How Are Next Generation Christians Unique?

WE ARE LIVING IN A POST-CHRISTIAN SOCIETY. In America’s past, Christian ideas have ruled and dominated the public square. Those days are moving behind us. How will we realize this vision of being Christian in a very post-Christian setting? The church might not be as highly regarded as it once was; Christians might not be looked at as favorably as they used to. We have one of the greatest opportunities ahead of us. God has a plan we are walking into. God has been guiding us and helping us better understand our world in order to do great works for Him. There’s hope in the new generation.

Characteristics of the Next Christians

1 –Provoked

Instead of being offended they are provoked to engage. They don’t condemn people, they get with them. They have a mentality that governs that…the stories that come out of the Gospel. Luke 19, Zacchaeus. Jesus didn’t avoid, He engaged. He did one of the most intimate things you could do in that culture, eat with people. In John 4, he engaged with the woman the well. He healed lepers. He healed the Roman centurion’s son. Jesus engaged people where they were at on their journey towards Him and helped them move forward. The Next Christians don’t run away form the problem, they run into it.

2 – Creators

They aren’t critics, they are creators. When they show up they create things that correct systemic issues that have led to injustice or brokenness. Next Christians don’t talk about what’s wrong, they do something about it.

3 – Called

A generation is starting to recover the idea of calling and starting to understand vocation. They aren’t working for a paycheck, they are looking at how they are investing themselves and bring a new mentality to their work, how they invest their talent and resources, etc. It changes the way people work and approach their work. They see their work as their calling. This is happening in every channel of culture. The church is the only channel that convenes the other six channels of culture. When we start to support one another, can you imagine what is possible? It’s one of the greatest opportunities we have. It’s the dawning idea that’s coming to bear.

What does it mean to send people into the various channels of culture equipped and called to bring Christ to bear in their work?

4- Grounded

We can’t do any of this without our anchor in Christ. In Christ we immerse ourselves. We have to immerse ourselves in Scripture; we have to be intimate with God. We realize without a deep connection to Christ we will be lost. That grounding only comes through discipleship and community.

5 – We must have a community, the church coming around us.

The church may look different. The church is coming back to life in new channels and new locations. We’re not a subculture, we are joining the existing communities and networks in the world. New Christians are showing up and adding value to the conversations that are happening. We’re being a counter culture for a common good. The common good was an idea that, as Christians, we should care for all people regardless of race, class or relgion. We care for anyone. New Christians care about the good of all people regardless of whether people get saved or not. It’s not counter-cultural in an antagonistic way. We’re dong things that advance the good of everyone. They’re showing up in every place and every corner of society and it’s creating a new experience with Jesus and Christians.

What the soul is in the body, Christians are in the world.

We have to be creative and provoked, and when we do that, good things happen. Christianity is no longer the center with everything running through it… we are the periphery. Our best days lie ahead. Used by permission.

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