O Holy Night

Fall on your knees, O hear the angel voices! O night divine, O night when Christ was born!

He is a light to reveal GOD to the nations, and he is the Glory of your people Israel! Luke 2:32 NLT

In the midst of so much imperfection, the night Christ was born can be considered one of the most perfect nights ever in the history of mankind. God used imperfect circumstances and an imperfect location in the form of a humble manager to bring His perfect and holy Son into the world. God could have easily made Jesus’ birth triumphant, but He chose not to. It is through all that imperfection that made this night so holy and so perfect.

The way God brought His son into the world is much the same way He works within our lives. Oftentimes God takes the imperfections in our lives and uses them to perfect us. God loves to take the physical and emotional scars and use those to grow us into stronger people. He also desires us to take what we learned from our imperfections and help others who may be struggling with the same things.

Just as Jesus was a light to reveal God to all the nations, we can be that same light as well. Don’t let your imperfections hold you back. Instead, allow God to use them to shape you into the person He designed you to be, which is a light in a dark world. Give God your weaknesses so that He can turn them into your greatest strengths.

What weaknesses do you need to give God so that He can perfect you?
In what ways do you see yourself as being a light to reveal God’s truth to others?

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