The Unstoppable Force: God-Given Imagination

“We preach against sin, but have we ever developed the anger of God when it related to lost human potential? Have we ever looked at human lives and felt our hearts break, not because of the sins committed but because of the potential left unattended? An apostolic environment sees character development as a commitment to maximizing the life of every individual and seeing each and every human being as a treasure of God. For too long our only conversations related to the image and likeness of God have been about how we have defiled it. We’ve been negligent in our examination of what it means to be re-created in the image of Christ. We were created not only to declare, but also to reflect God’s greatness and beauty. Institutions devalue human potential and minimize the contributions of individuals. An apostolic ethos identifies, nurtures, and develops these capacities as stewardship before God.”

The Gallup Organization, from their studies of human talent, have suggested that the unique talent of an individual can be identified by the age of two. Perhaps a difference between a good parent and great parents is that a good parent forms character, while a great parent unleashes potential through character transformation. If this is true, and I am convinced that it is, then all of us have an opportunity to be prodigies in our own way.” 

Throughout history, the church was the hub of all great art, music, architecture and literature. Even scientists and philosophers were given their start and support by the church fathers. God is by nature creative, and so it follows that the more we draw near to God, the more we tap in to His infinite creativity.

“Every man and woman has been given the most vital, foundational tool for creative work: the human imagination. It is the one way you can see the ideal, go to places you’ve never been, step into experiences you’ve never known. In your imagination, you have unlimited resources, unlimited capacity and an unlimited range of influence. In some ways, in our imaginations we are most like God. Unfortunately, the material for our imaginations is primarily filtered through our hearts. When our hearts are separated from God, our imaginations can be corrupted. As we draw near in intimacy with our Heavenly Father, our imaginations can be the birthplace of the dreams of God for our lives.”

‘Call to me, and I will show you things that you could never dream or imagine.’

What dreams has God placed in your heart?


Erwin Raphael McManus, An Unstoppable Force. Loveland Colorado: Group Publishing, 2001. pp. 181-182.

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