Lies Women Believe

Lies About God

  1. God is not really good.
  2. God doesn’t love me.
  3. God is just like my father.
  4. God is cruel and overbearing.
  5. God is not really enough.
  6. God’s word is not sufficient.
  7. I need someone or something more than God (food, shopping, friends, house).
  8. God can’t forgive me for what I’ve done.
  9. God’s ways are too restrictive.
  10. God should fix my problems.
  11. God has not come through for me.

Lies About Me

  1. I am not worth anything.
  2. I am not responsible for my sinful choices.
  3. I can’t help the way I am.
  4. I can sing and get away with it (no reaping and sowing).
  5. Someone else is responsible for the way I am.
  6. It’s ok to do what I need to do in order to get my needs/longings met.
  7. I should not have to live with unfulfilled longings (if I want it I should go get it; sexual, lustful. and I should have it now).
  8. I have my rights (fosters rebellion).
  9. My sins are not really that bad.
  10. I can’t walk in victory over sin.
  11. A career outside of my home is more satisfying than being a wife and mother.
  12. I don’t have time to do everything I’m supposed to do.
  13. External beauty is far more important than inner character.
  14. I am a victim.
  15. My depression is probably caused by a chemical imbalance.

Lies About Marriage

  1. I must have a husband to be happy.
  2. My husband is the reason I am unhappy.
  3. Marriage is a democracy.
  4. It’s my responsibility to change my husband.
  5. I just can’t take any more.
  6. My husband is supposed to serve me and make me happy (bondage).
  7. My circumstances will never change.
  8.  If I submit to my husband I’ll be miserable.
  9. If I don’t step in and take the ‘bull by the horns’ it won’t get done. Everything will fall apart.
  10. I can have an emotional relationship with a man and it will not harm my marriage.
  11. I would be so much better off if I could just run away.
  12. My marriage is hopeless.
  13. I’m better off getting a divorce than staying in a bad marriage.
  14.  If my husband is unfaithful to me I am free to leave.
  15. If my husband is unfaithful to me I could never forgive him.
  16. If my husband doesn’t love and respect me I have the right to leave.
  17. I shouldn’t have to put up with suffering in my marriage, and neither should my friends.
  18. I would be happier if I were married to another man.

Lies About Children

  1. Children are a burden.
  2. I must decide how many, and when I will have children.
  3. All children go through teenage rebellion.
  4. I could do more for God if I didn’t have children.
  5. Children need to be exposed to the ‘real world’.
  6. I am not responsible for how my children turn out.

TRUTH ABOUT GOD. God is good. God loves me. God can be trusted. God’s grace is sufficient for my situation. Jesus is Truth, His Word is Truth.

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