Enter Into the Sufferings of Jesus

Look at Jesus Christ. He despised it, ignored it, endured it to save you and me.


Luke 4:28-30: He came to his hometown – They kicked him out.


Jesus was brought before the Priests, Annas and Caiaphas – the charge? Blasphemy (Mark 14:56-64)

Remember that He said, “My job is to do the will of Him who sent Me!” He was charged with taking God’s name in vain—claiming to be God—but He was God!

To charge some else with blaspheming God and would startle no one. Some have done it.

But to charge one who loved like Jesus Christ loved, obeyed as He obeyed, to charge Him with blasphemy – must have caused him peculiar suffering.


They brought Him before Pilate. “Are you a King?” Pilate asked, incredulous. “Are you a king?” Here stands the King of all creation. He humbled Himself.

“As a lamb before his shearers is dumb, so He opened not his mouth.”

So what do they do to the King? Did they bring Him robes and bow down to worship the King of Kings? No. They placed a crown of thorns on Him and spit on Him and mock Him.


The soldiers took Him before Herod. They stripped Him and blindfolded Him. They began to poke the Son of God with sticks. “Prophesy, Jesus, who struck you?”

“Do us some tricks to prove that you are God,” mocks Herod, “and we’ll let you go free.”


Never before do we read in the annals of execution that anyone mocks the prayers of a dying man. We read of villains about to die ask, “Give me a minute or two to pray.” They usually say, “Well, of course.”

Look at Jesus. Every His prayer is an object of jest. “Eloi, Eloi, Lama Sabacthani… My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken me?” They make a pun. “He calls for Elijah! Let’s see if Elijah will come and rescue Him!”

Men have devised many horrible ways to die over the years… the guillotine, gas chamber, electric chair, torture, poisoning, hanging… but, I suppose nothing is more shameful than the cross.

Take time today to meditate on Jesus today. Thank Him and meditate on His wounds. They were for you!

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