How Can Your Church Meet Needs in the Hispanic Community?

The Excellent Book, Hispanic Realities Impacting America: Implications for Evangelism and Missions , by Daniel Sanchez, Ph.D., provides an eye-opening overview of America’s rapidly changing population demographics.

It vividly reminds readers that Hispanics have spread throughout the country faster than immigrant any previous group. Its central point IS that Hispanics are showing more receptivity to the Evangelical message than ever before in the history of the Country . 

What I found most helpful was the discussion about needs in the Hispanic community (chapter 13). The author, a seminary professor who was previously a missionary and church planter, highlights a survey of Hispanic pastors who suggested various needs that could be served, which the pastors ranked in this order:

68%, Helping persons get jobs or better jobs

61%, Helping new immigrants establish themselves

61%, Helping persons to have better access to basic social services (health care, Social Security, Medicare)

61%, Counseling programs

59%, Ministry-based evangelism such as block parties)

58%, English or citizenship classes

57%, Evangelistic services

53%, Helping students to stay in school

52%, Church / community sports programs

50%, Job training

49%, After-school programs for teenagers

45%, Drug / alcoholic rehabilitation programs

45%, Daycare or childcare programs

41%, Reduce violence among families

38%, Food distribution

32% Programs for the elderly

31%, Providing shelter for the homeless

29%, Reduce violence in the community

26%, Adequate housing

21%, Voter registration.

Certainly people’s needs will vary from place to place according to economic level and other factors including proficiency in English, but these are good ideas of how to serve especially our Hispanic neighbors who are newer to this country – but they also apply well to anyone else we want to reach out to and serve. What’s Working best in your Community for Reaching out to your Hispanic neighbors?

By Leadership Network on November 6th, 2013. Used by permission.



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