Broken relationships are painful. Is there any chance God might change His mind and break up with you? Is there any chance you might do something that would cause God …
“From What If To What Is,” Pastor Steven Furtick encourages us to stop worrying about what could be and start trusting who God is.
We often define our lives by the big moments. But most of our lives consist of ordinary chapters. They may not feel significant, but ultimately end up changing everything. In …
James 1:2-3: ‘Dear brothers, is your life full of difficulties and temptations? Then be happy, 3 for when the way is rough, your patience has a chance to grow. 4 So let it grow, …
For as long as I can remember, I have found such great comfort and “faith building” in the Scripture passage of Isaiah 55:8-11. When I came upon these verses in …
Joy. The dictionary defines it as “the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying.” The apostle James tells us to “Consider it pure joy, …
Our main verse… 1 Corinthians 16:13… Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Matthew 24:42… Therefore be on the alert, for you do …
Welcome to this first message on the life of David, but we have to warn you that if you grew up just hearing about his stories in Sunday School, then …
There are two things that can get us down in life: our own sin and the actions of others. This chapter is going to give us a detailed account of …
Discouragement creeps up on the best of us. It’s lurking in the corners of a promotion. It’s hiding in the shadows of being passed over. It’s slinking through the bends …
All of us realize that we live in a broken world that is not getting any better, yet few of us are doing something ahead of time to prepare for …
“Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal,” said Thomas Moore. But if that is true, why don’t we think more about heaven? Why do we only think and talk …
Let’s talk about sharing our faith at work. The big point of our series is that our work itself matters to God and is part of his creation and redemption …
Enoch learned to have heaven on earth, so it was an easy transition when God decided to take him right up to heaven. Transitioning to the eternal in death is …
Are you over 40, nearing 40 or on your way to 40, then you are part of the Caleb Generation. Caleb, on the brink of the promise land, at 85 …
Dear Roger, I was digging into the book of Hosea, and I don’t understand. Why would God tell him to marry a prostitute? God had called him to …
Our doorbell rang – an odd occasion –I got up from the dinner table and walked toward the door. My step hitched halfway to the door as I realized it …
Do you ever wish you knew how to make decisions that would help you reach your goals? What if becoming the person you want to be starts before you make …
We live at the intersection of two theologies, two realities. The faithfulness of God is pursuing from the past—SO FAR SO GOD. And the sovereignty of God is setting us …
James tells us that we can find joy in suffering because it causes us to be conformed to the image of Jesus.
Queen Esther faced insurmountable odds as she courageously approached King Xerxes to save her people. God gave her favor and freedom for the Jews. Team sermon with Kim Parrish. Sermon …
God uses suffering for his glory and our growth. Sermon begins at 19:00 Preached at New Life Bible Fellowship, Tucson, Arizona. Team sermon by Greg Lavine and John Beeson
Do you follow God or run ahead of Him? You may have heard the story of Deborah and Barak, but have you ever stopped and thought about their impact? Where …
GOD COMMANDS US TO BE FAITHFUL BECAUSE HE VALUES FAITHFULNESS. Bible Reading of the Day: Read Proverbs 3:1-8. Verse of the Day: “Many will say they are loyal friends, but who …
“TAKE CARE OF THIS FOR ME” The Parable of the Dishonest Manager Luke 16:1-15 If Jesus were here instructing Christians today, He would spend a major portion of His time …
What do you do when life gets confusing and hard? Or when things don’t seem to fit into a bigger, better plan? Joseph, the father of Jesus, wrestled with those …
“Manasseh did not drive out the inhabitants…Ephraim did not dive out the Canaanites…Zubulun did not drive out the inhabitants…Asher did not drive out the inhabitants…Naphtali did not drive out …
Being in any relationship for any length of time with any person is hard. I mean, let’s face it: We all live this life through a lens focused on self, …
Disciples’ faith in Jesus’ person and power enables them to fearlessly face natural and supernatural calamities. “Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey Him?” Mark …
The blast felt like a furnace. Opening the door to greenhouse number seven, I could not believe I was going to walk into that atmosphere. The blazing dry heat confronting …
Esther’s Courage to Save Her People
by Greg Lavine & John Beesonby Greg Lavine & John BeesonEsther had the courage to risk her life to save her people, the Jews. We can learn to have faith in the midst of tremendous obstacles. Preached at New Life …
What we do today and the decisions we make are going to matter now more than ever. The power of living intentionally in Christ is a huge positive benefit bringing …
When you set out with intention to fulfill God’s purpose for your life, you are going to face resistance and encounter roadblocks. They are inevitable. Take Nola Ochs, for example. …
“Is it nothing to you, all you who pass by? Look around and see. Is any suffering like my suffering that was inflicted on me, that the Lord brought on …
Samson’s life story is in Judges 13-16, and John’s is revealed in Luke 1-3, Matthew 14:10. Central to Samson’s life is that “he will begin to rescue Israel from the …
The call on John’s life is like no other—he is to prepare the world for God’s only Son. From the womb, the Holy Spirit directs John that he will be …
We need to live lives that demand an explanation. Paul lived this life that didn’t make any sense. In Philippians 4, he is talking about joy and contentment while chained …
We learn from the courageous story of Daniel that: Life Happens Unexpectedly (vv. 1-2) The World Demands Conformity (vv. 3-7) Commitment Begins Inwardly (vv. 8-16) God honors such …
“He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you, but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your …
“My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast! I will sing and make melody!” Psalm 57:7 (ESV) I trust God. Until I don’t. That doesn’t feel like a …
God has big plans for you. He plants dreams in your heart—and they can bloom when the soil is fertile. Set your sights on what’s ahead and prepare your soul to …
Fall and Spring are my favorite times of year. “For who hath despised the day of small things?” Zechariah 4:10a There’s something about a fire that draws me in …
GOD CAME TO US AND OFFERED HIMSELF. HOW DO WE RETURN TO HIM? Psalm 51, was penned by David immediately after Nathan the prophet had confronted him. It is one …
The COVID-19 global pandemic is a crisis we’ve never seen before. I started thinking about the word crisis and the different meanings for it. And the definition that really caught my attention: …
The truth is, we all have a sin problem. That’s why we need Jesus so much. But if someone you love is trapped in a pattern of sin or refuses …
Many times I’ve found–after the dust has settled–that things that seemed so significant at the time were really insignificant. The situations or issues weren’t trivial, but they really didn’t …
Galatians 5:22-23 lists the qualities of “faithfulness” and “meekness” next to each other. Faithfulness has to do with the keeping of promises, and the courageous declaration of truth. The Greek …
Matthew 6:10 As a citizen of the United States of America, we have a commitment to a nation – a kingdom. We also have constitutional rights because we are …
Easter is the time when we celebrate Christ’s power. We celebrate this verse in Revelation, when He says “I was dead, and now I am alive forever.” I hold the …
It’s ten o’clock, do you know where your husband is? Apparently many Americans are asking this question, judging by the sales and buzz generated by The Script: The 100% Predictable Things …
Are you an effective leader? If not, have you ever wondered why? As a leader, there are things you do every day. Some help—others, not so much. I’ve found that …
In the list of spiritual fruit in Galatians 5:22-23 “faithfulness” and “meekness” are listed next to each other. Faithfulness has to do with the keeping of promises, and the courageous …
Dear Roger, I have an inoperable brain tumor. The pain is increasing. I am on heavy pain medicines. It still hurts. I’ve read several articles on dealing with pain, done …
The most important influence to my pastoral counseling is from David Powlison. Powlison was a professor at the seminary my wife Angel graduated from and has had an indelible impact …
We’ve all done it. We’ve all invested time and energy into someone or something and then come to the horrible conclusion that nothing is changing. Nothing we seem to do …
The older I get the more intense I feel about this. I think we do things backwards in the Christian church. We do these amazing things for God when we’re …
Talk to any church leader, and they’ll tell you it feels more challenging than ever to get people to come to church on a Sunday. Even in growing churches …
Dear Roger, Most of the Christians I know, myself included, feel like our country is drifting further away from God’s principles at an ever increasing, accelerating pace runaway sin …
Anyone who’s given himself or herself to prayer for a sustained amount of time has likely experienced the disappointment of unanswered prayer. But the more theologicall astute among you may not like that phrase “unanswered …
Is there a surefire way your marriage can be protected from adultery? Dr. Russell Moore gives us his opinion: “Whenever one sees a marriage fall apart due to adultery, one …
Circumstances. You face them every day, you are always reacting to them–positively or negatively. Think about it. What situations in your life do you wish would change right now? A different …
Know your Enemy’s strategy: temptation, lies and condemnation. Overcome by being tethered to the truth, led by the Holy Spirit and understanding the compassion of God. Only those who know …
Dear Roger, I got emotionally involved with a man at work. One thing led to another and before I knew it, our relationship became physical. It didn’t last very …
You are an investigative reporter. Every day you are collecting evidence. Your future story has already been written based upon the nature of God and His plan for you. Future …
How do we learn to persevere in the challenges of our lives? We play hurt. In the world of athletics, the phrase playing hurt is used to describe an athlete who continues …
Jon Acuff’s best-selling book provides unique insights for you to progress from average to awesome. Here are some of his thoughts: Over the last 100 years, the road to success …
Daring to befriend someone takes courage. Jonathan humbly protected and encouraged David. We are capable of loving others because we are loved by God. Part Two of the Daring Greatly …
Caleb modeled radical faith into his later years. King Asa, in contrast, trusted in his allies rather than God. Instead of getting comfortable and complacent as we age, we should …
Sitting on a friend’s porch watching a cloud-lit sunset is hardly the image you may have of how a savage rape occurs. But that’s my story. As I waited …
Courageous commitment doesn’t make sense and it never will. It didn’t in Daniel’s day and it doesn’t in ours-but as we learn in the unusual suspect of Daniel, because of …
Proverbs three is a life map that we can’t avoid. This pithy chapter has keys to love, life and faith that will stay our course on our walks with God. …
Do we know how to restore disgraced Christian leaders? Do we emphasize the importance of purity and blameless character of those who lead our congregations? John MacArthur, in his blog …
The greatest seasons of faith in our lives don’t occur when we’re on the mountain top, when life is going as planned and God’s favor is most tangible. In reality, …
God often uses our deserts to heal us. When we have been wounded, a quiet dryness is exactly what I need to heal.
Recently, at a routine mammogram, the doctors discovered that I had developed breast cancer. Since then, it has been a whirlwind of appointments, scans and surgery. Even though the past …
Hi, Roger, I would like to know if it is a sin if a woman doesn’t cover her head when praying and worshiping the lord. Or even to step inside …
Teams are important because of synergy. Churches get people to give them money to create volunteer positions for them to fill. If you don’t know why something is working …
Humor is like seasoning on food—everything is flat without it. But something was amiss here. I began to ask myself, the gospel have an effect on our sense of humor?’ …
God has given me the gift of recruiting volunteers. It’s not a splashy gift like prophecy, healing or miracles. Recruitment is not a spiritual gift but requires the use of …
Dear Roger, Do you have to publicly become a Christian or can you do it in private? Sincerely, Anonymous Dear Anonymous, When I was growing up every worship service …
When we go to the movies we love happy endings. We want the right guy to get the girl. We want the world saved from extinction. We want the hero …
Before I launch into this blog, I want to remind you that a difference between a man and a woman is not a value judgement; it does not expose weakness …
Every year, it seems, the amount of attention paid to the mechanics and outcomes of partisan politics grows. Thirty years ago there was nothing like this amount of attention given …
Samson: what a sad end to such a promising start! He had taken for granted all that he had going for him, and used it only for himself. He never …
In the beginning God designed man to be decision-makers, creators, givers and contributors. Work was joy until man rebelled against God, his boss. Redeem work God’s way by cultivating an …
Why should we attend church? We all have our reasons. My gleaming Sunday School perfect attendance pin was the pride of my charm bracelet collection. My third-grade year, it was …
A little boy had a part in the school play that read, “It is I, be not afraid.” He came out on stage and said, “It’s me and I’m scared!” …
Easter Sunday is the pastors’ Superbowl Sunday. Countless kiddies hyped up on Cadbury chocolate marshmallow bunnies and shocking pink peeps are forced to wear itchy petticoats, stiff, squeaky new shoes …
“He whose walk is blameless will minister to me” (Psalm 101:6). God is not just seeing worship. He’s seeking worshipers (John 4). Otherwise, we could just listen to praise music on …
The battle is at hand. We must carefully avoid compromising our faith and drifting away from our relationship with Christ. Walk intimately with Jesus every day by holding firm to …
Jesus knows about the afflictions, poverty and persecution the church at Smyrna has endured. This has not changed for us today. He intimately knows our pressures, needs and misunderstandings, but …
Dear Roger, I believe that I’m a +3 on my spiritual journey. I want to propel myself on the scale. What specific steps or what should I be doing to …
Genesis 41 describes Pharoah’s problem and Joseph’s promotion. Pharoah’s dream has religious overtones because the Nile and cattle are worshipped as gods. We are challenged to emulate Joseph’s mature character …
2 Corinthians 1 deals with the defense of the apostle Paul for his blameless conduct and his confidence. God affirms him in his stability, commission, security and guarantee of salvation.
Psalm 32 and 51 are twin poems that describe David’s prayer of brokenness and repentance. Psalm 32 paints a portrait of his emotional pain and how he became healed in …
The ability to work is a gift from God. We should do our work as unto Him, reverently, diligently, loyally and with excellence. God will reward our labors. For more …
FRIENDSHIPS ARE ESSENTIAL TO LIFE From the beginning, in the Garden of Eden, God declared, “It is not good for man to be alone” even though He walked in fellowship …