10 Ways to Keep my Marriage Sexually Pure

Lisa, my wife, and I just finished a great seminar about sexual purity. In it, we covered our “10 Commandments of Purity” (We’ve also put these in our book Sexperiment ). If you missed it, here they are:

10 Commandments of Purity

 1) I shall have no other human relationship before Lisa, my wife.
Your spouse is the most important earthly relationship you will have. Make that relationship a priority!

2) Remember your date night and keep it holy.
Husbands, what you did to get her is what you do to keep her!

3) Honor Lisa on anniversaries and special days so that you may live long in the land the Lord has given you.
Place emphasis on those milestones in your relationship!

 4) I shall not take the covenant of marriage in vain.
Remember, marriage is more than a contract; it’s a covenant!

 5) I shall not ride in a car or eat in a restaurant alone with a member of the opposite sex.
Is it a sin? No. Is it stupid? Yes!

6) I shall not critique my spouse in public.
Watch the words you say. Do you build your spouse up in front of other people?

7) I shall not counsel a woman behind closed doors.
Really, guys, we shouldn’t cousel women anyway. After all, what do we really know about them?!

 8) I shall not share the details of my marriage with others.
Your #1 place to talk about your marriage should inside your marriage!

 9) I shall not watch, read or expose myself to sexually explicit shows, books, websites, etc.
We can all struggle in this area. So be proactive and put filters in place to help you!.

10) I shall remember the implications of committing adultery.
Set the example of godly marriage, crash through quitting points, and make the most of the influence He has given you!

Remember, God wants all of us to experience the most out of life; and that includes our sexuality. Because of that fact, I would challenge you to come up with your own list of purity commandments!

http://www.creativepastors.com. Used by permission.


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