Dear Roger and Brie, It seems like the world is falling apart. I’m scared. My friends and I talk about what is happening to the global economy and I just …
God wouldn’t hold it against me if I don’t believe in him?, would he? Given the complexities of our world, how could he? Is unbelief a sin? Surely not! Culturally, …
We learn in the Psalms that it is alright to be honest with God and to express our doubts openly. As we commune with Him, He will give us peace …
“From What If To What Is,” Pastor Steven Furtick encourages us to stop worrying about what could be and start trusting who God is.
There was a time when going to church is what respectable people did. Church was a place not just of worship, but, for the worldly-minded, of upward mobility. My childhood …
John, the disciple who Jesus loved. Jesus washes the feet of the disciples and gives them a new command. Before Jesus goes to the cross, the disciples sitting at the …
Not long ago, Pew Research released a survey[i] on why Americans do and do not go to church. While 73% of Americans identify as being Christian[ii], surveys say Americans who …
Most non-Christians aren’t looking for a debate, but they are bombarded by a tidal wave of media that goes against the idea of faith. Non-Christians are plagued by questions like …
Doubt is both a common and shared experience for many of us in the Beloved community. Although doubt can be a disorientating and a confusing experience, Christ walked through a …
Will you lift your eyes for a moment? You’ve been looking in the wrong places for your joy, for your peace. You didn’t lose it. You just need somebody to …
Another day, another pastor or a church in the news headlines. You had your doubts, but now those doubts feel a little more like fractures. You believe God is real, …
Carey Nieuhof interviews Andy Stanley in this episode from Andy Stanley outlines the argument he makes in his new book, Irresistible, and coaches leaders on how to have conversations …
Deborah Mitchell, a popular CNN blogger and confirmed atheist, claimed that raising children without God is better than raising children with God. Mrs. Mitchell lists seven reasons why she raises …
The widest river in the world is not the Mississippi, Amazon, or Nile. The widest river on earth is a body of water called If Only. Throngs of people stand on …
God uses suffering for his glory and our growth. Sermon begins at 19:00 Preached at New Life Bible Fellowship, Tucson, Arizona. Team sermon by Greg Lavine and John Beeson
Caleb and Joshua showed great faith in the midst of “giant” obstacles. When you are in the desert, you let the Devil tempt you to ask the wrong questions. “Who …
People have been going to war for centuries. Conflicts and clashes are part of our history both as a civilization and as a nation. But there are three wars that …
Dear Roger, What is the “Book of Life” and how do I know if I’m in it? Sincerely, Paul Dear Paul, The Bible teaches that the Book …
Do you remember as a child sitting in the grass, watching various bugs and creatures move about their world? There were ants, worms, and small green grasshoppers. If you watched …
Dear Roger, I’m beginning to get scared. Pandemic surges. Earthquakes, fires, wars abound. I’m worried about my family. Especially right now, I want my prayers to be answered. But is …
Dear Roger, I can’t imagine anyone choosing to be in hell. I’d rather think of hell as where God banishes people he chooses to punish. But, is it true that …
In this study we will see how the prophet Jeremiah, in his writings, demonstrated that the person who sins does not know God, and that truly knowing God is dependent …
Dear Roger, I hear so many people these days saying, “Christians are the problem,” or “Christians are unloving and judgmental.” Why is having a moral compass and a …
The story of Abraham inspires us to believe God for His provision. We can trust Him if we believe, obey and listen. Be inspired to meditate on this powerful story …
How do you quantify fear? How do you measure anxiety? None of us knows what lies ahead of us with the COVID-19 (coronavirus) situation. When scientists’ predictions range from tens …
“I don’t even know why we’re here. Nothing is going to change.” I’ve heard those words many times in counseling sessions. And I’ve felt those words from the posture, from …
Science fiction speaks to some of our deepest dreams and longings. It captures our imagination. And that’s why we love fiction. The old adage: truth is stranger than fiction is …
Dear Roger, My husband and I were discussing how much you had to believe to be a real Christian? So that’s my question. Sincerely, Lanette Dear Lanette, Christianity is a …
If you’ve read the Old Testament then you may remember the story of King Hezekiah. He was a reformer, a righteous king whom we praise for his trust in God …
“My fellow believers, when it seems as though you are facing nothing but difficulties see it as an invaluable opportunity to experience the greatest joy that you can! For you …
I’ve spent a portion of my last few years praying for and grieving for a friend who once claimed Christ as his own, but over the years abandoned his faith …
Why Did the Children of Israel Wander Away from God? They had unrepentant hearts…. Moses sent twelve spies to Canaan to bring back a report of the land. When they …
Dear Roger, My brother-in-law, recently posted this query to me via e-mail: Question from reading John 12:39-41 – my commentary says, people in Jesus’ time would not believe despite …
Dear Roger, I’m scared for my brother. He’s turned his back on Christianity. All of us kids grew up in church and got baptized when we were children. Mom and …
Revelation 6 is an unfolding of God’s judgment in the Tribulation. Discover the antichrist and afterlife. What will these times look like? Man, who has rejected his Creator, will suddenly …
The other day I had someone ask me about a funeral that she was going to. She said “This is a funeral for an unbeliever, and I’m trying to think …
Many say that Christians who maintain the historic, traditional doctrines are behind the times, are too exclusive, and are “on the wrong side of history.” Two recent books that cast …
Jay, one of our church members, recently shared with me: “I was a Christian for twenty-two years. But instead of being a twenty-two-year-old Christian, I was a one-year- old Christian …
Anyone who’s given himself or herself to prayer for a sustained amount of time has likely experienced the disappointment of unanswered prayer. But the more theologicall astute among you may not like that phrase “unanswered …
Preaching is always a challenge, especially in an unchurched culture. In terms of seeing radical life changes in individuals, nothing can take the place of Spirit-anointed preaching. The message is …
Dear Roger, Can a Christian be deceived? How is this possible? I am afraid I will not know how to distinguish what is true and what is false in my …
Fear and superstition? Really? Have I got your attention? Recently I’ve been reading the book, How The West Really Lost God, by Mary Eberstadt. The book makes a strong case for …
A Christian atheist believes in God, but lives his/her life like He does not exist. Therefore, there is no transformation or expression of faith in God. They live worldly lives. …
The people of Judah wanted to re-build the Temple in Jerusalem, but faced great opposition and had to abandon the task. The Jews were accused of being rebellious, and wanted …
Contrary to popular belief, men do have feelings. But most men are reluctant to share those feelings with others. Women, on the other hand, have no problem opening up. Why …
When the Scriptures refer to the “heavenly host,” we usually think of “choirs of angels.” The word “host” in the Bible meant “army” (Josh. 5:13–14). It is an important truth: …
Dear Roger, Would you shed some light on Hebrews 6:4-6 for me? I have known many people (including pastors) that have fallen-away or turned their backs on God, at …
The story of the complaining Israelites in the wilderness teach us many lessons. God gives us salvation and freedom, but often, God’s people are impatient and complain. God disciplines us …
Rebecca Thompson fell twice from the Fremont Canyon Bridge. She died both times. The first fall broke her heart; the second broke her neck. She was only eighteen years of …
“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” In our culture, that sounds crazy, and is at minimum something …
Our assumptions keep many of us from faith. As we age, many of us stop believing and start assuming. We stop living out of our right brain imagination and start …
As believers, we are on the “winning side.” God sent His prophetic messengers to prepare our hearts to receive His grace. Don’t live with a short-term view of God’s plan.
How long must I call for help and you do not listen? How long must you tolerate injustice? You don’t seem to care that the Babylonians, a wicked and perverse …
The prophet Habakkuk longs to know God’s timetable for justice among His people, but his Creator is teaching him patience. Waiting does not mean a plan is flawed, idle or …
In spite of our fears, Jesus says we can handle the truth and it will set us free. God used Elijah’s fears to deepen Elijah’s faith and distinguish his spiritual …