ASK ROGER and BRIE Dear Roger and Brie, I wake up all the time with my heart pounding and my mind racing in a thousand directions. It even feels hard …
Fear has its cause. It also has its consequences. If we left fear there, we’d be with little hope. Praise God, we don’t have to! The Christian has hope amidst fear. The …
We are experience one event of mayhem after another. It feels as though every institution is failing, every norm is collapsing. Many of you, from what you’re telling me, are …
“From What If To What Is,” Pastor Steven Furtick encourages us to stop worrying about what could be and start trusting who God is.
Beating Fear Drew Anderson Fear has its cause. It also has its consequences. If we left fear there, we’d be with little hope. Praise God, we don’t have to! The Christian …
In Peace of Mind, we will look at how some familiar names in scripture dealt with many of the same struggles we face today. We’ll learn how they overcame those struggles …
We saw the storm coming. While it was still days away, the predictions chilled our spines and jolted our complacency. “It’s a monster!” “Disaster is not only at our doorstep, …
Drs. Roger Barrier and Chet Weld discuss why anxiety and stress are produced by misplaced priorities and worldliness. Get back to the basics.
Are you struggling with fear today? Is it the pandemic, a job, food, something else? Are you seeing the size of your worries and not the size of your Savior? …
With the Global Peace Index the lowest it’s been in a decade and the Misery Index at a high, it’s hard to believe that peace is within reach in today’s …
The widest river in the world is not the Mississippi, Amazon, or Nile. The widest river on earth is a body of water called If Only. Throngs of people stand on …
Are you struggling with fear today? Is it the pandemic, a job, food, something else? Are you seeing the size of your worries and not the size of your Savior? …
“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.” Matthew 6:34. Why don’t we live in the moment? Lack of faith. The only way you can be …
I live in Arizona, and since moving here some 23 years ago, I’ve learned to look to the horizon at sunset and sunrise. They are simply spectacular here, and I …
It is estimated that around one in twelve children struggle with depression at some point between the ages 9 and 16, with girls more likely to be affected than boys. Unfortunately, depression …
Dear Roger, I worry a lot. My friends and family call me a “worry wart.” I have to agree with them. My worrying makes me miserable. Yesterday, our pastor preached …
In the days when the judges ruled in Israel, a severe famine came upon the land. So a man from Bethlehem in Judah left his home and went to live …
It was in the year King Uzziah died that I saw the Lord. He was sitting on a lofty throne, and the train of his robe filled the Temple. Attending …
Dear Roger, I’m stressed and scared. It seems that the world is becoming more unstable daily. I worry about COVID, mass murderers, and protests. I’m worried about losing my …
Moore says, “The courage to stand is the courage to be crucified.” Indeed, Jesus sets the tone for this book. And if you’re going to worship and follow a Savior …
You know that people burn out. In fact, given the way you feel, you may have asked whether that’s what happening to you. But here’s a deeper question. Can …
One of the callers on the Intentional Living program said, “I’m a single mom. I’m feeling overwhelmed with life. I’m trying to go to work. I’m trying to raise my kids.” And …
Shame. Shame is the fear of being unworthy, and it adversely affects our relationship with God, others, and ourselves. Shame makes us feel small, unwanted, and unloved. And if we …
Today I am going to be answering some of the questions you have sent in regarding handling COVID-19 anxiety, and coping with social distancing and staying at home. Many of …
So much of what’s on the news today truly feels like something we’d only see in a Hollywood movie — not real life. COVID-19 has not only spread across the …
We are different. We are not of this world. Our minds are transforms so we can do the will of God. We live by faith, not by fear. We are …
I was asked a few days ago three questions related to our finances and needed perspective during these challenging times with the COVID-19 (coronavirus) crisis. Honestly, our needs as Christ …
“The Lord is my Light and my Salvation. Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life. Of whom shall I be afraid?” Psalm 27:1 RSV She …
I had a car accident about a month ago. I was driving, comfortably aware of the moment. Life was good, and then, BOOM! I instantly went into fight or flight …
Max Lucado inspires with these words about how to handle a recession with peace and joy: “Turn on the TV or open a paper and the financial news can be …
I remember talking years ago with a young mother who had a two-year-old child and one-year-old twins. She said with a sigh, “I was never an impatient person—until I had …
Some years ago I passed through a time of discouragement. I can’t remember the source of the struggle, but I recall the fruit. I created a tool for divine encouragement. …
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, …
Here are some keys to setting boundaries, resting, and removing anxiety.
How can God use stress in our lives to produce good. How can it conform us to the image of Christ. Randy Alcorn writes: 1. God uses stress to get …
Ever wake up with a pounding heart, racing brain, and knots in your stomach? I hate anxiety. My body and brain are just convinced that the world is falling apart, …
Ever wake up with a pounding heart, racing brain, and knots in your stomach? I hate anxiety. My body and brain are just convinced that the world is falling apart, …
Anxiety will always try to stop you from chasing God’s calling. Join Pastor Craig Groeschel to see how to start coping with anxiety by adopting a perspective of praise, even …
Spiritual Weapons “For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh . . .” 2 Corinthians 10:4— that is, they are not merely human. This is not a …
Spiritual Weapons “For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh . . .” 2 Corinthians 10:4— that is, they are not merely human. This is not a …
To take back your mind, you have to humble your heart. Preached at Elevation Church. Sermon notes by
I have read Paul’s words, “Be anxious for nothing” many times (Philippians 4:6). That means when something happens that we didn’t expect in our health, we’re not to be anxious …
“How easy is it for you to handle the stressors of life today? How hard are simple decisions?” A few months back, Josh Reich, pastor at Revolution Church and author …
“My fellow believers, when it seems as though you are facing nothing but difficulties see it as an invaluable opportunity to experience the greatest joy that you can! For you …
Life can be very challenging. We are constantly facing stressful situations at work, home, school, in the car…you name it. In many cases, our reactions to these situations can make …
A conscience is that pressing sense that unerringly guides our choices and pricks us when we don’t heed it’s prompting. It’s that mysteriously universal compass that relentlessly points true north …
Dear Roger, I’ve struggled with fear, anxiety and worry my whole life. Now, more than ever, death, disease and financial uncertainty plague all of us. My mother used …
What are the bare-bone facts of the gospel? What is the minimum information needed to believe and be saved? While those questions may foster interesting discussions, they are not valid …
Dear Roger, My friends and I were discussing the recent terrorist attacks on civilians here and abroad. The topic of whether or not a Christian can hate terrorists arose. Is …
God has blessings for you in categories that you don’t even know exist. Preached at National Community Church.
I recently joined a group on Facebook that discusses scientific evidences for creation. While the purpose of the group is discussion about how the natural world points to a Creator …
Why do flight attendants give parents flying with young children the instructions, “If there is a change in the air pressure in the cabin and the oxygen masks are …
I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened.-Mark Twain. According to Oceana, a nonprofit organization, sharks kill only about four …
Francis Chan addresses greed in the lives of believers. He explains that while we live life it easy to be captured by money and things, missing out on our fulfillment …
Psalm 37 teaches us to enjoy God, to trust He will give us right desires. We don’t need to be anxious. Just walk in faith and do good. Preached at …
Let me chat with those of you who are control freaks. I’m a control freak, a perfectionist. I’m a Type A personality. I want to control everything! It is human …
Many church leaders are aware that pornography is a massive problem among Christians. According to some surveys, it is one of the most confessed sins and is deemed by church …
Why shouldn’t we worry? Because if we knew the big picture like Jesus does, we’d realize that worry is not rational. God really has promised to take care of us, …
Teach your children to encourage and inspire others with homemade prayer gifts at Christmastime. Here are some creative craft ideas that show children the true meaning of Christ, God’s greatest …
Eggs sometimes get a bad rap at Easter. Eggs are such a widely used symbolic food. Everyone from dancing druids and pagan fertility gods to — worst of all — …
Jesus teaches that we live under great stress when we worship the rival god, Money. We must learn to walk in faith in the present and run to Jesus when …
Does God answer prayer? We should make legitimate requests offered with respect and kindness, like a child to a father, and fitting into the scope of what God wants …
Here’s an excerpt from How Women Help Men Find God: Michelangelo captured the relationship between man and his Maker on the ceiling of the Sistine chapel. A holy God, surrounded …
Fierce, contrary winds whipped the waves of the Galilean Sea like a frothy meringue. Jesus’ rag-tag team shivered in their sandals as their tiny wooden skiff tossed about on the …
We can be free from anxiety and aloneness because we have access to the throne room of God and His gifts of peace and joy. We must live with the …