Traits of a Spiritual Child


Read: I John 2:12-14

Their sins have been forgiven and they are just coming to know God
(I John 2:12-13)

The word “know” in this passage means, “Coming to know” God. In other words, the new Christian has come to know God, but does not yet know much about His character. He does not yet know Him intimately. What are the character traits of an intimate relationship?

They have overcome the world
(I John 2:17 & 5:3-5)

This passage is very clear, if you have received Jesus Christ, you have already overcome the world. What are the characteristics of the world that you have overcome?

They still struggle with the flesh
(I Corinthians 3:2-3)

The “flesh” means our sinful human nature. We all have a propensity to sin—it is part of our natural human desire. What kinds of sin does this passage encourage us against? Define these traits in your own words.

The are ignorant of the deeper truths of God’s Word and the tactics of the Evil One
(Hebrews 5:14, 6:1-2)

Notice what the writer says are the “elementary” things. List them; put them into your own words.

They exercise their faith for their own benefit
(I Corinthians 3:2-3)

The new Christian’s focus is often: MY salvation, MY walk with God, MY spiritual life, etc. Read the passage again. What can a focus on self, lead too?


Read: Hebrews 5:12-6:2

If the last three previous points apply to you, you are still a spiritual child.

  • Struggle with the flesh
  • Ignorant of the deeper truths of God’s word and the tactics of the Evil One
  • Exercise their faith for their own benefit

How would you evaluate yourself on these three? Ask someone who knows you to give you their opinion.

If you are not studying God’s Word, or applying its principles, you are still a spiritual child.

The first step to knowing God and growing in the knowledge of God is to know and apply His Word. How do you evaluate yourself in this area?

If you are not concerned about your own spiritual condition or growth, you are still a spiritual child.

Write a short list of the things that occupied your mind the most. At what point did God’s purpose, plan, or principles occupy your attention?


A – Action Point. What will I do in light of what I have learned?

C – Commune (prayer) What will I commit to God and ask Him for to help me put what I have learned into action?

T – Tell Others. What kinds of things can I say or do to others to demonstrate the biblical truth I have learned?

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