It can be hard to maintain hope in the middle of chaos. But our hope isn’t anchored to circumstances, theological opinions, or a book. Our hope is anchored to an …
To be a conqueror is to rejoice when the battle is over. To be more than a conqueror is to rejoice before the battles start. And that’s Gideon. He goes, …
Gideon doubted God’s charge to deliver Israel, but we learn how God made him into a judge, a warrior, and a man of faith. Preached at Chase Oak Church. Plano, …
The story of Joseph is one of the Bible’s most compelling tales. And the most gripping feature is the difference between Joseph’s outlook and that of his eleven brothers. After …
When you what God gives you to do, He surrounds you with all of the people that you need to do what you can’t do. You have everything you need …
Without the Holy Spirit, we’re ordinary in every way. With the Holy Spirit, all things all possible. His anointing is the X Factor—it helps us do what we do better …
The religious elite ignored Him as long as they could. Since Jesus sported no theological degrees and wasn’t part of the pastors guild, they didn’t take Him seriously. He was …
The ancient conflict between the spirits of Elijah and Jezebel is an incredibly powerful glimpse into spiritual warfare. In this age-old battle, Elijah represents the voice of Heaven: the call …
STOP: Trying to make it happen and get it done. “Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him.” Ps. 37:7. STOP: Focusing on yourself, your issues, your …
Currently one in every sixty-eight children in the U.S. will be diagnosed with autism. More children will be diagnosed with autism this year than with AIDS, diabetes, and cancer combined. …
How personal and passionate is your love for God? We were designed to cling close to Him, believe in Him, rely upon Him and never, never leave His side. We are …
Can you believe that your thinking can dynamically impact your physical, spiritual and emotional health? As a Christian neuroscientist, this information is transformational. We cannot afford not to ”bring all …
We can learn to see through our enemies to see God’s presence. When troubles like fear, depression, or anxiety seem right on top of us, we can look through them …
Dear Roger, I’m just confused on one point, where does it say that satan has open access to Heaven? and there are scriptures that say no sin can dwell …
The classic story of David and Goliath answers the question, “What does real courage look like?” David’s heart surfaces in this story of fear and faith. “David showed us that …
People skills are invaluable in leadership. Imagine how difficult it would be for a man to lead if he was timid and indecisive. Or consider the wreckage produced by a …
Pastors have an awesome calling. They’re my heroes. I serve them through the community because I know what it’s like to be in the trenches of leading a local congregation. It’s …
READ JOHN 12: 20-32 There are two words in the Greek language that could be translated as Greeks – Hellenistoi and Hellenes. Both refer to Greek affiliation. John uses here …
Romans 8 is a powerful picture of victory in Christ. Because we are unconditionally loved and freed from condemnation, we can be completely honest and vulnerable before God. We are …
The clock was ticking, demanding her urgent attention, and yet she sat still. Martha breathed deeply and tried to close out the clamor of her to-do list. Rest. She wanted …
I have often said that many Reformed evangelicals think of sound, expository preaching as something of a ‘magic bullet.’ We may think that as long as we are preaching the …
The prophet Elijah experienced great victories and great trials in his life. Calling fire down from heaven was a miraculous triumph. But lonely days of starvation at the Brook Kerith, …
Breakthroughs often follow breakdowns. All of us love breakthroughs right? We love spiritual breakthroughs when God answers a prayer or some miracle happens. We love breakthroughs, but in my experience, …
Satan has been decisively defeated in the death and resurrection of Christ through Christians who believe and speak the Word of God and wear His armor. Satan will finally be …
Dear Roger, I have Asperger’s Syndrome (a type of autism). Do I retain this characteristic or will Jesus Christ remove that condition from me? I actually like being able to …
When a Jericho (a seemingly insurmountable obstacle) blocks your path, never confuse God’s patience with weakness or approval. in yesterday’s (or someone else’s battle plan. God will go before you. …
Dear Roger, What are your thoughts on the “feel good” church, and how do they get away from preaching the gospel and the studies through scripture…..!!?? From Concerned …
Strength and courage come from the choices we make more than the feelings we have. Joshua received God’s blessing because He obeyed in he face of insurmountable odds.
If you trust you “sin struggle” is always going to win, Romans 6 has some great news for you! In this text, Paul reveals a great truth that points to …
A life script is an ongoing program for our lives that we act out automatically. The script can be constructive, destructive, non-productive or a combination of all three. Family, culture …
Satan’s objective is to block us from closing the gap to the abundant life God intends for us to enjoy. Satan steals us from intimacy with God by keeping us …