Authors%WP_TITLE_SEP%Levi Lusko

Make Up Your Mind

Keep doing what you done, you’ll keep getting what you got. And if you want something new, we’re going to need to try something different. I say, we think different.…

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Honest to God

Our prayers aren’t meant to be rehearsed, but a reflection of our real life circumstances. Get honest with God with these 7 keys to a powerful prayer life. Preached at…

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Do the Hard Things

When it comes to having healthy relationships we must get out of our comfort zones and do the hard things. Just because something is unpleasant doesn’t mean it’s unprofitable. Preached…

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Think Like a Wolf

We must declare war on the version of ourselves we don’t like, we are encouraged to be intentional with our thoughts. Negative thinking cannot lead to a positive life. Preached…

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Come Back from Grief

Pastor Levi uses 2 Timothy 1:10 to show how Jesus turned off the darkness and brought life through the Gospel. Pastor Levi gives four ways to make it through grief, from remembering…

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