Encountering God’s Power

God allows His children to face a dilemma in order to reveal the greatness of His power. What appears to be a no-win situation is actually a situation in which God can be glorified in the lives of those who love and obey Him. In Exodus 14, the Israelites found themselves in a precarious position. After fleeing Egypt and escaping the hard rule of Pharaoh, God’s people were stuck between the Red Sea and the Egyptian army that was now in hot pursuit. They found themselves in a no-win situation. Even though they had been obedient to God, they still faced peril in either direction.

God uses dilemmas, like this one, to position His people to see His supernatural power. The Israelites were in God’s will despite the dilemma they faced. God had answered their prayers and Pharaoh released them. They had been obedient and left Egypt. The Israelite nation thought they were finally free yet they still faced a “catch-22.”

But in Exodus 14:13-16, we see that in the midst of a desperate and stressful situation, the people of God cried out to the Lord for deliverance. Their dilemma made them dependent on God because they didn’t have a solution to the problem at hand. God answered their cries for supernatural intervention and split the Red Sea. The Israelites were able to walk across dry land. They prayed to God then acted in concert with Him. When we face hard circumstances, we should cry out to God and then be wiling to do what He says, even if we don’t know what the outcome is going to be.

At the end of Exodus 14, the Bible tells us that the Israelites finally believed God. God allows both dilemmas and our deliverance in order to demonstrate His power. He delivers us from difficulties that he has allowed in order to grow our faith. His purpose is always to display His glory and power in the midst of our problems.



  1. It’s always interesting how much we can glean from the Bible – even from the stories we’ve heard over and over again. What new fact or thought did you learn after hearing from today’s sermon?
  2. The Israelites asked God to deliver them from the hand of Pharaoh. Their dilemma was a part of their deliverance. Are there any areas in your life that you have had the need to cry out for God’s deliverance?


  1. Have you ever been stuck in a “catch 22,” where if you turn to the right you find trouble and if you turn to the left you find trouble? What dilemma has God allowed you to experience past or present?
  2. Have you been able to experience God’s supernatural deliverance? Share some of your story. Your testimony will encourage other members of your group.
  3. How will this message help you in facing future dilemmas? What key points from today’s sermon are most important for you to remember, take to heart, and internalize?


  1. Think about problems that you might be facing. Even if you are still waiting on ultimate deliverance, how has or is God demonstrating His power in your life?
  2. Want to go deeper? Take time to look at the follow passages: Eph 6:10-182 Cor 1:9-114:7; and Heb 11:629


But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the surpassing greatness of the power will be of God and not from ourselves;”
– 2 Corinthians 4:7

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