Get Free in Christ: Unhook Your Trailer

What are the things that slow you up in life? You know, the gum that sticks to the bottom of your shoe, the spare tire you grew over the holidays…Do your worries weigh you down? Do relational hang-ups keep you from abundant living?

When I was growing up on the baseball field ~ Coach used to yell a phrase to get us to run faster: “unhook your trailer“.  Vince was the poor guy that heard this the most. I’m not saying he was slow around the bases, just pointing out that maple syrup might have a chance to outrun him…

Unhook your trailer…

All around us – we see them. Some carry horses, cargo, cars & more. They come attached to Semi trucks, big trucks with over-sized tires, cars & some even attached to bikes. Can they become attached to humans?

What we all know – is that when we’re loaded down, it impedes our progress – we run slower. Physics dictates this reality.

Unhook your trailer…

The writer of Hebrews says something similar – way more eloquently – but just as truthful:

1Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. 2Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith,… (Hebrews 12:1-3)

As a follower of Christ – we’re called to unhook the trailer…to cast off those sins, poor decisions & habits that hinder our progress to being more & more like Christ.  We’re to keep our focus on HIM.

Now – easy to say, difficult to do at times. This isn’t just a matter of ‘will power’ – this is staying connected to HIS POWER. His grace is sufficient to forgive the past, empower for today and call us forward into tomorrow.

What’s needed is our yieldedness – our acknowledgement of the weight/baggage we’re unnecessarily carrying around…

So, are you weighed down today? Confession is good for the soul. The Scriptures continual call to us to return (search our hearts Psalm 139) and make sure that we’re relationally right with our Father.

Stop – take a moment (if needed) to unhook your trailer ~ quiet your soul & confess…

Afterwards…pick up the forgiveness, freedom & renewal that is yours in Christ. (1 Jn 1:9; Romans 8) Jesus said that his burden was light – He came to bring forgiveness & freedom.

We all need reminded at times to unhook our trailer…


How does confession impact relationships? (post your thougths)

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