Challenges with Adult Children?
Dr. Randy Carlson of Intentional Living brings great insight to parents who have adult children challenges. “More than ever, adult children are moving back home with Mom and Dad. Many…
Dr. Randy Carlson of Intentional Living brings great insight to parents who have adult children challenges. “More than ever, adult children are moving back home with Mom and Dad. Many…
One of the most important things we do every day is make decisions. Some are small, like what we’re going to eat for breakfast, and others are life-changing—decisions about our…
often talk about living intentionally because I believe that how we choose to live each day, the decisions we make, and the way we respond to others significantly impacts our…
Discontentment. Is it something you brought on yourself, or is it something which God has brought into your life? Maybe God is using discontentment to help you bring about change…
So… you’ve been dating for a while, and you’re thinking: “Yeah, this is the one.” That’s great, but are you ignoring any red flags, those important things you can’t accept?…
Are you married? Do you have opposite sex friends? Maybe you think it’s OK, but what does your spouse think? So, if you’re in the midst of an opposite sex…
Make Jesus Christ Your Living Hope You can lose a lot of things and still have hope. Hope is the last thing ever lost. You can lose a marriage, your health or…
Here are the nine habits of an intentional parent: I will not do for my child what he needs to do for himself—when I do, I disrespect him. I will…
So, you’ve made it to Thanksgiving, and Christmas is just around the corner. What are the holidays like, when you’re single? Is it family time, or lonely time? What about…
INTRODUCTION There are many ways to fail in life, but the only way to succeed is to be intentional. We all have things in our lives we want to improve—yet…
Forgive Quickly. The Bible speaks of keeping “short accounts.” In other words, don’t hold on to anger. Keep your marriage “current” instead of bottling up past issues, only to release…
Perhaps my favorite nursery rhyme is Humpty Dumpty. Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t…
Wise choices will watch over you. Understanding will keep you safe. (Proverbs 2:11 NLT) Friendship is a wonderful thing and a gift from God to allow us to enjoy the company…
It’s God’s pleasure to reconcile people to Himself, but not every human relationship can, will or should be reconciled. Not all friendships will last a lifetime. They can turn sour…
When you set out with intention to fulfill God’s purpose for your life, you are going to face resistance and encounter roadblocks. They are inevitable. Take Nola Ochs, for example.…
Have you ever wondered exactly what we mean when we invite you to experience hope? A lot of the people tuning in to listen to Intentional Living are at that reset point…
Have you ever wondered exactly what we mean when we invite you to experience hope? Perhaps you are going through a crisis … A health crisis A financial crisis An issue…
Dr. Randy Carlson and our friends at Family Life Radio share a message of hope in Jesus. Support their ministry today!
So… you’ve been dating for a while, and you’re thinking: “Yeah, this is the one.” That’s great, but are you ignoring any red flags, those important things you can’t accept?…
One of the reasons we minimize being on the wrong path is we say to ourselves, “It won’t happen to me.” We think, I’m in control. I know better. I’m not…
The three-foot rule starts deep on the inside of us. It is the head (thinking), the heart (emotions) and the hand (behavior) of who we are. It begins with our…
What we do today and the decisions we make are going to matter now more than ever. The power of living intentionally in Christ is a huge positive benefit bringing…
Then Haman approached King Xerxes and said, “There is a certain race of people scattered through all the provinces of your empire who keep themselves separate from everyone else. Their…
When you set out with intention to fulfill God’s purpose for your life, you are going to face resistance and encounter roadblocks. They are inevitable. Take Nola Ochs, for example.…
Twelve months later he was taking a walk on the flat roof of the royal palace in Babylon. As he looked out across the city, he said, ‘Look at this great…
In the days when the judges ruled in Israel, a severe famine came upon the land. So a man from Bethlehem in Judah left his home and went to live…
“Is it nothing to you, all you who pass by? Look around and see. Is any suffering like my suffering that was inflicted on me, that the Lord brought on…
Change is inevitable, and it can be a difficult thing in life. Over my 25-plus years of leadership, I’ve learned six critical moves to solving life problems and I want…
“Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the…
It was in the year King Uzziah died that I saw the Lord. He was sitting on a lofty throne, and the train of his robe filled the Temple. Attending…
Here are six things you can do when you’re feeling overwhelmed with life. 1 – Embrace what you’re facing We usually want to hurry through life; we want to get…
Our words and actions tell the truth of what we believe. If that statement is true—and I believe it is—then is Christ honestly replicated in everything we say and do?…
Five Questions to Ask when Thinking about Divorce During the global pandemic we’ve endured the past year, 31% of those divorcing say the lockdown caused their divorce or certainly contributed…
Carefully determine what pleases the Lord (Ephesians 5:10 NLT) Yet what should be the basis for your intentions? Better asked: What does God look at to judge that your…
What are you trusting God to do in your life today? Do you need to address some things in your health, break some old habits and start some new ones?…
Jim Roan, an American entrepreneur, author and motivational speaker said, “Your life doesn’t get better by chance. It gets better by change.” If that is true, why is it so hard…
The COVID-19 global pandemic is a crisis we’ve never seen before. I started thinking about the word crisis and the different meanings for it. And the definition that really caught my attention:…
In my previous blog, How to Respond to a National Crisis, we looked at the first of four kinds of crisis in our lives, taken from this month’s Intentional Living teaching with Dr. Randy…
One of the callers on the Intentional Living program said, “I’m a single mom. I’m feeling overwhelmed with life. I’m trying to go to work. I’m trying to raise my kids.” And…
People are really struggling during this global pandemic. Many are not even aware how much the stress of what is going on in the world is impacting them. I’m feeling…
One of the callers on the Intentional Living program said, “I’m a single mom. I’m feeling overwhelmed with life. I’m trying to go to work. I’m trying to raise my kids.”…
I had a car accident about a month ago. I was driving, comfortably aware of the moment. Life was good, and then, BOOM! I instantly went into fight or flight…
1. Forgive Quickly. The Bible speaks of keeping “short accounts.” In other words, don’t hold on to anger. Keep your marriage “current” instead of bottling up past issues, only to release them…
Our emotional lives are driven by what we think. There is plenty of scripture instructing us how to think –taking captive every thought out of obedience to Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5).…
For those of us who follow Christ, it’s important to understand “why” we choose to live intentionally. If we take the book of Ephesians and split it into two halves,…
We understand intellectually that life isn’t fair, but our culture acts as though life should be fair. There’s been a convergence within our society between justice and fairness. Justice is…
I have read Paul’s words, “Be anxious for nothing” many times (Philippians 4:6). That means when something happens that we didn’t expect in our health, we’re not to be anxious…
What is it in my own life that I need to change or should change? Change starts by first taking 100 percent responsibility for our thoughts, actions and attitudes. It…
Desire is a very powerful force in our lives, and I am convinced it’s the root of why it’s so difficult for us to live intentionally. The reason we get…
Some people have asked me if our resurrected bodies will shine. They cite two passages: “The righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father” (Matthew 13:43)…
Desire is a very powerful force in our lives, and I am convinced it’s the root of why it’s so difficult for us to live intentionally. The reason we get…
We should each be able to go to bed every night and reflect back on the day and know that we took at least one action to move us a…
Dr. Randy Carlson and the Family Life Radio Team have created a diagnostic tool to find out who you are and your primary strengths for serving God and others. A…
A day-by-day discipleship plan to help a believer understand the Word of God and follow Him more closely.
“Figure out what will please Christ, and then do it!” (Ephesians 5:10 The Message) It’s a life-altering directive and where living intentionally begins. Intentionality then occurs when you combine…
What are you trusting God to do in your life today? Do you need to address some things in your health, break some old habits and start some new ones?…
by Dr. Randy Carlson Clutter is the enemy of intention. Without a sense of order in your life, your marriage relationship will never reach its potential. You probably…
Leadership is a concept a person is either drawn to or one they push away. You may not see yourself as a leader, but without leadership, your family will go…