Atheist Parents: Don’t Lie to Your Children
It’s none of my business what atheists teach their children, I know. And I have enough to do rearing my own five sons. But occasionally one will hear advice so…
It’s none of my business what atheists teach their children, I know. And I have enough to do rearing my own five sons. But occasionally one will hear advice so…
God might exist. And He might not. There might be a Judgment Day. And there might not. Oh well. If that sums up your creed, you just might be part…
If you are in Christ, God will not allow you to enter his reign with a kingdom-grasping pride. You will be stripped of every haughty look, every personal empire, in…
Confession: I have a terrible problem of talking, and sometimes walking, in my sleep. It’s an old family trait that I’m carrying on, much to my family’s sometimes dismay. Last…
We are experience one event of mayhem after another. It feels as though every institution is failing, every norm is collapsing. Many of you, from what you’re telling me, are…
Almost everyone in the world of American religion has spent the last couple of weeks thinking through what Gallup just revealed: that, for the first time since they’ve been surveying the…
Many were alarmed and dispirited by footage of raucous cheering in the New York State Senate chamber. The “Happy Days Are Here Again” sort of celebration wasn’t for a bill to…
Almost everyone in the world of American religion has spent the last couple of weeks thinking through what Gallup just revealed: that, for the first time since they’ve been surveying the…
Many of you know that eighteen years ago, my wife and I walked out of a Russian orphanage with two little one-year-old boys. Suddenly, for the first time, I was a…
I was awakened Sunday by a telephone call from a friend telling me news I never expected to hear: that my friend and former student had been killed, run over…
Adultery is devastating. In the aftermath of an adulterous affair, the offending spouse must first turn away from sin through repentance before God. But after such repentance takes place,…
This has been an emotionally exhausting week for me. I spent several days back in my hometown of Biloxi, Mississippi, doing what I promised my grandmother I’d never do: moving…
Sixteen years ago, my wife Maria and I were in Rostov-on-Don, Russia, having traveled there the day after my Ph.D. hooding at Southern Seminary. Shortly after our arrival, we met…
Our churches face a new challenge. Do we obey the government and observe quarantine, or do we exercise our religious liberty to assemble and worship? Of course, we should comply…
It’s ten o’clock, do you know where your husband is? Apparently many Americans are asking this question, judging by the sales and buzz generated by The Script: The 100% Predictable Things…
Parents of teenagers: are you excited or panicked about your kids? Dr. Russell Moore pens words of encouragement for you today! “I noticed in my social media archive app that…
WHY YOU SHOULD SEE “A BEAUTIFUL DAY IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD?” Russell Moore, in his charming article about Fred Rogers, pulls our heartstrings and reminds us how we should cherish…
Dr. Russell Moore explains that sharing the Gospel is not complicated. In fact, he can clearly summarize it in three words: “Can you explain the gospel in three words? Someone…
I sometimes post pictures on Instagram of books that I’m reading, usually just a stack on my table to let my followers know what I’m thinking about at the moment.…
We’re lonelier than ever, some say. We’re not lonely enough, say others. They’re both right. THE PROBLEMS OF LONELINESS AND COMMUNITY University of California, Berkeley, sociologist Claude S. Fischer writes…
Russell Moore inspires us as we contemplate our independence: “A few years ago, I stood at the grave of Thomas Jefferson, and wondered. I was in Charlottesville to speak at the…
It’s kind of terrible how Ascension Day is almost completely ignored by lower-church Christians. We could say it’s because we don’t observe the liturgical calendar, but we do when it…
When the disciples screamed in the face of a storm, Jesus slept (Mk. 4:37-38). When Jesus screamed in the face of a cross, the disciples slept (Mk. 14:37,41). Why could…
Same-sex marriage, transgender orientation, and bisexuality fill movies, television and social media. It’s everywhere. So should Christian parents remain silent, or do they help their children understand what the Bible…
Dr. Russell Moore’s most popular and profound article this year came on the heels of a synagogue shooting. Here are his profound observations: “On the Jewish Sabbath this week, a…
Are you really excited about the holidays, or are you dreading them? Many people dread “family time.” Russell Moore writes: “We tend to idealize holidays, but human depravity doesn’t go…
Can an abortion doctor really be a Christian? I don’t think so. But this physician disagrees. Willie Parker is an abortion doctor. He says he’s not ashamed of that. Willie…
Why would a Christian need a bucket list? We have all of eternity for joy, excitement and adventure. He writes, “I often cringe when I hear Christians talk about the…
I often hear from Christians who want to find a mentor, but aren’t sure how to go about that. Often these believers know they would benefit from this kind of…
The other day I had someone ask me about a funeral that she was going to. She said “This is a funeral for an unbeliever, and I’m trying to think…
A young teenage boy died in a hotel room after an overdose of drugs. The partiers around him didn’t even know he was in trouble until it was too late. Sadly,…
“Our lost neighbors might be “pagan” in the sense that they are not part of the community of God, but they are still accountable before God. Their consciences are embedded…
Almost every sector of culture is hit right now with revelations about long-admired people revealed to have secret, disgusting lives. Almost every one of you will face just such a…
Adultery is devastating. In the aftermath of an adulterous affair, the offending spouse must first turn away from sin through repentance before God. But after such repentance takes place, there’s…
Every year, around this time, parents and churches ponder how to communicate the Easter story to children, as something more than dyed eggs. The problem is, of course, that it’s…
Our world is rocked in the wake of mass shootings in our schools and churches. Dr. Russell Moore writes of his own personal pain as he shares the story of…
As the father of five sons, I find myself cringing if the news comes on in front of them. With high-profile men seen to be using and abusing women in…
Is there a surefire way your marriage can be protected from adultery? Dr. Russell Moore gives us his opinion: “Whenever one sees a marriage fall apart due to adultery, one…
Google knows who we are, sometimes better than we know ourselves. But Google doesn’t love us. Imagine if you had a truth serum that would force you to disclose who…
Should we protect the planet by addressing the population boom as China did? Interesting question. Here’s what Dr. Russell Moore has to say: “Once, as my wife and I were…
Donald Trump is elected President of the United States. So what should evangelical Christians do now? No matter what our differences politically or religiously, surely we can all agree that some citizens…
One of the reasons I say that it is good for American Christianity to no longer think of itself as a “moral majority” is that such a mentality obscures the…
Several years ago, I quipped before an audience, “Election years make people crazy.” And that was before I had any idea what was coming in 2016. For families with children, this…
King Solomon aptly penned these words: “To everything there is a season…a time to weep….” Dr. Russell Moore wisely inspired a godly response to the Orlando Massacre. “We woke up…
It’s not about sex, it’s about safety. “Last night my preteen daughters cried, afraid of going to a bathroom or locker room at school.”-Brianna Wetherbee. TO SIGN A PETITION PROTESTING…
Why should the church disengage from politics? There are voices shouting from both sides of the issue. I often hear from some Christians who argue that we should disengage from…
TIME magazine featured a cover story on a new initiative against Internet pornography. These anti-porn activists, though, aren’t the caricatured pursed-lip moralists. They are instead young men who say that…
I must admit I was speechless for close to an hour. I saw a video posted online, of an undercover operation in which Planned Parenthood’s top doctor is selling the body…
Dr. Russell Moore recently commented on the state of the Pro-Life movement here in the United States. His words were encouraging: “Last Friday the U.S. House of Representatives voted 241-187…
Russell Moore shares his insights about tension during the holiday season. Here are his wise suggestions: “We tend to idealize holidays, but human depravity doesn’t go into hibernation between Thanksgiving…
Washington, Oregon, California and Vermont all have passed assisted suicide laws called “Death with Dignity” laws. These are the thoughts of Dr. Russell Moore concerning the ethics of assisted suicide.…
“It is as well to admit when your enemies are onto something.” So wrote Douglas Murray in his essay in the May issue of the British magazine Standpoint. While Murray’s point was on…
I know a pastor in California who reversed his position on homosexuality. The pastor said that his shift coincided with his 15 year-old son’s announcement that he is gay. This…
Is Christianity Dying? Christianity is dying. At least, that’s what major newspapers are telling us today, culling research from a new Pew Center study on what almost all sociologists are…
A pastor friend told me last week that he had church members enraged with him when he suggested from the pulpit that we ought to pray for the salvation of…
If the church doesn’t read the signs of the times, we will be right where we evangelicals were after Roe v. Wade—caught flat-footed and unprepared. Thankfully, the Catholics were there to…