
Troubles and problems come our way constantly. Can I pay my mortgage? Will my teenagers come out okay? Do I have enough money to make it to the end of the month? What will the doctor say?

To rest in God is to do what is contrary to everything your earthly wisdom and logic is telling you and that is, “Be still, and know that I [am] God…” ”Be still”; not that you should be unconcerned at all the commotion that is going on in your life, or be totally inactive; but you need not to be fearful, or fretful, impatient, or restless; but instead be quiet and easy, and resign yourself not to your will be done but to the will of God, and live in an assured expectation of the appearance of divine Providence in your circumstance.

And “know”; or acknowledge that He is God, a sovereign Being that does whatsoever He pleases. And that He is unchangeable in His Nature, purposes, promises, and covenant to you and with you. And that He is omnipotent (ALL-powerful), able to help you and deliver you. And that He is omniscient (ALL-wise), and knows all about you and your troubles, and how and where to hide them until the storm is over. And that He makes all things work together for good to them who love Him and are called according to His purpose. And that He is faithful to His word and promise, and will not cause you to be burdened with more than you can bear.
You must understand and know today that with Him in your boat, in your life that He is telling you today to be still, be calm, and tremble no more, but know, to your comfort, that the Lord is God, He is God alone, and will be exalted above everyone and everything; and He will maintain His honor to fulfill His promises to you. Though your situation may try to make you discouraged, yet let yourself not be dejected, for you must be sure and know that God will be exalted, and will work for His great name.
Relax today son or daughter of God. He really is in control. Yes, there are things you may need to repent of, things that you may have done that got you into this mess, or it may just have been a set of circumstances that were out of your control, but whichever it may be, as His child today He knows and you need to know too-you need to know that today you just need to RELAX, take a deep breath, be still and know that He is your God, and in that truth find the comfort you need to go on in His strength. He will always be with you!
God Bless and relax today in Him and His promises to you.



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