Grateful and Faithful

“And Hannah prayed and said, ‘My heart exults in the Lord; my horn is exalted in the Lord.” 1 Samuel 2:1


Gratitude is a rare gift. It’s amazing how difficult it can be to inculcate gratitude in children. It’s amazing how often we respond to a blessing by checking it off our list and moving on. How often am I like the nine leprous men in Luke 17, praying and pleading for healing, but once God answers my prayers, I move along as though I was owed the healing?

But not so with Hannah. Hannah longed for a child, she prayed earnestly for a child, and then God miraculously provided a child for her. She promised that she would give the child into God’s service and she follows through. She doesn’t hedge, she doesn’t drag her feet, but follows through with her promise as soon as her son is weaned (and therefore able to live without her).

Can you imagine how emotional you would be to hand your only son over? I would certainly hesitate and likely break my promise, but even if I were obedient, I would be an emotional and spiritual wreck. Forgetting God’s goodness, I would be tempted to cry out against him. But Hannah’s heart is so in line with God’s that she responds with grateful praise. Even as she hands Samuel over to Eli, her heart overflows with joy.

What goodness of God has gone un-thanked in your heart today? Where have you missed God’s faithfulness? His kindness?

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