Authors%WP_TITLE_SEP%Julie Barrier

When Fears Come True

Drs. Roger and Julie Barrier teach on the dilemma of dealing with fear and Satanic intimidation instead of trusting in God. WHEN FEARS COME TRUE S-1729 ROGER ·SLIDE #: Turn…

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Coming Home

Psalm 120: 6-7 “Too long have I lived among those who hate peace. I am a man of peace; but when I speak, they are for war.”   “I’m coming…

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Finish Well

“I have fought long and hard for my Lord, and through it all I have kept true to him. And now the time has come for me to stop fighting…

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Praise When You Suffer

To some, the dark tone is Psalm 130 seems incongruous with the victorious praise you would expect from a “spiritual young man or woman.” The difference between a maturing Christian…

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The Thief in the Night

Paul, in his first epistle to the Thessalonians, clarified further what the concept of “being ready for the coming of the Lord” is all about. He used the same analogy-being…

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Hope in Heaven to Survive!

How can you become heavenly-minded and hopeful?   1.     Remember that eternal life starts now. Jesus said in John 17:3: “Now this is eternal life; that they may know You, the only eternal…

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The Art of Forgiveness

THE ART OF FORGIVENESS Warren Wiersbe wrote in his commentary Be Skillful: “It’s strange but true that some of God’s people will forgive offenses from unbelievers that they would never…

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Rest and Listen

Have you ever thought of sleep as a gift? Symbolically, it means God the Father wants to teach you the rest you can experience by trusting in Him. Hebrews 4:9…

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Hope in Heaven to Survive

How can you become heavenly-minded and hopeful? 1.     Remember that eternal life starts now. Jesus said in John 17:3: “Now this is eternal life; that they may know You, the only eternal God…

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Let God Be Your Rock

We live in uncertain times. But God is not surprised. Solomon wrote these words in Psalm 127: “Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it.…

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How to Preach a Bad Sermon

I just heard a bad sermon today (visiting friends, of course). I tried not to sleep through it. Forty-five minutes of meticulous theology rapidly delivered in a soft monotone. Zzzzzz…..…

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4 Women Jesus Loved!

Jesus cherished women! In a time when females were considered inferior to men and treated as property, Christ counted them among His most valued disciples and friends. I want you…

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The Window of Adultery

Adultery? Are you kidding me? What a time for the worship leader to betray his God, his family, and his church! The triumphal entry donkey was already booked, Jesus’ beard…

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Naked in the Pulpit

Many pastors have nightmares about being naked in the pulpit. My favorite cartoonist, Gary Larson, sketched a cartoon with a deer standing on two legs, a target painted on his…

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The Turkey Baster

I believed, at the ripe old age of eight, that Thanksgiving was a wash-a “teaser” holiday that prevented Grandma from shopping for my etch-a-sketch. We got one measly day off…

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Hark the Harold!

A child’s Christmas is always magical-twinkling lights, reindeer hooves, sugar cookies and snowy skies. On Christmas eve of my fourth year, I was decked to the max. I donned my…

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A Time to Dance

In life and in love, timing is everything. Beauty and bliss can occur in every stage of the marriage relationship because God intends each day to be sweeter. As we…

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Leaving a Legacy

Great leaders know how to “pass the baton.” Moses. Elijah, John the Baptist, Jesus, and Paul trained their disciples to take on the mantle of leadership.

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The Bad Seed

Every family has a “bad seed,” a relative with a shady reputation that soils the family name. We all have the “seed of sin” and need new life in Christ.

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Snow Days

“Snow Days” remind us of God’s amazing love in cleansing us from sin. We should slow down and relish the wonder of God’s creation and love.

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Why do we love our pets so? Perhaps we see ourselves in them. Their mischievous antics remind us of our fallenness and our potential for love and devotion.

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Betty Croaker

The Thanksgiving meal may be tasty or pasty, but the concept of stopping to thank God for His abundance is essential. He has given so much, and we are humbled…

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Me First!

We reflect the character of Christ in the everyday moments of life. We must wait for others, show kindness and patience and let them know they are loved and valued.

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Creepy Crawlers

SCRIPTURE STUDY Psalm 91 PRAYER FOCUS Dear Jesus, Help me to recognize Satan’s schemes and call on You to protect me. I know that You have promised to send your…

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Fraidy Cats

Fear can dominate our lives, but Christ’s love replaces our fears with confidence in His unconditional love and acceptance. We never have to walk in fear again.

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Stinky, messy Saturday chores are the bane child’s existence. Growing up means we do things we may not like for a greater good. Jesus, the Good Shepherd, takes care of…

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City Slickers

The psalmist in Psalm 84 writes that a day in God’s house is better than a thousand anywhere else. We should find our security, safety and satisfaction in His presence.

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“Sabbath” days of rest and relaxation are a gift from God. We should be thankful and praise Him for being a loving Father who enjoys blessing His children.

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Kids love sweets and fill their little tummies with as much as they can get. We need to crave God’s Word in the same way. His words are like honey…

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Communicating effectively with others is a skill that must be developed in our lives. A little girl receives attention, respect and affirmation from a loving godfather.

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Great Scotts!

Loving our near ones is a reflection of God’s unconditional love for us. We must love our neighbors as ourselves by being hospitable and accepting.

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Bored Games

Board games that children play can often bring out the true sinful nature within the heart of a child: selfishness, greed and unforgiveness.

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God’s creatures reflect His wisdom, imagination, and glory. When we look with wonder at His world, we learn more about our Heavenly Father.

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Car Wars

Brothers and sisters often struggle with intimacy and unity. God longs for us to love our near ones unselfishly and humbly.

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“Shots” are always painful. We must handle the “shots” we receive in life with grace and forgiveness, and avoid injuring others.

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Bullies do not have to dominate our lives. Intimidation, anger, and aggression are defused by a confident self-concept and compassion for our enemies.

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The Alien

Having a new baby in the home can be traumatic. Young siblings are unaware of future joys that will result. Help your child understand how to love the baby.

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All of us have a little waywardness in our nature. The key is to recognize that we are sinful and need a Savior. When we submit our lives to Him,…

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Zoo Day

Zoo Day is a simple tale about a caring second-grade teacher who opened the eyes of her students to the wonders of God’s creation.

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Cindy, My Enemy

Those who oppose us often have experienced our rejection and insensitivity. When we humbly look at ourselves, we can learn to extend grace and patience to others.

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Tea Party

Moms know the hearts of their children and have a special way of meeting their needs. Acts of kindness are cherished by those who receive them.

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The Square Dance

We often hurt those we love the most. Our expressions of love must be genuine, and we must be patient with those who have difficulty expressing their feelings.

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Puppy Love

Loving God whole-heartedly is a little like puppy love. We must love God sincerely, honestly and without reservation. God rejoices over His precious children with abandonment.

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The Tomato Caper

You can be sure your sin will find you out-whether it be a tiny transgression or a full-fledged, pre-meditated rebellious act. Julie learned how to confess and repent.

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Wholly Devoted

As devoted followers of Christ, we must have a pure heart, not a perfect ones. We may struggle to know God’s plan completely, but will respond in quiet faith and…

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Pastors, Peeps and Preaching

Easter Sunday is the pastors’ Superbowl Sunday. Countless kiddies hyped up on Cadbury chocolate marshmallow bunnies and shocking pink peeps are forced to wear itchy petticoats, stiff, squeaky new shoes…

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Turf Wars

Turf wars are inevitable between churches, countries and children. Whether we fight to sit in the same pew we’ve inhabited for eons or squabble over the line of demarcation drawn…

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Bring Your Sexy Back

King Solomon teaches many valuable lessons about love and romance in the marriage relationship. We learn from him that love is pure, love protects and love is passionate.  In the…

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Hark the Harold

Children’s Christmas programs remind us of the innocence of pure worship. The beauty and glory of the Christ-child is reflected in the faces of God’s little ones.

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Life In Focus

Samson, the strong man from the Book of Judges is contrasted with John the Baptist, the prophet who prepared the way for Christ’s coming. One man lived out of step…

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The Little Boy Who Grew Up to Change the World (Russian)

В течении этого интервью, вы услышите свидетельство пастора Арзи о том, как он пришёл к Христу из мусульманской культуры и как он чувствовал призыв Бога к служению.  Он расскажет о…

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Dear Teacher

Teacher Jane W. shares Christ in the classroom in Tanzania. She soon travels to one of the war zones where poverty and chaos reign. Where does she get her courage!…

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Flying Frozen

John and Valerie spend their days in northern Alaska flying across the Bering Sea into Siberia to provide humanitarian aid and a heaping portion of the Gospel. Children’s ministries, discipleship…

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Heroic Faith

Wycliffe missionaries Larry and Nancy Hagberg relate a remarkable story of faith in the midst of cancer, a near-fatal car crash and floods. God’s Word is the powerful, sustaining force…

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Church Splits

Anytime two Christians are mad at each other, the church splits. The Body of Christ was supposed to be beautifully and perfectly one (according to Jesus in John 17), but…

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Divine Design

King David experienced rejection, heartache, disappointment, and difficulty. How did He survive? When we study his prayers, we know he was deeply connected to God. Psalm 139 is a love…

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Failing Forward

Psalm 32 and 51 are twin poems that describe David’s prayer of brokenness and repentance. Psalm 32 paints a portrait of his emotional pain and how he became healed in…

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Finding Faith

King David began to doubt God when his life was falling apart. Asaph began to doubt God when his world fell apart. Some of our doubts are rational. Many are…

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Journey Into Worship

The Psalms of Ascents are fourteen poems that depict the pilgrimage of faith for abeliever. As the spiritual child grows to maturity, his worship of God will change dramatically. He…

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Delighting God’s Heart

The “Indescribable” companion devotional addresses the importance of praising God in our everyday lives. We are given a garment of praise by God, and when we wear it, we grow…

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Be Ready

We have an opportunity to make every day count before Christ’s return. Living in the light of the urgency of our call and the hope of His rewards changes everything.…

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Bethlehem Star

What was the Star of Bethlehem and what did it signify? Nine points of the star’s meaning are revealed in Matthew 2. The light of God’s glory not only appeared…

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How to Handle Anger Day 4

King David, Solomon’s father, gave us a powerful model for handling anger. Because the shepherd-king was called the “man after God’s own heart,” he had profound insight into God’s character.…

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Learning from Criticism

People have different priorities and expectations; so evaluate criticism in light of your purposes and calling in life. Recognize that your critics can often see your blind spots objectively, and…

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