You MATTER. Never Forget It!

Ever had God blow your socks off? Shock you with His goodness? Leave you speechless with His plan?


This weekend I was reading the new book by Richard Preston. He wrote the Hot Zone years ago about the Ebola virus breakout outside of Washington DC. His newest covers the Ebola crisis in West Africa four years ago. (I know, I know, why on earth am I fascinated by deadly viruses and germs?)


Anyway, the ending of the book described the two American medical personnel from Samaritan’s Purse who caught Ebola while serving in Liberia. Then I began to read about the missions agency who raised $1.5 million in 48 hours to outfit a plane with a bio containment unit, bring a lifesaving experimental drug to Liberia, and evacuate Kent and Nancy to a hospital in Atlanta.


I started crying as I remembered…I had the privilege of helping to strategize raising those funds, writing the fundraising copy, and praying nearly round the clock as God prompted His people to give. I stood with my team as we watched the plane arrive, where Kent Brantly walked, yes walked, across the tarmac, when he had been at death’s door when he was carried onto the plane in Liberia.


All through the Old Testament, God told His people to build monuments to remember when they experienced miracles. Think Joshua’s army winning an impossible battle at Jericho…Moses and the Israelites crossing the Red Sea…moments when God revealed His power in unmistakable ways.


Sometimes I forget why I work so hard to raise funds for my clients. When I struggle to write the words, I worry that my inadequacy will keep them from doing everything they’re called to do. I wonder if the hours I spend sitting all alone in my living room, staring at a laptop, really matter at all.

In my weakest moments, God sends a reminder…encouragement that He is using me to make a difference.


God is using YOU to make a difference, right where you are today. When you get a glimpse of His handiwork, do what Mary did, and “cherish these things in your heart.” And when you wonder if you matter, take time to remember. 



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