A Murder After Church
Genesis chapter 4 is a story of two worshippers who happen to be brothers, Cain and Abel. And one’s sacrifice, or offering, was accepted by God. But the other one…
Genesis chapter 4 is a story of two worshippers who happen to be brothers, Cain and Abel. And one’s sacrifice, or offering, was accepted by God. But the other one…
This study is the culmination of kingdom living, which is the future kingdom itself. There are four distinct experiences that sum up the announcement and inauguration of the coming future…
In Luke 19:11-27, we find a parable Jesus taught to a crowd as they went up to Jerusalem for the Passover. It’s a familiar one, where a departing nobleman entrusted…
Romans, chapter 13. We have really, or at least I can speak for myself, really enjoyed the ability to go verse by verse through this incredible book of Romans. It’s…
The Roots and Rise of Antisemitism – Revelation 12:1-12 – Skip Heitzig [MUSIC PLAYING] Turn in your Bibles, please, to Revelation, chapter 12, the book of Revelation, chapter 12. I…
Christians have been accused of being so heavenly minded that they’re no earthly good. But I’ve found people who are so earthly minded that they’re no heavenly good. So how…
Would you turn in your Bibles, please, to the book of 1 Samuel chapter 1, 1 Samuel chapter 1. It’s in the Old Testament. If you’re at Genesis, keep going.…
Would you turn in your Bibles, please, to First Kings Chapter 12 in your Old Testament. First Kings, find that book, First Kings Chapter 12. A few years ago, I…
Turn in your Bibles please to the book of Acts; the second chapter of the book of Acts. So a Sunday school teacher was telling her third graders about the…
On Good Friday, and on Easter Sunday, we consider events that occurred while on the road. As Jesus approached the city of Jerusalem for His atoning death and glorious resurrection, He…
Thy Kingdom Come – Matthew 6:10 – Skip Heitzig Welcome to Calvary Church with Skip Heitzig. We’re so glad you joined us today. As people of God, we are part…
1 Corinthians 6 – Skip Heitzig Calvary Church is dedicated to doctrine, and we want you to experience the life change that comes from knowing God’s word and applying it…
“War in Heaven Brings Wrath on Earth!” That could be the headline of Revelation 12. The ongoing battle of the ages that began in heaven and has played out…
“Death Is Certain…but God” Psalm 49 Introduction As humans, we all have to face our own mortality The most basic truth about life is death The theme of Psalm 49…
The Darkness of a Broken Family – 1 Samuel 24 – Skip Heitzig Good morning. How are you today? This just makes me miss film photography every time I see…
David and Jonathan, son of King Saul, formed a deep bond of friendship despite the attempts of a raging father to destroy David. Their friendship is legendary. The protection of…
When Jesus was crucified, the disciples wondered what was next. The Man they had followed for over three years, the Man they believed would save Israel and the world, had…
During the earth’s greatest trial and tribulation will also come its greatest opportunity for salvation. Even after the church is raptured off the earth and ensconced in heaven, there will…
I was in Starbucks a few hours ago, getting coffee for the weekend and getting some beans, and I heard something that I guess I didn’t expect. It was busy,…
Mary, the mother of Jesus, is central to the story of Christmas. Unfortunately, people are greatly divided about her importance and her role. Some magnify her too much, making her…
If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be? Most people want to change something about their physical appearance. Imagine having a body that doesn’t wear…
“Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal,” said Thomas Moore. But if that is true, why don’t we think more about heaven? Why do we only think and talk…
We have all heard the famous Benjamin Franklin quip, “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” Given death’s sure nature, why is it…
The church at Corinth was very tolerant of certain kinds of evil behavior in their midst. And instead of being ashamed over this tolerance of evil, they were actually proud…
Dark Times Are Permitted by God. They enhance the presence of God. They are a pathway for God and include perks from God. skipheitzig.com.
One of the darkest rooms anyone can enter is dealing with a broken family. To be part of a family that is fragmented and malfunctioning feels bleak and miserable. The…
As we have seen in this series, some of the Bible’s greatest heroes had darkroom experiences. They were developed by those painful experiences and used by God to impact their…
With the Global Peace Index the lowest it’s been in a decade and the Misery Index at a high, it’s hard to believe that peace is within reach in today’s…
One of my favorite authors, Donald Grey Barnhouse, said, “Love that reaches up is adoration. Love that reaches out is affection. But love that stoops is grace.” Philippians 2:5-11 deals…
Dead air is a period of silence in radio or television in which the broadcast signal is interrupted and there’s no transmission. Throughout history, God has broadcast His truth to…
Every culture ebbs and flows as it marches toward extinction. The great Roman Empire, the Mayan civilization, Bronze Age Greece—every complex society in history has eventually collapsed. Daniel was in…
You probably know Jesus was raised in a little town called Nazareth. But did you know that from Nazareth, Jesus had a breathtaking view of the valley of Armageddon?…
When people think about the end times, they tend to think about the Antichrist. And when they think about the Antichrist, they usually think he’s going to be dark…
How many times have you heard someone say you become an angel when you die, or heaven is really boring because you sit on a cloud and play a…
If you know your Old Testament, you probably remember the concept of the kinsman redeemer. If you had to forfeit a piece of land, it could eventually be redeemed…
When it comes to spiritual gifts, some people—even spiritual leaders and pastors—get a little bit nervous. They’ll say, “I’m afraid to open myself up to the gifts of the…
I don’t think it’s any secret that we’re living in the last days. In fact, we’ve been in the last days for 2,000 years. But what is the focus…
To be a conqueror is to rejoice when the battle is over. To be more than a conqueror is to rejoice before the battles start. And that’s Gideon. He goes,…
Lots of people make a lot of fuss about Christmas. Some love this time of year (myself included). Others hate it or are opposed to its celebration. Some couch their…
By now you have discovered that we who are Christians are surrounded! There seems to always be more who are against us than who are for us. We face the…
As Jude called his readers to fight for the faith, he wanted them to know that turning from the truth was not new, nor was it novel. The battle for truth…
The Oxford Dictionary defines apathy as “lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.” It’s the state of being indifferent to something that should otherwise arouse, provoke, or motivate you. It has been noted…
People have been going to war for centuries. Conflicts and clashes are part of our history both as a civilization and as a nation. But there are three wars that…
To call someone a fool is serious business. Jesus warned against it in the Sermon on the Mount: “Whoever says, ‘You fool!’ shall be in danger of hell fire” (Matthew…
You’ve probably heard me refer to the book of Jude as the Acts of the Apostates. Apostasy is turning away from Christ by leaning on the rationale of worldly philosophy…
Proverbs 16 says, “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall” (v. 18). Put another way, be humble or you’ll stumble. Pride is the oldest sin in…
It’s easy to forget that even people like Paul the apostle needed—and indeed had—friends. In the book of Philippians, he named several of them, including Timothy. This man added enormous…
Epaphroditus kind of sounds like a disease, doesn’t it? It’s an unusual name. But in the Bible, Epaphroditus was a dear friend and servant of Paul the apostle. His name shows…
If you have ever tried to walk straight while aboard a ship being tossed by the ocean’s waves, you know how hard that is. The motion around you challenges the…
God is called Almighty fifty-seven times in Scripture. It means that the resources of His power are boundless. He is unlimited in His ability and unconstrained in His capacity. God’s attribute of…
We learn from the courageous story of Daniel that: Life Happens Unexpectedly (vv. 1-2) The World Demands Conformity (vv. 3-7) Commitment Begins Inwardly (vv. 8-16) God honors such…
Standing for God’s truth is a serious thing. Standing against it carries major repercussions. In this series, Skip Heitzig presents Jude’s call to get in the ring—a call that is…
The resurrection of Jesus is either a fairy tale or the most wonderful and hopeful event in history. A resurrection from the dead may sound ridiculous to some, but for…
The story of David and King Saul teaches us how God can intervene in any situation to deliver us. www.skipheitzig.com.
The very message of Christmas is the message of salvation.
Introduction Favorite Christmas Song “White Christmas” – best-selling Christmas song of all time Guinness Book of World Records – over 50 million sales Written in 1940 by Irving Berlin Popularized…
Introduction Gold: emblematic of Jesus coming to be the King of Kings and Lord of Lords Matthew 2:2 A metal fit for a king Frankincense: emblematic of the priesthood and…
“The Future Looks Uncertain…but God” Daniel 2 Introduction Predicting the future is big business People have created an industry, from fortune cookies to horoscopes In the US, it’s a $2…
Perhaps the biggest impediment to believing in God (as stated by those who don’t) is the presence of pain and suffering in the world. How can there be a God…
Hiram Johnson said, “The first casualty in war is truth.” God’s people have been in a cosmic battle since the fall. Satan’s first allegation against truth was in Genesis 3:1:…
The story of Joseph is one of the Bible’s most compelling tales. And the most gripping feature is the difference between Joseph’s outlook and that of his eleven brothers. After…
One of the most used (if not overused) terms of our culture is the term dysfunctional. It has become the chic descriptor of flawed and broken people and especially families. Too often…
Whenever you travel to another country, you need the right documentation to be admitted across their borders. I made the mistake one time of getting all the way to the Los…
Noah’s legendary faith allowed him to look to the future as he refused to be “conformed to this world” in the present (see Romans 12:2). It takes enormous faith to…
Some of the best advice I’ve heard about how to deal with people who are grieving is to walk softly around a broken heart. Brokenhearted people need hope, and hope…
When we talk about the chances or odds of something, we are speaking of the likelihood of the unfolding of a future event Some things are less likely to happen…
Is a lifetime commitment to a spouse even reasonable? Does permanence have to become a goal if it means a couple just has to grin and bear it? What if a…
Through the years, I have observed that most people (even Christians) have ideas about what heaven will be like that are vastly different from how Scripture describes heaven. In this…
1 Corinthians 6 – Skip Heitzig Calvary Church is dedicated to doctrine, and we want you to experience the life change that comes from knowing God’s word and applying it…