Pray God’s Way

You can KNOW what to pray. Jesus knew what was in the heart of every man and woman and it was not always what he or she thought they needed. He always saw to the deeper issue. We can, too. Here are four examples from Jesus’ ministry.

A cast-off, rag-tag Samaritan woman plods toward the water well in the scorching sun. She finds a thirsty Rabbi, and asks Him about religion. He doesn’t answer her question about where to go to church. Instead, Jesus deals with the stigma and pain of her rejection and broken relationships with men. (John 4:1-26)

A rich young ruler desired Jesus’ approval for his self-righteous observance of the Law. Christ told him his root issue was insecurity over his finances and fear of the future. Could he step out on faith? (Matthew 19:16)

Martha, the Bethany cook who made a mean falafel, requested Jesus release Mary to assume her dishwashing duties. The Savior prayed for Martha’s people-pleasing, frantic life to be replaced with peace and worship. (Luke 10:40

A dirty, contorted, paralyzed man lowered from the thatched roof by his buddies wanted one thing: to be able to walk. Jesus was known as a healer. But for this man, his root issue was a need for forgiveness. I’ve often wondered if the man harbored so much secret sin in his life that living a double life caused a debilitating stroke. Conjecture, maybe. But Christ’s answer was clear. (Matthew 9:2

We can see inside the human heart with the revelation of the Holy Spirit. Here are a few suggestions in discovering to how to listen to the Holy Spirit’s promptings in prayer

First of all, when the crisis arises, stop. Just stop. Visualize the Omnipotent glorious God of the Universe enthroned in rainbows. See Jesus interceding for your suffering loved one. Worship and pray down from heaven and not up from earth.

Secondly, activate your Holy Spirit radar. If you want to see God you have to deal with un-confessed sin and un-mourned hurts. My husband squeezed a passle of eleven-year-old Sunday school girls into his Ford one Friday night and headed for the roller rink. The hot-air from their giggles fogged the windshield. Roger could barely see where he was going. A country cop pulled him over and gave him a ticket for missing a stop sign clearly posted nearby.

“Clean off your windshield, Son,” the policeman chided.

“And, by the way, you are over the passenger limit,” he added.

“And it might help if you turned your car lights on, seeing it’s night and all…”

Roger gulped and shushed his little charges.

“Now Sonny, I could throw you in jail for the night, but if you promise to clean your windshield and turn on your lights, I’ll let you take these little gals home.”

“Yes, sir, Officer,” Roger replied sheepishly. So he did.

Hearing God speak requires that we keep our lives free from unconfessed sin and unbelief. When you receive an impression from God, step out in faith and pray confidently. Let your blood bleed “Bibline.” Know the Bible so well that God can reveal His heart to you before you ever get the distress call. I have also found that my Heavenly Father hones my prayers when a pray with a group of mature believers.

Don’t let the distress calls panic you. Practice listening, ask wisely and your Heavenly Hero will do the rest.

Be encouraged. Even if words don’t come easily, you have this promise

“ Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.” Romans 8:26.  ESV

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