Dear Jessie, My precious little girl with Jesus, I can hardly remember how it felt to hold your tiny frame in my arms. I thought I would forget you, but …
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Christians often justify their decisions by saying, “I have a peace about it.” Is that a cop-out? Is God’s peace subjective? “Peace” is one of those Christianese terms that is sometimes used in …
YOU HAVE one. A sack. A burlap sack. Probably aren’t aware of it, may not have been told about it. Could be you don’t remember it. But it was given …
Benefit of the slop or benefit of the doubt? Social media and magazines rake in bazillions of dollars by cashing in on our curiosity. Who did what to whom? The juicier the better. …
If you think your trouble-filled life is bad, this guy had it worse. Separated from people, a crazed maniac, in constant torment, crying out and cutting himself with stones to …
Over the past ten years, I’ve fought an ongoing battle with depression. I go through seasons of life in which it is only barely present: a dull hum beneath a …
Over the past ten years, I’ve fought an ongoing battle with depression. I go through seasons of life in which it is only barely present: a dull hum beneath a …
Celtic Christians called the Holy Spirit An Geadh-Glas or the Wild Goose. A wild goose can’t be tracked or tamed. Unpredictability or a hint of mystery or an element of …
The kingdom of heaven. Its citizens are drunk on wonder. Consider the case of Sarai. She is in her golden years, but God promises her a son. She gets excited. …
The kingdom of heaven. Its citizens are drunk on wonder. Consider the case of Sarai. She is in her golden years, but God promises her a son. She gets excited. …
Pandemonium means bedlam, chaos or confusion. Does that sound like Sunday morning at your house? If you know your Greek, pandemonium means daemonium (demons) and pan (all around). No matter …
Pandemonium means bedlam, chaos or confusion. Does that sound like Sunday morning at your house? If you know your Greek, pandemonium means daemonium (demons) and pan (all around). No matter …
What qualities do you consider most important in the man or woman of your dreams? What kind of person do you think will make a good lover? One woman in …
“All flesh is like grass, and all its glory like the flower of grass. The grass withers and the flower falls, but the Word of the Lord will stand forever.” …
“All flesh is like grass, and all its glory like the flower of grass. The grass withers and the flower falls, but the Word of the Lord will stand forever.” …
“They do not know what they are doing.” Luke 23:34 Thirty-seven years old. Thin, almost frail. Balding and bespectacled. An electronics buff. Law-abiding and tired. Certainly not a description you …
Staying on Track: God’s Reliable Compass and Your Options to Choose
by Tom Lutzby Tom LutzHow do you know when it’s time to make a big decision in your life? How do you know when circumstances squeeze you into a corner and force you to …
“Yes, Brother, I see that hand!” Church leaders, like all men with feet of clay, are tempted to climb ladders of success. Buildings, budgets and baptisms are never far from …
Jesus was not always welcomed warmly by earth-travelers. Some saw Him as a threat. Some saw Him as a heretic. Most saw Him as an enigma. Not everyone in Jesus’ …
Every father has a soft spot for his daughter. It doesn’t matter if she is three or thirty-three. The Schull girls are especially cherished by their pop. As a Dad …
Jesus was not always welcomed warmly by earth-travelers. Some saw Him as a threat. Some saw Him as a heretic. Most saw Him as an enigma. Not everyone in Jesus’ …
“Jesus was…sleeping.” (Mark 4:38). Now there’s a scene. Jesus was sleeping in the midst of a storm on the Sea of Galilee. The disciples scream, Jesus dreams. Thunder roars, Jesus …
What are the things that slow you up in life? You know, the gum that sticks to the bottom of your shoe, the spare tire you grew over the holidays…Do …
“Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you. So we say with confidence, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid.’” Hebrews 13:4 NIV Caring for …
Much of the Word applies specifically to the battles we face. However, the Bible consists of sixty-six books. My point? The Bible has much to say about fighting the good …
Much of the Word applies specifically to the battles we face. However, the Bible consists of sixty-six books. My point? The Bible has much to say about fighting the good …
Reaching a pain-filled world with the relevant message of the gospel requires the compassionate heart of the Savior. Jesus’ ministry in the Gospels is an example to every believer. While …
Turf wars are inevitable between churches, countries and children. Whether we fight to sit in the same pew we’ve inhabited for eons or squabble over the line of demarcation drawn …
Singing sensation Taylor Swift sold four million records last year. Among her best current songs are “You Belong with Me” and “Two is Better than One.” The Bible tells us …
Singing sensation Taylor Swift sold four million records last year. Among her best current songs are “You Belong with Me” and “Two is Better than One.” The Bible tells us …
The Winter Olympics 2010 are upon us. Athletes across the globe long to skate like Ohno and ski like Mancuso. Even if they don’t win the gold, they hope to …
Everyone makes New Year’s resolutions… like getting in shape. I love the BowFlex commercial… Five minutes, three times a week and you can look like a Greek god. Mr. BowFlex …
John 1 says that Jesus “was full of grace and truth.” Grace means, “I’m going to love you no matter what.” Truth means “I’m going to be honest with your …
Can you protect your child? As parents we often want what’s best for our children – I love what Psychologist Jonathon Haidt suggest about hardships and how they shape us …
In neighborhood after neighborhood across America, the rows of rooftops conceal people whose lives in one way or another have experienced the impact of family disunity or divorce. Perhaps they …
The dawn of the twenty-first century finds our world facing multiple crises. Headlines everywhere proclaim, “AIDS Crisis Mounts”; “Teenage Pregnancy Hits Crisis Level”; “Marriages and Families in Crisis.” Like a …
Sometimes we don’t realize how “far down” Jesus had to go to save sinful man. I guess it’s because we really can’t get a handle on the holiness of God. …
My dear Muslim friends, That Allah does not love the sinner is abundantly clear in the Quran. Note just a few of the many passages in the Quran addressing this …
To my dear Muslim friends: The Quran and the Injeel (the Gospels) in the Bible reflect very different views of God. God’s love is the basis for all relationships and …
Christmastime… that peaceful, everybody-gets-along time of year, right? Not necessarily. Harmony in relationships can be challenging year round, but as activities increase with holiday celebrations and we encounter more people, …
How can we honor the Lord on his Birthday according to the Bible? In Philippians 2:5-7, Paul writes that Jesus came down to earth as a servant and made himself …
Who is in the driver’s seat? Who is the master of your life? Jesus says you have a driver’s seat. It will shape your decisions and reactions in life. John …
Who is in the driver’s seat? Who is the master of your life? Jesus says you have a driver’s seat. It will shape your decisions and reactions in life. John …
Creativity and relevance are essential to keeping an organization alive and flourishing. We must have a pulse on our culture and a willingness to explore options that will constantly improve …
The unnoticed women, the faces in the crowd that are overlooked are surprised by kindness. Most tourists step over beggars and the homeless instead of showing Christ’s love by giving …
How many times do you walk by someone in pain and desperation without a single glance? The world is filled with the overlooked and the unloved. Are you the Samaritan …
What about your life would change today if you accepted and submitted to the fact that you are, indeed, on a mission from God? Do you have to wear a …
In our first 20 years of marriage, my wife and I seldom welcomed guests. Our parents had not modeled this in our childhoods, and we didn’t realize how wonderful it …
I am sure we have all been asked, or pondered the question on our own, “What would you do differently, if you knew you only had 6 months to live?” …
Genesis 43 recounts the reunion of Joseph and his long-lost brothers. The moving story in this chapter paints a picture of brothers expressing fear, guilt, grief and pain. Emotions are a …
The phone rang, and a friend called. She was feeling low, and unable to cope: could she come and spend a couple of days with us? “Yes! Of course! We’d …
The Christian leader that builds his role on Christ-centered bedrock is blessed with a sound foundation for setting priorities and is more faithfully followed because those he leads know the …
As we seek to be obedient, the blessings of honoring one another pour out into the body of Christ. It really is the key to proper functioning. (1 Cor. 12:12, …
When we think about what we owe others, usually money, favors and other tangible support come to mind. But our Lord says it is that and more. “Give everyone what …
“He whose walk is blameless will minister to me” (Psalm 101:6). God is not just seeing worship. He’s seeking worshipers (John 4). Otherwise, we could just listen to praise music on …
Here I am toe-tapping again, my silent protest to waiting. My body weight shifts every few minutes as I check my watch and tap some more. I can feel the …
In the Old Testament, Samuel declares that he would be sinning against the Lord if he fails to pray for the Israelites. (1 Sam. 12:23) The value of praying for …
The Christian leader that builds his role on Christ-centered bedrock is blessed with a sound foundation for setting priorities and is more faithfully followed because those he leads know the …
The Christian leader that builds his role on Christ-centered bedrock is blessed with a sound foundation for setting priorities and is more faithfully followed because those he leads know the …
Jenny Simmons recently wrote me a cool letter from Bussloo, Apeldoorn, Netherlands where their band Addison Road was touring. She talked about how weird it felt to be in a …
The essential step in dealing with conflict is to strengthen the relationship (maintain the connection). Here are the steps you should consider in preparing to address the conflict: prepare your heart, …
Our town still has one of those old-fashioned markets with little stalls piled high with fruit and vegetables, and the vendors calling out their best deals, each one clamouring for …
What is worship? Who can experience it? Do we only worship on Sunday mornings? Do only musicians worship? What does it feel like? How do I become a worshiper of …
Something about me and sports are not compatible. The mere suggestion of a ball game can double my stress level. I can lose a game of tennis before I can …
In the last two blog posts I talked about dysfunctional families: first in Palestine, and then in America. Let’s get to the good news. Let’s talk a bit about the …
As pastors and church leaders, we often encounter difficult questions from people who are suffering physically, emotionally and spiritually. How would you answer these questions posed to me early in …
In my last post I delved into the gory details of the complete and utter dysfunction of Jacob’s family: deceit, jealousy, lust, unrequited love, manipulation, preferential treatment, twisted use of …
Here’s a creative way to help your children participate in a week of prayer! Make a chart with a big square for every day of the week. Choose a category …
I believe it was Roger Barrier who I first heard point out that there are basically no functional families in the Bible. That is absolutely the truth. And to see …
For the first time in years I was beginning to feel in control of my life. Our new home felt like a palace. Nathan was finally potty-trained. At last I …
For the first time in years I was beginning to feel in control of my life. Our new home felt like a palace. Nathan was finally potty-trained. At last I …
Too often as Christians we don’t explore the belief systems of others, and in doing so, fail to understand how they think. When we take a hard look at comparative …
One way you can teach the Lord’s Prayer to your children is to gather a scrapbook or ring binder, glue, scissors, pictures of all kinds, marker pens and a Bible …
One way you can teach the Lord’s Prayer to your children is to gather a scrapbook or ring binder, glue, scissors, pictures of all kinds, marker pens and a Bible …
Most non-Christians aren’t looking for a debate, but they are bombarded by a tidal wave of media that goes against the idea of faith. Non-Christians are plagued by questions like …
Sine cera was a term in ancient Israel that guaranteed a clay pot was “without wax.” Wax was used by salesmen to cover imperfections that occured during the firing. The …
Spiritual leaders & teachers come in all kinds of shapes, sizes, rank, stations of life, intelligence, experiences, education, gender, race, nationality, geography, looks, age, up bringing, church affiliation, heritage, and …
How many of you have ever had to forgive anyone? Was there ever a downside to it? Many studies have proven that childhood trauma and emotional trauma from the stresses …
Many couples have personalities and interests that are very different. The first step in dealing with differences in a more effective way is to acknowledge that the differences exist. Early …
If I could teach my children only one thing, it would be to worship God. For when they truly worship God, my children will by nature attend church, seek prayer, …
In my own admittedly limited experience, I’ve found that one of the most important aspects in my walk with God is keeping my mind grounded in the truth of Christ. …
What do we need to know about the mind of the God-seeker? Are all men actively looking for a Supreme Being? Why or why not? What is it in the …
Troubles and problems come our way constantly. Can I pay my mortgage? Will my teenagers come out okay? Do I have enough money to make it to the end of …
Our greatest need as believers is to stay deeply connected with Christ (John 15:4-10). He desires us to know, commune and fellowship with Him on a moment-by-moment basis. Christians write, …
We have established that there are abundant references to instrumental music in the Old Testament, specifically in the Psalms and under the Davidic tradition of worship, but what about the …
King David is called “the sweet psalmist of Israel” in 2 Samuel 23:1. On top of that, he is the most frequently mentioned individual in the psalm headings throughout the …
As it was in the days of Christ, so it is today: There are few true worshipers. Many believers work for God, perform Christian services, follow a disciplined ritual, but …
God is concerned with our worship. It is not something He considers to be optional in our daily life and practice. In fact, the Father seeks those who will worship …
How do you develop a healthy, balanced life style and manage the stressors of life well? Let’s look at three different aspects of your life: emotions, relationships, and spirituality. First …
Children can learn to pray as they observe God in nature. Here are three examples of ways you can teach your child to speak to God as they enjoy His …
The first pillar in the Biblical foundations of instrumental music in worship is the Psalms. When considering the Psalms and instrumental music, most instrumentalists think of Psalm 150, but there …
A Barna research report this week revealed that 58% of American Christians don’t believe the Holy Spirit exists. “Fifty-eight percent strongly or somewhat agreed with the statement that the Holy …
You can teach a child to pray in many creative ways. Here are just a couple: Prayer Picture Cards Things you need-Index cards, photos of people, pictures from magazines, glue, …
In previous discussions about admonishing others, we’ve talked about two important issues. If we’re going to love someone thoroughly, we must be willing to admonish if necessary. On the other …
In a previous blog, I was thinking about our responsibility to admonish one another based on our history of loving that person. While it might not take much planning to …
Years ago I learned a valuable, but painful lesson about admonishing the ones we love. I had befriended a young businessman who aspired to the ministry, and for several years …
To reduce stress, you have to be intentional about changing your lifestyle. Here are some practical tips that will enrich and de-stress your daily life. Never borrow from the future. …
To continue with my theme from the last week’s series of blogs about the resurrection, there’s one more entry I’d like to post about what the resurrection does for us. …
You’ve had a bad day, and you’re exhausted. You worked as hard as you could at your job, but your boss still wants more. The traffic on the way home …
What happens to you when you read the scriptures or go through a Bible study? Many people take their time with the Word as a perfunctory ritual to assuage a …
It was after dropping off my car at the repair shop that I looked around the neighborhood I was in and wondered out loud in which nearby restaurant I would …
I was thumbing through Brennan Manning’s book The Ragamuffin Gospel earlier this evening, finding myself completely enveloped in an oversized Barnes & Noble reading chair: the kind that never get …
I stopped off at a local bookstore with my daughter yesterday and picked up two seasonally published magazines about the Bible. One was published by U.S. News and World Report. The other …
Children have an incredible knack at comforting. One mother tells of her little Tina coming home late from school. “Where have you been, Tina?” her mom asked.“Lisa dropped her best …
I recently read an interesting quote about Buddhism’s impact on real world problems. Check this out. “Christmas Humpreys, an influential Western Buddhist, admits…’It may be asked, what contribution Buddhism …
I recently read an interesting quote about Buddhism’s impact on real world problems. Check this out. “Christmas Humpreys, an influential Western Buddhist, admits…’It may be asked, what contribution Buddhism …
I was thinking recently about an article I wrote about Buddhism and morality nearly two years ago. In that article, Void or Victory: The Higher Nature of Christianity Over Buddhism, …
I was thinking recently about an article I wrote about Buddhism and morality nearly two years ago. In that article, Void or Victory: The Higher Nature of Christianity Over Buddhism, …
In this troubled world, we don’t have to look far to see hurting souls suffering from frustration, fear, loneliness, embarrassment, deception, grief, humiliation, disappointment or betrayal. Jesus even warned us …
Statistics indicate that at least one in every ten babies is lost through miscarriage. Many mothers hide the sorrow inside themselves and never talk about it because they have found …
In our overworked, hurried, and self-focused culture, it’s easy for us to go days at a time without having a substantive conversation with another human being. The phrase, “How are …
Nehemiah was the cupbearer to the king in the Persian winter palace in Susa. The king of Persia had previously stopped the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem, possibly perceiving …
1. Gold and Honey – Psalm 19:10 Here, the psalmist declares that the Word of God is more desirable than the finest gold and sweeter than honey. I believe that …
How well do you know God? Has it ever occurred to you why we are able to know the depths of God’s character? We all have people we know better …
“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so …
There’s an important page in your Bible that, if you are like most people, goes completely unread. Chances are, you are like most Christians who rip past this page without …
Believing the best is a challenge. It is so easy to focus on what’s wrong with someone rather than on what’s right about them. It’s the natural human response. But …
We are in the middle of an important Muslim holiday called Ashura, recognized by Shiite Muslims only. It is not so much a holiday as it is a remembrance of …
I’ve been reflecting back upon Christmas in a way that most people tend not too. I’ve decided that I’m all for the commercialization of Christmas. In fact, during a time …
I am sure we have all been asked, or pondered the question on our own, “What would you do differently, if you knew you only had 6 months to live?” …
Lately I’ve become increasingly more aware of the enemy’s subtle tricks and deceptions in my life. As someone who works in ministry as a vocation, it is easy to get …
The top ten health crises in the world are refusing aid. In Somalia, violence is worsening and healthcare has collapsed. Fighting in eastern DR Congo and north-west Pakistan has left …
Christmas is one of those holidays that is often misunderstood. Perhaps it’s because of the way that we have trivialized what the holiday represents. We hang stockings, decorate trees, arrange …
For the Buddhist I want to look at “The Seen and Unseen World of Merit and Rebirth.” Rebirth and Merit are two important concepts in the Buddhist way of life. …
The speakers in the mall are playing sleigh-bell songs, Santa is in his grotto with a long line of children waiting to stroke his whiskers and the media is …
It’s December. Perhaps you are scurrying around searching to find just the right Christmas gifts for loved ones. Do you find yourself so consumed with holiday preparations that you don’t …
Last week, the Dalai Lama, Buddhism’s spiritual leader made this astounding quote, “Too much attachment towards your children, towards your partner,” was “one of the obstacles or hindrances to peace …
I’m convinced that we must be continually reminded of the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ. In this world, we face a great a great accuser (Rev. 12:10), an …
The scene: A bunker on the front lines. Artillery shells are exploding all around. Machine-guns lay down a blanket of tracer rounds overhead. The drone of enemy dive-bombers is increasing …
Buddhism, as a system, requires its adherent to be devoted to exploring a set of principles that will earn him or her an enlightened state that they hope will lead …
iPods, iPhones, text messaging, e-mail, social networking, video and audio input are all screaming for our attention. It’s funny how the absence of something in your life causes you to …
There is great treasure when we do our jobs as unto God. The book of Proverbs tells us in Pr. 12:24, “The hand of the diligent will rule…” and in …
Grace can be defined as an undeserved gift, that which is given, not because of any attribute of the receiver, rather out of the pure joy of the giver. It …
In light of recent economic events, my natural instinct has been to find ways to cut expenses, and try to save as much money as possible. This is good, but …
When we’ve been there then thousand years,Bright shining as the sun,We’ve no less days to sing Gods praise,Than when we’ve first begun. This last verse, from John Newton’s familiar hymn, …
We can build walls or we can build bridges. We can start with all the reasons why our religions are different and why we have different god’s and why what …
A few years ago when I was working to re-establish the ministry of Eagle TV in Mongolia, I spent some time looking at the ministry of the Apostle Paul in …
How is it that I can believe something to be true, yet behave in a way that is contrary to that belief. For example, I may believe that exercise is …
Anytime two Christians are mad at each other, the church splits. The Body of Christ was supposed to be beautifully and perfectly one (according to Jesus in John 17), but …
Since moving to Mongolia six years ago I’ve had to give a great deal of though to the issue of Christian unity. In Mongolian culture the idea of unity is …
Life is a continual process of letting go. It seems that an important element of growth is learning how to let go gracefully. As babies, we are not very good …
The Olympics are the perfect time to talk about humility. People around the world rally in support of their country and each individual swells with pride at the accomplishments of …
In our modern, democratic, sensitive age we have crafted a church that for many people emphasizes love, acceptance, grace, mercy, and the more friendly aspects of the Bible and Jesus’ …
In our modern, democratic, sensitive age we have crafted a church that for many people emphasizes love, acceptance, grace, mercy, and the more friendly aspects of the Bible and Jesus’ …
Far too often, the church has adopted a “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy when it comes to the devastating epidemic that is pornography. Granted, it’s not a particularly easy subject …
I hate to pray. There. I said it. I know that there are times in my life when I pray that the Lord will confront me with something that needs …
On a recent trip to the States I had the opportunity to teach about how Animism and Buddhism have influenced Mongolian culture. Mongolia, my home for the last six years, …
The contextualization of Christianity in a culture is a controversial work. How much of the presentation of the Gospel must be adapted to a culture, and honor the culture? When …
We often cruise through life without asking for directions. Often we rush to make decisions without the GPS of God’s Word and will. Instead, we strike out on our own. We haven’t …
I heard an interesting story recently about a Mongolian businessman—a Christian—who was finalizing a business deal. After meeting with the another Mongolian gentleman over the details of their arrangement he …
Matthew Henry’s biblical commentary might be the most widely distributed commentary on the planet. Matthew Henry lived just around the turn of the 18th century and was an upstanding minister …
Leaders must have a place to lead their followers. Such direction is usually called a pastor’s vision or mission. Whatever the name, church leaders must have a goal, a destination to …
Leaders must have a place to lead their followers. Such direction is usually called a pastor’s vision or mission. Whatever the name, church leaders must have a goal, a destination to …
Christians have victory over every assault and scheme of the devil, but we must arm ourselves with the proper armor that is described in Ephesians 6:10-18. In spiritual warfare as in …
I went to a great church right after college. With great worship and gospel-centered, challenging teaching it was a no-brainer choice for me and my new bride. We settled into …
We’re starting Capital Stewardship Campaign soon. In process of starting the campaign up, I pulled together a Stewardship team. I intentionally tried to bring an eclectic group together: some with …
I thought about this today…I hate doubt, don’t you? It hits us at different times, but especially in the midst of taking the next big step in our life. We …
After five years of leading a fast-paced and growing ministry in Mongolia I’m just beginning to learn what may be my most important lesson in leadership;how to take a back …
Leaders must have a place to lead their followers. This place is usually called a vision or mission. Whatever the name, we as leaders must have a goal towards which …
Leaders must have a place to lead their followers. This place is usually called a vision or mission. Whatever the name, we as leaders must have a goal towards which …
I just shoved another new book on the leadership shelf of my library. Just to the right of center (kind of like me!) on one of my most brightly arrayed …