Your children use complaining because it works! Train Up your child; not Down. Expect more from your kids, and they will rise to the occasion
Grief is an emotion that can overwhelm you. Grief can take many forms from denial, anger, fatigue and depression. Here are a few tips on identifying grief in your life …
Some Christians believe that depression is a sin. As someone who has experienced bipolar depression I have my own perspective on the issue. To be up front, never in my …
Dr. Chet Weld continues the discussion of identifying and healing hurts. If we bury emotions, we bury them alive and they will always surface in destructive ways that sabotage our …
Dear Roger, I’m thinking about getting married. Can you give me some guidelines that may help me know that I am marrying the right guy? Sincerely, Kate Dear Kate, …
My friend Paul and I just delivered presents to our adopted homeless community the other night. I don’t have the time or mental fortitude to turn it into an eloquent …
We all have strange dreams from time to time, and they are still worth looking at and praying about to see if there is something God wants us to learn …
It’s great to do life with fellow brothers and sisters of the faith, but every once in awhile I get a thought about a different way of doing church. I …
Materialists believe that the mind emerges from the brain and that the mind (soul) is an artifact of the brain. Like the Sadducees of Jesus’ time, they only believe what …
It’s important to let the right people into our personal lives. Some people we should let into our personal lives and others just aren’t safe because we must guard our …
Unsafe people can sabotage relationships by dishonesty, selfishness, control, condemnation, codependence, betrayal and secrecy. Learn how to discern the relationships in your life that are healthy and productive.
Who is in the driver’s seat? Who is the master of your life? Jesus says you have a driver’s seat. It will shape your decisions and reactions in life. John …
Who is in the driver’s seat? Who is the master of your life? Jesus says you have a driver’s seat. It will shape your decisions and reactions in life. John …
Our town still has one of those old-fashioned markets with little stalls piled high with fruit and vegetables, and the vendors calling out their best deals, each one clamouring for …
Four personality disorders (histrionic, dependent, anti-social and borderline) receive detailed examination because they are among the most commonly encountered in church ministry. The challenge posed by these difficult personalities force …
Dr. Steven Dowdle, well-known pastor, psychologist and educator describes four personality types that are resistant to counseling and church ministry. How does a pastor handle these difficult cases?
Symptoms for basic mood disorders such as mania, depression and bipolar disorder are discussed. The critical nature of diagnosis and treatment is emphasized. Support teams consist of a psychologist, a …