A Shepherd’s Journey: Roger and Julie Barrier
An hour of meditative psalms narrated by Roger Barrier and accompanied by Julie Barrier on piano.
An hour of meditative psalms narrated by Roger Barrier and accompanied by Julie Barrier on piano.
Drs. Chet Weld and Roger Barrier discuss how to avoid destructive alliances that will destroy unity. A conflict intensity scale is described, and ways to deflect conflict are discussed.
Discontentment. Is it something you brought on yourself, or is it something which God has brought into your life? Maybe God is using discontentment to help you bring about change…
What do you do when your husband is giving the kids whatever they want and leaving you to be the disciplinarian? Dr. Leman gives practical tips and advice on this…
Learning to renew your spiritual life and relax are critical to the emotional and physical health of ministers everywhere.
Divorce is difficult for everyone involved, especially the kids. Listen in for Dr. Leman’s advice on maintaining respect from your kids on this episode of the Have a New Kid…
So… you’ve been dating for a while, and you’re thinking: “Yeah, this is the one.” That’s great, but are you ignoring any red flags, those important things you can’t accept?…
Jeff Jones and Carey Nieuwhof talk about what the community really thinks about your church, and what church leaders can learn from Domino’s Pizza and other re-branding campaigns. www.careynieuwhof.com.
Are you married? Do you have opposite sex friends? Maybe you think it’s OK, but what does your spouse think? So, if you’re in the midst of an opposite sex…
How do we best use the Internet to share our faith and make disciples for Jesus? With the increasing use of online communities, more and more churches are desiring to reach…
Our guest this week is Jonathan VerSchneider. He’s a college student at Villanova University, studying chemical engineering. Jonathan grew up surrounded by Christianity—his parents were Christians, he attended church regularly,…
Emmeline Wetherbee shares what she loves about her godly father, Brad Wetherbee in this humorous yet compelling interview..
Pastor Rick Warren shares his insights on the ups and downs of ministry for his lifelong service to Christ at Saddleback Church with moderator Carey Nieuwhof.. www.careynieuwhof.com.
John, the disciple who Jesus loved. Jesus washes the feet of the disciples and gives them a new command. Before Jesus goes to the cross, the disciples sitting at the…
Lydia is an example of a woman who was willing to serve others in a unique and powerful way. drdebwaterbury.com.
So, you’ve made it to Thanksgiving, and Christmas is just around the corner. What are the holidays like, when you’re single? Is it family time, or lonely time? What about…
New York Times bestselling author and former NFL quarterback, Tim Tebow, talks about being cut from the NFL, losing your identity, overcoming bitterness, his workout routine, and the joy of…
Simon Sinek unpacks his back story, including how his grandfather shaped him, how ADHD impacted his leadership and how a deep, personal crisis led to him developing the ideas behind…
Malcolm Gladwell on His Personal Faith Journey, the Intersection of Church and Politics, and How He Fuels His Curiosity. www.careynieuwhof.com.
Drs. Roger Barrier and Chet Weld discuss why anxiety and stress are produced by misplaced priorities and worldliness. Get back to the basics.
NYT bestselling author, John Eldredge, returns to the podcast to talk about the collective trauma we’ve been through. He outlines the surprising signs of trauma, including memory loss, why you…
In Psalm 63, we read of David’s worship in the hardest of places. He was hunted and hungry. Yet, in these moments, he cried out to God and spoke of…
Carey Nieuhof interviews Andy Stanley in this episode from www.careynieuwhof.com. Andy Stanley outlines the argument he makes in his new book, Irresistible, and coaches leaders on how to have conversations…
God rescues us when we realize He is our defender and protector against insurmountable odds. debwaterbury.com.
Your children use complaining because it works! Train Up your child; not Down. Expect more from your kids, and they will rise to the occasion www.birthorderguy.com..
Dr. Randy Carlson and our friends at Family Life Radio share a message of hope in Jesus. Support their ministry today! www.theintentionallife.com.
“I want my kids to love me. But I am afraid that if I am too strong they won’t.” If you have ever had this concern, listen to this episode.…
Everyone needs to be encouraged. Sometimes it is easier to give encouragement than to receive it. Ask God to encourage you and to bring people into your life that can…
So… you’ve been dating for a while, and you’re thinking: “Yeah, this is the one.” That’s great, but are you ignoring any red flags, those important things you can’t accept?…
In sixth century BC, Babylon was the preeminent power in the world, and this passage shows how they conquered Israel and deported the professional classes, including artisans, scholars, and government…
12 Different ways by which we discover intimacy with God in David’s psalms. Psalm 63. www.debwaterbury.com.
Grief is an emotion that can overwhelm you. Grief can take many forms from denial, anger, fatigue and depression. Here are a few tips on identifying grief in your life…
Will the earth we know be destroyed or will it be renewed? Dr. Deb talks about how the bible describes the new earth and the new Jerusalem. www.debwaterbury.com.
James teaches us we need to examine the purity of our hearts and behaviors. Here’s why…
Dr. Leman discusses practical ways a parent can teach a child to be grateful instead of griping. www.birthorderguy.com
Parent, ask yourself this question. Is your son or daughter a voracious reader? If they are, your child is the exception. Your family is the exception. You’re not going to…
Pride is the essence of sin, and steals God’s glory. How do we conquer it and humble ourselves? www.debwaterbury.com.
Boundaries promote healthy relationships. What are the pitfalls of creating boundaries instead of walls? How do you say no?
Pop spirituality re-defines certain Christian terms. New Age and Eastern mysticism often use words that seem or sound Biblical, but are not. God, Christ and redemption mean something quite different.…
Did you know that your kids use anger to control the people around them? Learn how to help your kids deal with their anger in this episode. www.birthorderguy.com.
Communicate, compassion, commitment (time) will bring stability in your home and cause your kids to grow up to be successful adults. www.birthorderguy.com.
A rock opera written by Julie Barrier in the vein of Jesus Christ Superstar. In his classic allegory, Bunyan dreamed of a man named Christian, who was tormented by spiritual…
Are manners still important in this day and age? Dr. Leman discusses the importance of etiquette in your kid’s behavior. www.birthorderguy.com.
When it comes to major life decisions, we all need to bring it humbly before the Lord and trust His guidance. In this week’s episode, Kirby dives into the importance…
Anger is a natural emotion. It’s a choice. Our children can learn to manage it. Kids get angry because life isn’t going their way. This is especially true in kids…
Is it healthy for a child to be unhappy especially when it comes to discipline? www.birthorderguy.com.
Are your words directed toward the act or the actor? Learn about the difference between encouragement and praise. Which is most important for parents to give? www.birthorderguy.com.
This amazing carol about whether or not Mary understood the deity and future crucifixion of the Christ child will both break your heart and give you hope. Beautifully sung by…
Dr. Steve Posey joins Tom Terry in this third podcast on Bible interpretation. Several books of the Bible employ poetry. As Bible students, we must understand how the syntax and…
In Part Two of “Rightly Divided,” we learn that In order to truly interpret the Bible accurately, we must understand the Biblical narrative.
It is natural for children/teens to push boundaries. What do you do when they misbehave? Do you simply say no? Or do you try to enter their world and assure…
Part one from the series on biblical interpretation from Tom Terry and Dr. Steve Posey discusses the importance of accurate biblical interpretation and the tools you need to understand God’s…
If your parenting strategies are not working, then it’s time reevaluate your tactics. In today’s episode, Dr. Leman breaks down classic examples of bad parenting and provides some concrete solutions…
Children say cruel things. We can’t always protect our children from cruelty, but we can give them tools to cope and respond appropriately. Parents, you can help your child to…
How can we identify the symptoms of grief in ourselves and others? What are some Bible principles that can help you heal today? Counselor Bobbie Rill and Dr. Deb Waterbury…
Do you feel responsible for your spouse’s and child’s arguments? Have you been labeled “the bad parent”? I will answer both of these questions in this podcast. www.birthorderguy.com
Learn to respond to children rather than react to children. Because when we react, we react emotionally and our emotions. Emotions are not a great key for living. You have…
Drs. Chet Weld and Roger Barrier discuss emotional healing and practical helps for coping.
Dr. Chet Weld continues the discussion of identifying and healing hurts. If we bury emotions, we bury them alive and they will always surface in destructive ways that sabotage our…
Marilyn Morris, founder and president of Aim For Success, Inc. and author of Teens, Sex and Choices and ABCs of the Birds and Bees for Parents of Toddler to Teens…
Drs. Chet Weld and Roger Barrier discuss how to avoid destructive alliances that will destroy unity. A conflict intensity scale is described, and ways to deflect conflict are discussed.
Learn how to address conflict in a healthy way. Learn to identify patterns of conflict and how to decline to get into the cycle.
How do you create an environment that cause people to hunger for Christ? Roger Barrier and Glenn Barteau discuss this key issue for every church.
Drs. Roger Barrier and Chet Weld discuss how to keep your life pure from sexual temptation.
What are the key factors to happiness and contentment? How do we avoid burnout? Drs. Roger Barrier and Chet Weld share their thoughts.
Here are some keys to setting boundaries, resting, and removing anxiety.
Drs. Roger Barrier and Chet Weld discuss the dangers of dealing with dysfunctional people. How can you love them and still set boundaries?
Anxiety may be healed by discovering underlying assumptions that cause automatic negative thinking. For example, questions like “What is the evidence that this is true? Can you designate a time…
International church and business consultant Tom Lutz discusses the importance of recognizing your strengths and weaknesses as a leader and allowing them to shape your ministry.
Unsafe people can sabotage relationships by dishonesty, selfishness, control, condemnation, codependence, betrayal and secrecy. Learn how to discern the relationships in your life that are healthy and productive.
Dr. Chet Weld speaks on identifying anxiety in your life and recognizing the patterns of automatic negative thinking and faulty assumptions. By understanding these key issues, we can find great…
Christian psychologist Dr. Chet Weld discusses six primary drivers that skew our self-image and lead to faulty thinking.
Regarding health, get the facts, understand the layers of health care, explore treatment options, seek wise spiritual counsel and take a personal inventory. Team up with family and friends, support…
Drs. Roger Barrier and Steve Dowdle discuss how to identify addictive behaviors, how to do an intervention for a loved one, and how to cope with a family member who…