Idolatry: Pleasure


Our God is a God of pleasure. He wants us to have fun and participate in entertaining activities that lighten our moods, help us laugh, and encourage us to spend time with our family and friends. Because of our relationship with Christ, which positions us under the authority of God, our entertainment should meet God’s standards.

In the book of Ecclesiastes, Solomon explains his thoughts on pleasure. To his demise, Solomon made pleasure an idol from which he refused to deny himself. Pleasure becomes an idol when we seek to enjoy something in God’s creation without the participation of the Creator. From his numerous marriages and concubines to following other gods and eventually establishing worship sites for those gods, Solomon did what the Lord considered evil.

One of the biggest condemnations in scripture is that in the last days, men will be lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God (2 Tim 3:4). Remember, God is not saying that we can’t have fun, but our fun needs to submit to His will.

As Christians, we sometimes make allowances related to entertainment and pleasure that don’t align with God’s Word. We often justify and make excuses for what we want to indulge in rather than change our thinking. As he did in the Garden of Eden, Satan attempts to infiltrate our minds, make us indifferent to God’s Word, and separate us further from our heavenly Father. As we see with Adam and Eve, the enemy will always tell us about the fun but withhold information about the consequences of our behavior.



  1. Review your weekly calendar. How much time each week do you spend participating in activities for entertainment? How much time do you spend studying the word of God?
  2. If you are committed to putting God first in your life, what changes can make in your daily schedule to spend more time with Him?


  1. In his sermon, Pastor Evans mentioned that something that may be sinful for one person is not sinful for another. Think of an idol in your life that brings you pleasure. Can you see how it is an idol for you but not for someone else? Why do you think this is the case?
  2. Share the idol you mentioned in the question above with an accountability partner. Describe to them when and how this one pleasurable act became an idol in your life.


Meditate this week on the following verses: Philippians 3:19 and Psalm 16.


“Then I became great and increased more than all who preceded me in Jerusalem. My wisdom also stood by me.”

Ecclesiastes 2:9


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