The Conviction of Being and Overcomer

He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, to him I will give some of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, and a new name written on the stone which no one knows but he who receives it. – Revelation 2:17

The next church we are going to look at this week is the church at Pergamum. By the time Jesus gets to this church, He has some very graphic things to say. He states that Pergamum is located smack dab in the center of Satan’s throne room itself (Revelation 2:13). It is within this dire predicament, Jesus has a message about overcoming through determination not compromise. He gives a message about how to live above the culture, chaos, and quagmire around you. Jesus says the key to experiencing eternal victory in the midst of earthly experience that is not ideal comes in one word; Conviction. He says if the people of the church at Pergamum, as well as, us through the reading of Scripture want to overcome, then we must be an uncompromising Christian.

We cannot compromise. This is because compromise is the antithesis of conviction; they cannot exist together. We cannot compromise. This is because compromise is the antithesis of conviction; they cannot exist together.

1. Read Revelation 2:12-17. Describe the cultural surroundings that the members of the church of Pergamum must have lived in. Contrast that with the culture we live in today.

2. Why do you think Antipas lost his life (verse 13)?

Are we at the point in our culture where loss of life for being a Christian can be expected?

3. Jesus is calling the church to repent and become people of conviction. Name some convictions that have become compromised in our Christian culture today and how we could return to living in light of their full conviction.

Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship.


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