The Authenticity of the Overcomer

For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake, he is the one who will save it. – Luke 9:24

We are now coming to our final church – the Church of Laodicea. Laodicea can best be described as an inauthentic church. It was comprised of people who were in it for themselves. The wealth in this community flowed, clothing was made and hospitals thrived with the latest techniques and advances in medicine, but true spirituality languished in the background of so-called more important material pursuits. This church wore a façade of what it meant to be a Christian authentically committed to Jesus Christ. They had the right externals-looked good, spoke well and raised their hands in worship, but they had the wrong internal motivation, conviction and authenticity. This neither hot nor cold church didn’t make our Savior shrug His shoulders or turn His head in disappointment. The church of Laodicea made Him want to “spew” them right out of His mouth.

Laodecia looked good, spoke well and raised their hands in worship, but they had the wrong internal motivation, conviction and authenticity.

1. Read Revelation 3:14-22 What stands out to you as some of the worst things this church was doing?

2. Was there time for the church of Laodicea to repent? What would happen as a result of them repenting?

3. According to Revelation 3:18, what three things were these church members encouraged to do. What do you think these three things represent spiritually?

4. Based on Revelation 3:19, what does God do to those whom He loves? How have you experienced God’s chastening in your life?

Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship.


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