Few churches understand how to reach millennials for Christ. Over recent months I’ve been collecting and tweeting(@warrenbird) various research, trends and ideas on that topic. Here are some of my better tweets on this important group:
- Where are the millennial leaders in YOUR church? tips on how to find them by @tonymorganlive
- Millennials now comprise 35% of US civilian labor force (page 109 of report), the largest generation segment. Boomers and Gen-Xers each account for 31%
- 20 great tips on leading twentysomethings / millennials from @bradlomenick
- Millennials & the Bible, new study of both Christians and non by Barna Group @davidkinnaman
- Library habits of Americans ages 16-29, yes millennials still read books
- What’s Your Model for Evangelism in Reaching NONES and Millennials?
- 5 important trends: unreached Millennials, decline in certain senior adult ministries, yet Boomer receptivity, etc
- Millennials: their 4 motivations including “I can make the world a better place” infographic
- Among MILLENNIALS (born ’84-95) practice of EVANGELISM on the rise; most evangelistic generation
- Infographic: top ways millennials integrate faith & technology, ex: 70% read Bible online
- Millennial Moms: most diverse pop of women in US history. Minorities 34% of this gen, 24% of Boomers. EngageMoms9/4/13
- State of the Bible infographic: over half (57%) of Millennials read Bible <3x/year or never
- What motivates Millennial giving to a church not the same as Boomers, helpful article on trends
- Comparison of millennial generation (born 1980-2000) with previous gen’s on values & practices
- 56% of unmarried evangelical Millennials (ages 18-29) say they have never been sexually active
- Twice as willing to volunteer if peer invites them, report on millennials listed @tonymorganlive
- Millennials age 18-24: 76% say Christianity “has good values” but a growing # are religiously unaffiliated
- www.leadnet.org. Used by permission.