But Martha, who was overwhelmed with sorrow and despair, could not see what Jesus showed up to do… defy the laws of man… and perform a miracle. She was so greatly saddened that all she could focus on was the fact that her brother was dead and Jesus was seemingly late. She was focusing on the facts, the reality, not on the One Who is the Life Giver…

But Did She Fully Understand Who Was In Her Midst?

Jesus turns to Martha, in perfect love and in truth, and says to her, “Did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God?”

Precious One, can you grasp the weight of this statement? Jesus was not denying the fact that his friend was dead, he was defying the verdict. Oh how simple this is… if we will believe Jesus’ Words we will see the glory of God in any situation that looks dead… lifeless… hopeless.

Jesus then prays to the Father and He cried with a loud voice for all to hear, “Lazarus, Come Forth!” And he who had died came out bound hand and foot with grave cloths, and his face was wrapped with a cloth. And Jesus said to them, “Loose Him, and Let Him Go!”

I am so moved by this story. In the midst of death, Jesus brought His Resurrection Life. As a daughter of the Most High, You Are No Longer In The Grave! You Have Been Resurrected to a NEW LIFE in Christ! He has called Your Name… Calling you out of spiritual death into a New Life in Him! And He Has Freed You From Anything That Tries to Keep You Bound! And there is no greater joy than walking in His Resurrection Life. There is no greater power than His Resurrection Power.

As you read John 11:1-45, my prayer is that you will believe that He is Who He says He is, and He will do what He says He will do. No matter what you may be facing, no matter if it looks lifeless, He can resurrect anything for He is the Resurrection Life…


I pray this week that you draw closer to Him through intimate times of fellowship in prayer and through the Word, asking Him to help you with any unbelief. Jesus is never late, He is always on perfect time… for He is the Creator of time. No matter if your situation has been deemed by man as “Final” there is One who defies man’s limitations and labels. He is the Miracle Worker, and He knows your name.



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