The Way Home

Bob sat on a bench across from the courthouse deep in his thoughts.  He was there to find his father.  He had never met him, but he had heard many wonderful things about him. He longed to know his father. As he wondered how he could find him, a man came up to him and asked if he were lost.  Bob responded with his story.  After listening intently, the man said, “I know how to get to your father’s place.”  He proceeded to give him instructions. You go left on A street and then take a right on B. Just after you pass the third gas station, take another right on an unnamed street. Pass J&R’s, veer to the left on C street, and your father’s house is the third house after the one with the big rock in the backyard.


Glad to have some directions, he set out to find his father.  However, after following the directions as closely as he could, he found himself even more lost than he was before.  Just as he was about to give up, an old man came along who understood his plight.  He told Bob to follow him, and he would show him the way.  With newfound energy, Bob set out to follow the old man.  Alas, the old man didn’t know the way either.

Bob was now broken and with tears streaming down his face, he sat on the grass next to the road. A car stopped in front of him, and the door opened. A voice that was somehow familiar called out to him, “Get in, I will take you to our father’s house.”  Bob got in, and moments later they pulled up to their father’s house.  “I’m glad you knew the way,” said Bob. The driver replied, “I not only know the way, but I am the way, the only way to get to our father’s house. Welcome home.”

John 14:6

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Jesus died for our sins about 2000 years ago.   Through His mercy, He opens the door to us. Then, by His grace he bids us to come in.  Finally, he gives us the faith needed to get in. All we need do is act on the faith He has given us.

This Easter, find a Church that will share the plan that Jesus has for your life. Go there, listen, and respond to Jesus’s love for you.

John 3:16

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life!

There are lots of people who will tell you the way to know our creator.  The laws, rules, traditions, and customs that they profess have no eternal value and often lead to frustrations.  Many people on this planet that tell you to follow them, don’t know where they are going either.  The planet is full of dead bodies, minds and souls of people who have followed them.

Then there is Jesus.  Jesus walked this planet over 2000 years ago, a fact which no credible source doubts. The men who walked with him told of miracles that only one sent from God could have done.  There were hundreds of people who saw Him die on a cross, buried in a tomb and then rise from the dead. The men who walked with Jesus gave their lives professing Him as Messiah, Savior, and God.  This single life of Jesus has done more to influence the world in the last 2000 plus years than any other life before and since. He is the only way!


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