Deception doesn’t usually come through this big, huge, ugly monster. then we wouldn’t buy into it. The Devil appears as an angel of light and offers lies in a subtle …
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You don’t learn deception by going and scouting for deception. You learn about it by becoming immersed and saturated with the Word of God, knowing the Truth so that when …
Living courageously means sharing Christ fearlessly. We bond together as co-workers as we reach the world for Christ. Church-goers are not to be consumers, but committed followers of Christ.
Strength and courage come from the choices we make more than the feelings we have. Joshua received God’s blessing because He obeyed in he face of insurmountable odds.
The desperate widow who begged Jesus for help, the neighbor who continued to knock and beg for bread were stories Jesus told to cause us to have indomitable faith and …
Who is our neighbor? Our neighbor is anyone of any race, creed, or social background who is in need. Deep fulfillment and joy are ours when we pause and give …
Adonijah, King David’s heir-apparent, misused his power in destructive ways. Each of us has the power of position and and privilege to further the cause of Christ.
Bitterness can hold your heart hostage. Gratitude fosters a heart willing to forgive.
Amnon abused the trust that his half-sister Tamar had given him, and committed incest with her. He not only ruined her life, but irreparably scarred the household of David.
There is power in our words. When used to encourage and speak for God, our words can greatly impact the kingdom.
Work is a blessing from God that flows through us. Ruth’s story is a perfect example of God’s plan.
ONE MINUTE OF SILENCE FROM 5:14 to 6:14. Resting from work is a part of a healthy lifestyle. God thought it was so important, it was the longest of the …
Sometimes our plans have to fail in order for God’s plans to succeed. Divine detours and delays are the ways God gets us where He wants us to go. Paul’s …
The stories of Eli, Samuel and David reveal that spiritual men can have unspiritual children. Four myths of child-rearing include: going to church produces spirituality, kids need to make their …
God is always at work. We must join Him in His work and commit our daily tasks on God’s altar as an offering.
A Vietnam vet, a widow and a mom relates their journeys defending their country and keeping the faith.
God’s forgiveness of us is contingent upon our forgiveness of others. If we don’t forgive others, we put ourselves in a spiritual prison. The only way to be set free …
Work is the contribution we make to life: to sustain life, to improve life, to advance life. God wants us to honor Him in our work. Your work is noticed …
God is at work in hidden ways through unlikely methods, not to conquer nations, but to win over human hearts. Peter the disciple is a perfect example of Jesus’ forgiveness …
Envy is a disease cured by submission, contentment and humility. When you stuggle with jealousy, remember: life is not fair-eternity is better than fair. You can’t lead if you can’t …
Christ condemning the fruitless fig tree and temple were both acts that illustrated the sad spiritual condition of the nation of Israel. The call for us as Christ-followers is to …
If I am really going to become more like Christ, it means that we would change the way we do marriage and become less self-oriented and more other-focused. It means …
How do you know if you are greedy? If you make most decisions based on the financial impact, if you put financial opportunity over family and health, if you experience …
Suffering for the sake of Christ is not optional. If we truly follow Jesus, we will suffer as He did. Pastor Chan tours teaching on suffering from every New Testament book. …
Jesus delivered the Gadarene demoniac from a life of torment and desolation. Instead of rejoicing over Jesus’ power and the man’s deliverance, the Gadarenes were angry because they lost their …
The upper stage (heaven) and the lower stage (earth) are revealed in this ancient tale of tragedy and triumph. Job learns that God is uncontrollably good, irrationally graceful and unreasonably …
Cain’s bloodless sacrifice was a homemade religion. Six substitutes for genuine faith God won’t accept are good morals and deeds, clear conscience, sincerity, great theology, religious rituals, cut and paste …
No matter how evil our world may become, we must not allow it to harden our hearts toward the people of this world. When our hearts harden toward others, our …
Jonah became angry that God saved Ninevah. We need to remember the kind of God we have and the kind of people He invites. We must be caring, listening and …
Saul did not completely obey God, and in his pride and impatience lost his kingdom. Israel demanded a king so that they could be like all the other nations that …
Jonah, the reluctant prophet, is a picture of God’s mercy, love and grace provided in spite of man’s stubborn self-righteousness. This colorful tale of the man who tried to out-run …
Eli, Samuel and David were godly men who were terrible fathers. Myths that growing up in a spiritual leader’s home will produce godly offspring include going to church produces spirituality, …
Take time to really listen to the people God places in your life. Take time to listen to God and get alone with Him and His Word. Only a personal …
Confession restores sensitivity to God. When I make a relational mistake, confession allows me to make it right. Confession means we have made ourselves vulnerable and fully known, but also …
At some point in our journey, most of us trade adventure for routine. While some routines can be good, we have to be careful. Sacred routines become empty rituals that …
Our assumptions keep many of us from faith. As we age, many of us stop believing and start assuming. We stop living out of our right brain imagination and start …
Jesus’ goal is for us to follow Him and to do in the lives of others what someone has already done in our own. To follow Christ means to fish …
Celebration is about spiritually savoring all of who God is, all that He has done. It is all about the joy available to us and the connections we have with …
In Ephesians 5, Paul encourages us to open our hearts to God the Holy Spirit so that we can be infused with the character and power of the Living Christ. …
Paul teaches us that to discover God’s will we must ask for directions, consider God’s mission and our priorities, consult other godly people, stay close to God and be decisive.
God desires that we balance our lives between rest, work and play so that we live abundant lives. He also longs for us to practice the discipline of quiet meditation …
Just like the hedonistic culture that the Corinthian believers faced, Paul teaches that what we do on this earth has consequences in the next life. This life is not all …
International church and business consultant Tom Lutz discusses the importance of recognizing your strengths and weaknesses as a leader and allowing them to shape your ministry.
Spiritual practices such as prayer, fasting and meditation lead to great freedom. They exist for our sake, not God’s. They enable us to do what we cannot do through direct …
Vows originate with man, and we are wise to fulfill them promptly. Covenants begin with God. These are mutual agreements of solemn and binding force between two parties. Don’t make …
Jonah cries a desperate prayer in the belly of the whale and surrenders completely to God. Our prayer requests should come with fervent praise and thanks to God. We cannot …
As we mature, we take on the character of Jesus Christ and are different than worldly people. Spiritual adults draw others to Jesus. Preached at Bent Tree Bible Fellowship. Used …
With the power of spending money comes great opportunity and great responsibility. Consider three keys to giving more generously: live simply, spend conscientiously and buy ethically.
King Solomon teaches many valuable lessons about love and romance in the marriage relationship. We learn from him that love is pure, love protects and love is passionate. In the …
¿Cómo Bendecimos Nuestros Hijos? Con contacto personal, y palabras que expresan amor. Exaltar al que recibe la bendicion. Escoja creer en el futuro de sus hijos. Notes Listen
The backslider is described by Peter as corrupt, enslaved to evil. God commands us to live a life of freedom by surrendering to Him.
Blind spots and facades can cripple our relationships. We must learn to receive honest feedback and speak the truth in love.
God’s limitless love is beyond logic. How can we pass it on? Love someone when they least expect it and least deserve it. Read Pastor Mark’s Sermon in Punjabi.
Peter writes in his letter that we should make every effort to cultivate Christ-like character qualities. Righteousness results from intimacy with Christ.
Our culture is so busy we are quickly replacing face to face time with texting, tweeting, voice mail, email and other forms of technology. Especially at Christmas, let’s make sure we give …
It is hard for a rich person to be godly, but not impossible. According to Agur’s prayer in Proverbs 30, we should avoid traps of distraction, arrogance and worry. If …
Paul teaches us that Jesus is the content of our message. Jesus is the messenger, and Jesus is the context in which we learn and hear. Preached at Bent Tree …
Rather than spending our lives serving money, we should bring all we have, including our money, to God who is our master. After all, we are managing His money. Giving, …
The prophet Isaiah told Israel of a Messiah who was not only God, but He was their Prince of Peace and their Counselor. He walked in their shoes and was …
Like Jonah, we often struggle with our enemies, trying to understand their pain and struggles, trying to show compassion. Even though God gives Jonah clear instructions, Jonah runs from God, …
Big Question: Do we want to live by greed and fear or do we want to live by blessing and peace? If we want to have a Holly Jolly January…it …
With so many alternatives, why should we attend church, live in community and serve God? The church is God’s means for growing up His children. God gives gifts to His …
Peter teaches three reasons why we suffer. It can be because of our own mistakes or it can be undeserved. Suffering can also be mysterious, we don’t know why. Regardless, …
Christian leaders or managers must have uncompromising character, clear direction and expectations, must give honest feedback and provide others opportunities to serve and grow in their areas of gifting. Leaders …
Our work is worship and we should bring our best to all of it as a response to the work God has already done for us. We must strive to …
What causes Peter’s transformation? He is transformed by his journey through suffering, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and the words of Jesus. To be changed by Christ, we must …
God has placed us on the earth and designed us with a destiny, a unique way to make a contribution to this planet. We must recognize our giftings, see their …
We must recognize that love trumps knowledge. Freedom has two boundaries: God’s commands and love for others. Paul teaches us that there are three kinds of weaker brothers: the true …
Science itself points to a non-physical reality. Making something from something is talent. Making something from nothing is miraculous. God Himself broke into our natural world in the person of …
Science itself points to a non-physical reality. Making something from something is talent. Making something from nothing is miraculous. God Himself broke into our natural world in the person of …
John Godfrey Saxe articulates a classic argument that all faiths are the same and that no one should make truth claims about God. He states that the true God is …
Moses allowed God to replace His fear of Pharoah with faith in God. God replaced Moses’ controlling self-reliance with humility, his self-centered stubbornness with faith and his unworthy self-condemnation with …
The athiest says “there is no God.” The agnostic says “I can’t know there is a God.” Christianity claims that Jesus became a man embodying God’s love for humanity and …
Even though many of us have lost our passion to do justice, God has not. To God, the presence of injustice is not a social issue, but a spiritual one. …
Why does the existence of God matter? Are evil acts, done in the name of God, the result of Jesus’ teaching? Why aren’t believers better advertisements for God and Christianity? …
Faith is a combination of belief and commitment. A belief is a thought that we think to be true. A commitment is an act of our will. In life there …
Sometimes we are so selfish that we fail to see the needs of the lost. Blinded by his own comfort zone, Jonah refuses to extend to others what God has …
The tension between science and scripture often comes from faulty biblical interpretation, leading people to a shaky faith foundation. The heavens truly declare the glory of God. Such a confluence …
Faith means a long-term commitment to God’s will in spite of circumstances or criticism. A true experience with God will evoke life change. Faith’s actions have long-lasting and eternal results.
Doubt is an inescapable part of the human experience. Faith is an inescapable part of being human. We set up an unlivable life when we attempt to live with 100 percent …
The lifestyle art from the testimony of Enoch in Hebrews 11:5 is discussed. My faith means I creatively integrate the sacred into my everyday life. In Hebrews 11:5 the author …
We are God’s only marketing strategy, valued and entrusted with the gospel to shed the light of His glory and character on a world in darkness. We must be salt …
The Lamb of God is also the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. When Christ cleansed the Temple, He became furious at the blatant, presumptious sinfulness of God’s people. We …
Christians are often shy about inviting others to “Christ’s wedding feast.” But Jesus implores us to bring in the impaired, the hungry, the doubting, the consumed, the lonely, the angry, …
The ingredients for answered prayer include understanding God’s will, living a righteous life and praying with faith. When praying for the sick, we need to understand the reasons for sickness and …
Paul teaches us to be as focused as athletes with our eyes on the prize. What is our goal as believers? To greet, extend friendship, serve and share our story …
Old Testament shepherds sacrificed their sheep. Jesus, the Good Shepherd, sacrificed Himself for us, His sheep. False shepherds only care about fleecing the sheep and stealing away their lives and …
Jesus teaches us that when we live in fear we sacrifice the long term for the short term, we lose perspective and we fail to invest our lives fully in …
Jesus’ final prayer was that the church might be unified in the same way the Son has unity with the Father. A unified church focuses on God’s priorities, rallies against …
Mary Magdalene learned from the resurrected Christ that God is real, He loves her deeply and eternally, and she had a purpose to share Jesus with a broken world. Truly, Mary …
God has given us several biblical principles for managing our finances: choosing to live within our means, giving the first portion of our income to God and saving for the …
Our passion is to help people in their spiritual journeys so that they might become mature, passionate followers of Jesus. God is calling all of us to a greater pursuit …
Recharging is something we can do, and it’s necessary. But renewing is something only God can do-it speaks of HIs work, His power alone.
May we be captured again by the Nativity. That simple picture points us to an unexpected collision of grace and hope into a world of darkness.
We live in a society that is “consumed with consumerism.” The consumption road leads to destruction, but contentment deepens our spiritual lives.
Faithfulness means that we have a balanced view of a loving God and a holy God so that we proclaim both doctrines of Heaven and of Hell. How do we …
Every Christ-follower needs to claim their place of belonging in God’s family, the church. God has gifted us uniquely to serve in the body and meet the needs of others.
A great start in our Christian walk matters little if we finish poorly. If we refuse to listen to the voice of God, ignore spiritual values and base our conduct …
If you trust you “sin struggle” is always going to win, Romans 6 has some great news for you! In this text, Paul reveals a great truth that points to …
The battle is at hand. We must carefully avoid compromising our faith and drifting away from our relationship with Christ. Walk intimately with Jesus every day by holding firm to …
Elijah triumphs over the prophets of Baal when he calls down fire from heaven and prays for Israel’s drought to end. After this victory, the prophet becomes discouraged and depressed, …
In the concluding chapter of Malachi, the prophet teaches about the reward of the righteous and the return of the Messiah. Malachi points to the New Testament and John the …
Boaz exemplified the generosity and condescension of Christ as he bestowed upon Ruth his undeserved favor. We should be grateful for grace and having received it, we give it.
Elijah takes a stand in a bold confrontation with the prophets of Baal and calls the hearts of the people back toward God. God reveals Himself again in an effort to recapture …
Jesus warns Sardis, the dead church, that pretension is deadly. They are commanded to strengthen their faith, repent and obey God’s Word. When we do the same, our eternal destiny …
Hell is an eternal place of torment and spiritual darkness with varying degrees of punishment based on the severity of a person’s sins. Hell is real, but we can avoid …
We must live lives of generosity that reflect the character of a benevolent God. God ordained His work to be financed by the gifts of His people. Worshipful giving is …
Elijah, the Tishbite, undergoes a season of construction to become a transformed man of God. As he matures in his faith, Elijah becomes more like Christ and more useful to …
The sin of lukewarmness can look like indifference to sin, disinterest in the lost, eroded Christian values and integrity, apathy in obedience to Christ, neglect of personal devotional life and …
God is wearied by the Israelites’ excessive complaining. Instead of repenting, the Jews compare themselves with their pagan neighbors and ask, “Where is the God of justice?” God responds by …
Somtimes small compromises take us in the wrong direction. Jesus tells us what it takes to avoid temptation and live a surrendered life. It is better to sacrifice a little …
Mary Magdalene is lifted from the clutches of Satan and transformed into a disciple of Christ. Satan is real, but we can find freedom from spiritual harassment through worship, prayer …
Jesus, the Light, is the singular source of life, the ultimate revelation of the character of God. His truth teaches us to discern between good and evil and helps us …
Jesus knows about the afflictions, poverty and persecution the church at Smyrna has endured. This has not changed for us today. He intimately knows our pressures, needs and misunderstandings, but …
When we die, do we immediately go to heaven? Do we have to go through the tribulation? Are there animals in heaven? These and other intriguing questions are addressed by …
People are so narrowly focused that they often miss the obvious. As believers, we are chosen and called for the praise of His glory. We must be careful to live …
Learning to compromise is a sign of maturity. But compromising our values, morals, ethics, character and bodies is not. Jezebel represents the war between the temptations of Satan and the …
Malachi warns the levitical priests to repent of their sins and respond to the discipline of God. If not, the judgment of God will rest on Israel’s spiritual leaders.
How do we know something unknowable or measure something immeasurable? There is only one way to lose self and that is to love another and be lost in Him. Preached …
Rahab, the Jericho prostitute, is first known by her reputation but remembered by her faith. She fears God and bases her life on the promise that God will save her. Because …
Heaven is a re-made earth, life as it was meant to be lived. Our bodies will be glorious, imperishable, powerful and spiritual. With our heavenly bodies, we will find joy …
Dr. Toussaint, in a fatherly chat, teaches seven key criteria for choosing a mate: respect, compatibility, intimacy, mutual goals, maturity and acceptance from the extended family.
God chooses us and we choose God. How do we understand the concept of election? How can we be sure that we are eternally secure? Jesus tells us in John …
Hagar is not forgotten by God. He rescues her and her baby from certain death, and makes a great nation of Ishmael, her son. We also have a God who …
God’s perfect world is broken because of man’s sin. Relationships are dysfunctional, cultures are oppressed, God is no longer in constant communion with man. God promises redemption and restoration through …
We must maintain a heavenly perspective as we live here on earth. It is not about us. It is all about the One who is worthy to receive glory, honor …
What we believe matters, because beliefs are like seeds that bear fruit. Bad seeds bear bad fruit. Paul teaches that if we don’t know the truth, we are easily deceived.
God’s intent for the church is to provide grace gifts for His people. All ministry is done in His supernatural power. He takes the worst of the worst to transform …
Nebuchadnezzar demonstrates amazing leadership skills, but loses his kingdom for a time. Eventually, he listens to the wisdom of Daniel and repents. Leadership is a stewardship gift given for a …
Jesus’ parable of the soils challenges us to allow God’s Word to penetrate our life, to count the cost of following Christ and to take steps to move forward on …
Jesus teaches that it is hard to live by God’s values when we don’t know what they are. He instructs us to saturate our minds with the Scriptures and live …
Nehemiah learns to lead in the midst of opposition without reacting unwisely or impulsively. He does not allow his enemies to divert his focus from God’s will.
Malachi decries the priests and their disrespect of God, their practice of legalism without principle. God disapproves of their sins, their hypocrisy and their empty prayers.
What is fasting? Fasting is a voluntary choice not to eat for a period of time in order to focus one’s attention on prayer in a significant moment in life. …
Jesus commends the Ephesian church for its strengths, offers correction for its problems and encourages members to re-kindle their first love, the Lord Jesus. In the struggle to live passionate …
The prophet Malachi encourages us to stop living Christian lives riddled with lifeless formalism and lethargy. God has chosen us and longs to bless us.
Christ also destroyed a wall between us and God so that we may know him personally and intimately. Christ can bring peace and reconciliation in our personal relationships as well. …
We are often on a spiritual journey before we realize it. Consider Joseph who goes from prisoner to Pharoah’s royal advisor in Egypt. Be quick to give credit to others …
The book of Revelation is not intended to be mysterious. Its purpose is to unveil future events. Jesus is revealed in Revelation as the glorious coming king and judge. What …
Sometimes there are compelling realities to life that move us to action. The resurrection should move us to take a risk with no reserves, no retreat and no regrets.
Each of us has a race to run and everyone of us can finish well. Great racers strip down and develop endurance.
As believers, we are on the “winning side.” God sent His prophetic messengers to prepare our hearts to receive His grace. Don’t live with a short-term view of God’s plan.
We need to be reminded of the grandeur and holiness of an infinite God and His abilit to transform our ordinary lives.
The apostle Paul is so precious to us because he was Christ-centered, a steward of God’s grace, a messenger of the mystery, a champion of the church, and a recipient …
Jesus not only proclaimed Himself to be our shepherd, king, the Way, Truth and Life. He also chose to call us friends. A friend is someone who knows all about …
Leah, wife of Jacob and sister of Rachel, was switched with her sister on Jacob and Rachel’s wedding night. She lived in a loveless marriage, unappreciated and unsupported. We can …
Faith is the secret ingredient to life that explains the extraordinary behaviors of ordinary people and the supernatural events that surround them.
Paul challenges us to live as good citizens of heaven while we are still on earth. We are to stand in one spirit with unflinching courage for the cause of …
God loves us unconditionally and simply asks us to love Him intimately, humbly serve Him, and to walk with Him in submission and obedience.
How do we survive in an unstable economic environment as we plan for the future and invest in God’s Kingdom?
Christian financial analyst Bob Henry gives a clear overview of what is happening in the American economic climate today and how the story of Joseph lends insight into our response.
Our children need to develop healthy, functional relationships by practicing self-awareness, self-management and social awareness. As Joseph’s story unfolds in the Old Testament, we see how these characteristics lead him …
The Messiah was broken and battered for the souls of mankind. Mary of Bethany’s broken bottle of perfume symbolized her unconditional love for Jesus and her unconditional acceptance of His …
Three categories of tests from God are described in Scripture. Temptations come to all believers from Satan. Trials are used by God to refine our faith and make us look …
Unless we become like children-humble, teachable and trusting-we will never grow into the spiritual people God intends for us to be. The intellegencia in Athens were too proud to receive …
iSight gives you a clear perspective on God’s plan for successful relationships with significant others in your life.
The most vital relationship we can help our children develop is with the Lord. As parents, grandparents and other family members, we are called to invest in our children the …
The quality of our relationships with our children determines the weight of our influence. Regardless of their ages, we must never lose this influence to nurture and guide them. Children …
Genesis 42 chronicles the expedition of Joseph’s brothers to Egypt, the interrogation of the brothers by Joseph, the introspection of the brothers before Joseph, and the report of the brothers …
De-stressing essentials include cultivating true spirituality, developing a positive self-image and focusing on positive dreams and goals for your life.
It is important to reduce stress by setting a wise balance in this imbalanced world and by being proactive in preventing disease.
Trusting Jesus is more than having our sins forgiven. It is life with God. Faith in Jesus is the best way to live, and the only way to die.
Genesis 41 describes Pharoah’s problem and Joseph’s promotion. Pharoah’s dream has religious overtones because the Nile and cattle are worshipped as gods. We are challenged to emulate Joseph’s mature character …
Paul expressed his thanks to God for his brothers and sisters in Christ. He prays for grace-the underserved favor of Christ to be upon them. He prays for the peace …
John used this miracle to drive home the point that Jesus is the Bread that satisfies mankind’s deepest spiritual longings. He also was careful to record the line that Jesus …
Jesus’ resurrection of Lazarus was the final sign that preceded His own resurrection from the dead. A brief study of heaven, hell, death, and resurrection explains the unique perspective of …
The first miracle sign Jesus performed was at the wedding feast in Cana. Changing water to wine is a sign of the lavish lifestyle that Jesus offers to all who …
“The Lord was with Joseph” is a repeated phrase throughout his story. Chapter 40 discusses the detention of the King’s cupbearer and baker, their dreams and the decrees of the …
We must invest care and compassion into the lives of those who need to know Christ, and simply invite them to experience Christ with us in church.
The man at the pool of Siloam needed rescuing. Helpless, desperate people find the healing power of Christ in this gospel story. The allure of grace is in stark contrast to …
Dallas Seminary dialogue features Mark Yarborough, Don Regier, Wayne Walker and John Dyer discussing blogs, podcasts, social networking, texting and video in today’s ministry settings.
Joseph is described as a trusted slave, a tempted slave and a trusted prisoner. His purity is contrasted with the immoral behavior of his brother Judah. We must withstand temptation, …
Whose job is it to convict a lost world of its sin? It is the work of the Holy Spirit. Confrontational approaches to sharing our faith violate the relationships which …
Herod’s steward walked 20 miles to ask Jesus to heal his ailing son. Besides finding healing for his boy, the steward found faith in a miracle-working Savior.
Paul encourages young pastor Timothy to pray always for those in authority so that the Gospel may be propigated throughout the world. God wants to seek and save the lost.
Jacob’s dysfunctional family is jealous and angry with Joseph, the favored son. Genesis 37 relates details of the conspiracy against Joseph and his consignment to slavery in Egypt.
Global outreach is not just for missionaries. Casas Church sent over 400 members on short-term trips this year. God has commissioned us to bring in His kingdom. Make your church …
Arzi never expected to be a dynamic force in his part of the world, but God had other plans. He grew from being a young Muslim boy to a man …
Dr. Doug and Cheryl Derbyshire lead clinics in Thailand where thousands come to receive medical care and comfort. The patients not only found physical healing, but spiritual healing by meeting …
Christ taught that He was one with God the Father, the only way to heaven, the Truth and the Life. Though man would insist that there are other ways to …
В течении этого интервью, вы услышите свидетельство пастора Арзи о том, как он пришёл к Христу из мусульманской культуры и как он чувствовал призыв Бога к служению. Он расскажет о …
Teacher Jane W. shares Christ in the classroom in Tanzania. She soon travels to one of the war zones where poverty and chaos reign. Where does she get her courage! …
John and Valerie spend their days in northern Alaska flying across the Bering Sea into Siberia to provide humanitarian aid and a heaping portion of the Gospel. Children’s ministries, discipleship …
Ron S. tells his story about receiving God’s call shortly after becoming a believer. He prayed for God to call his wife as well, and she never expected to go …
Christ not only wants to save our souls for eternity, but He longs to redeem our lives here on earth by giving us a purpose in living. We can bring …
Cherie G. relates the unique challenges of refugee families seeking asylum in America. Our churches can adopt these families by supplying food, housing, baby clothes and a lot of love.
President of Eagle Television in Mongolia shares his story-his call to missions, the open door for the gospel and how we can be involved.
David, in the midst of his troubles, had learned the “golden secret.” He taught that we must be stirred to love God and focus on Him, and He will not …
We can be free from anxiety and aloneness because we have access to the throne room of God and His gifts of peace and joy. We must live with the …
Light and darkness in the material world provide powerful metaphors for the revelation of Christ’s glory and man’s response. For whom is the Light and how do we receive it?
Paul encourages us to finish the race with the strength and power only God can provide. Our hope is in heaven, not here on earth.
What happens to us when we die? Paul teaches we have an earthly, temporal tent that will be transformed into an eternal, durable building from God. Paul is confident that …
Christ saw the Sabbath (and by extension, all of life) as being a time of restoration and connectedness with God. The Pharisees viewed the Sabbath as a day to prove …
Paul warns young Christians to be wary of legalistic pretending instead of grace-filled discipleship. Being obedient to the Holy Spirit means serving with a loving heart. We can do so …
Our purpose is to live for Christ, a life of noticing others so we can minister the encouragement, compassion and comfort Jesus first showed us. As our love shines in …
Paul poses four questions. If we are encouraged by Christ, can we give that same encouragement to others? If we are comforted by Him, can we comfort others? If we …
Paul, in Philippians one, didn’t just make the best of a bad situation, he actually saw the positive results of his imprisonment. We must recognize God is working in and …
Many of us live our lives by flipping a coin to discover our next move. Paul writes that the one thing we should seek is to know Christ intimately and …
Paul teaches the Corinthian believers about the transforming glory of the new covenant with the all-encompassing Savior, the unveiled glimpse of God’s glory, the transforming power of God’s glory and …
What is the Christian’s relationship to the Law of Moses? There are three views: the Christian’s interface with the ceremonial, civil and moral law. Each view reflects the responsibility of …
How long must I call for help and you do not listen? How long must you tolerate injustice? You don’t seem to care that the Babylonians, a wicked and perverse …
Paul’s companions, Timothy and Epaphroditus, epitomized godly character: compassion, loyalty and integrity. When people see authentic faith in God’s people, they are drawn to the Savior.
2 Corinthians 1 deals with the defense of the apostle Paul for his blameless conduct and his confidence. God affirms him in his stability, commission, security and guarantee of salvation.
The men and women of Hebrews 11 demonstrate dynamic faith which encourages and motivates us to follow their lead. In Hebrews 12, Christ inspires us to live out the Christian …
Living a life of integrity and honesty brings freedom to our lives and to our relationships with God and others. God accepts us just as we are, and those who …
Forgiveness is possible when we mourn the hurt we have received, understand the truth of what is happening and forgive the offender. We heal the hurts we have inflicted on …
Surrendering to God’s will, re-assessing our strengths and weaknesses and discerning the passions God has given us enable us to recover from failure and loss.
As pastors and leaders, we must know ourselves well, understand our audience (congregation) and determine what success would look like. Pastors can learn much through studying basic business principles of …
Implementing change in your church is an art. An effective communication plan is needed, every level of leadership must take ownership in implementing change, and the effectiveness of change should …
Hebrews 11 is the “Hall of Heroes”-portraits of faithful men and women like Moses, Noah, Abraham and Sarah. Their lives inspire us to emulate their obedience and trust in God.
Only by having a proper view of God can we comprehend the reason for suffering. Suffering allows us to comfort others, to learn our own insufficiencies and God’s sufficiency. When …
Pastor Bob Robinson, founder of Parenting Alone, gives practical, helpful information to pastors and church leaders upon developing single-parent ministries in a church and community setting. He also highlights valuable …
Paul enjoins two arguing Christian women to agree in the Lord. We must live harmoniously, responding to our opponents with grace and patience, even as Christ demonstrated humility and condescension …
Do we have to abandon reason to have faith? Science, philosophy and anthropology point to the existence of a Master-Designer.
Mary asked the angel two questions: Is this Jesus worth it, and can God do this? We ask the same questions every day. Is following God worth the sacrifice, and …
God’s presence with man revealed in Christ is traced throughout scripture. God’s call in the Garden, the Tabernacle, the Temple, and the saints remind us that He is with us …
If God, Joseph and Mary went to such great lengths to bring salvation to us, so should we take the trouble to share the gospel with those around us.
God must exist because every effect has a cause, every design a designer and because men universally believe that He exists. The universal moral code is stamped on the hearts …
God longs for us to put our hope in Him. His hope can heal you from your past, give you endurance for the now and security for the yet to …
Living by faith is the lifestyle guaranteed to please God. Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. God rewards our …
God calls us to be clothed in humility just as Christ demonstrates when He washes the disciple’s feet at the Last Supper. The humble recognize that their abilities are not …
Abel’s blood sacrifice pleased God because only a blood sacrifice can forgive sin. Jesus’ work on the cross is our only hope of salvation. Every other religion rests upon the …
Wycliffe missionaries Larry and Nancy Hagberg share their story of the joys and challenges of translating God’s Word and evangelizing an unreached people group.
Wycliffe missionaries Larry and Nancy Hagberg relate a remarkable story of faith in the midst of cancer, a near-fatal car crash and floods. God’s Word is the powerful, sustaining force …
A great leader has a clear vision, an awareness of the needs of the people he leads and a clear communication plan for implementing change. The goal is to bring …
The first part of the Hebrews seminar covers Christ’s role as king and priest after the order of Melchizedek. We are encouraged to grow up in the faith and encourage …
Jesus Christ, as our High Priest, made a once-for-all sacrifice for our sins. As we experience His complete forgiveness in our own lives, we should extend that same forgiveness to …
The test of faith is to stand firm and follow in the footsteps of Christ, the author and finisher of our faith. Hebrews 11 gives us a litany of faithful …
The book of 1 Peter deals with the issue of the discipline of suffering. In chapter five, Peter teaches the importance of good leadership and followship in the church. He …
The prophet Habakkuk longs to know God’s timetable for justice among His people, but his Creator is teaching him patience. Waiting does not mean a plan is flawed, idle or …
The four gospels present distinctive portraits of Christ: Jesus as King (Matthew), Jesus as Servant (Mark), Jesus as a Man (Luke) and Jesus as God (John). In the Old Testament, …
Session Two describes Jesus’ preparation for ministry during the “silent years,” His early ministry and the Messianic secret. During these years, Christ’s mission and vision is crystallized.
Christ’s preaching to the “spirits in prison” between His death and resurrection is interpreted in four possible ways: Jesus ministers through His disciples to the lost on earth (Ephesians 2:17). …
Nationally-known church and business consultant Tom Lutz discusses the importance of prioritizing relationships, responsibilities and roles. We must allocate our resources wisely and learn to delegate successfully.
Our handicaps, or “thorns” as Paul dubs them, are no accident. God can use them for spiritual service. We must stop window-shopping for what we don’t have and learn to …
Peter emphasizes the paradox of experiencing joy in the midst of suffering. We can know God’s grace and peace when we suffer for His name and live in the hope …
Nationally-known business and church consultant Tom Lutz teaches that great leaders innovate, develop, inspire trust, think long-range and make wise choices. Great managers administer, maintain, control resources and develop systems …
“Thorns in the flesh” contemplates Paul’s struggle with handicaps and his healing through the grace of God. No matter what obstacles we face, God is there beside you to carry …
We endure persecution for doing good when we suffer as a citizen of the Kingdom. We endure persecution for bearing the name of Christ as a saint. We must live …
Every pastor’s wife deals with pandemonium. The day-to-day challenges of family, work and ministry demand patience, grace and strength. Proverbs 31 was written by a mother to express the inestimable …
Peter learns to trust Jesus in a new way when Jesus calls him out of the boat to walk on water. Kingdom living requires faith. Faith leads to risk. Risk …
We all have up and down days. God wants us to rejoice together and comfort each other when we are hurting. Comforters come uninvited, openly express the depths of their …
Pastor’s wives are often great givers-serving everyone else-but poor receivers. The key to avoiding burnout in ministry is learning to receive from God and others.
Session one of Dr. Toussaint’s seminar introduces the theme and the purpose of the book. 1 Peter was written to encourage suffering saints who were being persecuted for their faith …
The parable of the vineyard contrasts the hearts of two sons. One is rebellious but repents; the other is compliant but fails to follow through. Actually doing what God desires …
Ananias and Sapphira, whose names mean “grace” and “beauty” were not who they seemed to be. Hypocrise begins with false pretense and brings turmoil and chaos. Hypocrisy purged produces power and …
Nationally-known church and business consultant discusses the role of a manager: to supervise people and to obtain and allocate resources. The supervising manager knows how to recruit, organize, utilize, develop, …
Christian financial consultant teaches three principles for financial success: God owns, I manage, God provides. For Budget Workbook, click here. For Budget Workshop Powerpoints, click here. For Budget Workshop …
Bob Henry, expert financial consultant, gives us a comprehensive look at how to develop a practical budget for our daily living. Net worth guide is included in the notes. For …
Bob Henry, Christian financial consultant and systems analyst, gives valuable insight on the traps most families fall into with their financial management. He also gives several tips on ways to …
Every Christian will eventually be wounded in church. How do we heal? By recognizing Satan’s schemes, facing issues with honesty, comfort, forgiveness and love.
The parable of the “treasure hidden in a field” teaches that receiving Christ’s free gift of salvation is worth all that we have. Outward kingdoms only offer an illusion of wealth, power …
In his discussion of the Lord’s Prayer, Dr. Toussaint defines prayer and its primary goal. Christ commands us to pray for His kingdom-plan to be realized on earth, and our …
We all deal with feelings of anger. In Matthew 5, Jesus gives us a model for handling anger. We must not belittle others, we must reconcile with those we have …
We learn much about the compassion and sympathy of Christ in the story of the feeding of the five thousand. The account, recorded in all four gospels, demonstrates its importance …
God forces Peter to face his prejudices and surrender them to the Lord. Mankind has a history of prejudging others based on superficial characteristics. Instead God asks us to look …
The parable of the ten virgins teaches us that we must focus on one thing: preparing for God’s kingdom. When we discover the value of a life, we recognize that …
Paul teaches us there are four kinds of men: the natural man who does not receive the things of God, the baby Christian who is not ready to receive the …
No matter what kind of pressure we are under, the Lord understands and comforts us. Even while being stoned, Stephen sees the glory of God and testifies of his Savior. …
Jesus does not emerge to start a new religion. He comes to offer us life in His kingdom where we can live free of guilt and shame because of His …
The story of Lazarus and the rich man teaches us that temporal rewards are far different than eternal rewards. Lazarus finds comfort and rest in the afterlife while the rich …
Stephen is one of God’s overlooked, unsung heroes. But the New Testament is born because Stephen lives and dies for the glory of God. Being persecuted for our faith is …
Dr. Toussaint teaches on the meaning of the filling of the Holy Spirit, the actual filling of the Holy Spirit and the manifestations of the Holy Spirit.
We witness at every stage of our spiritual growth, but we evangelize more effectively as we mature in Christ. Fishing for lost souls looks like accepting the rejected, supporting the …
God’s Word tells us when we are sick to give thanks in all things, look for God’s refining work in our lives, seek to have His heart and pray in …
Many of us analyze the Bible to resolve doctrinal and behavioral questions instead of immersing ourselves in a story that is intended to saturate our heart, soul and mind. To …
Church is never a perfect place. The closest to perfection the church will ever become here on earth is described in Acts 2 on the Day of Pentecost. A great …
Amos chides God’s people for living in luxury and apathy, and refusing to have compassion upon the poor. He encourages them to wake up and see the needs of others.
Wellness tools such as diet, exercise, cognitive therapy and rest are recommended for mood disorder patients. Discerning behavioral and chemical issues is emphasized. Resources are recommended.
Four personality disorders (histrionic, dependent, anti-social and borderline) receive detailed examination because they are among the most commonly encountered in church ministry. The challenge posed by these difficult personalities force …
Dr. Steven Dowdle, well-known pastor, psychologist and educator describes four personality types that are resistant to counseling and church ministry. How does a pastor handle these difficult cases?
Symptoms for basic mood disorders such as mania, depression and bipolar disorder are discussed. The critical nature of diagnosis and treatment is emphasized. Support teams consist of a psychologist, a …
Why should Christian leaders know about brain chemistry issues? What should they do with the information? One pastor tells his story, and basic brain functions are described.
What is authentic life change? What I say I believe will not change me. What I think I believe will not alter my lifestyle. What I reveal I believe, my …
Three things are going on in the Acts ministry of Christ today. Christ is coming as the spirit to dwell in His followers. Jesus is engaged in His greatest work of …
Complaining makes life miserable. Complaining causes us to miss what God is doing now, damages the gifts He gives us and hurts our testimony. If we speak instead with gratitude …
Marilyn Morris, founder and president of Aim For Success, Inc. and author of Teens, Sex and Choices and ABCs of the Birds and Bees for Parents of Toddler to Teens …
Dr. Brad Tuttle shares his colorful testimony beginning with his daring days as a Navy deep sea diver and nationally-known power lifter. He shares his journey around the globe as …
A life script is an ongoing program for our lives that we act out automatically. The script can be constructive, destructive, non-productive or a combination of all three. Family, culture …
Paul gives us three pictures of the church in this passage. As members of the family of God we have the privileges of belonging, companionship, provision and protection. We also …
To walk by the spirit is to live with a moment-by-moment dependency on, and sensitivity to, the initial promptings of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit intends to produce in …
The Lord’s Prayer is the blueprint for every believer’s prayer life. By personalizing this model prayer, we learn how to be genuine with God and bring His will to bear …
We are stewards of all the earthly possessions God has given us — our mates, children, homes, cars, education, skills and more. Because of His great gifts, we must be …
God is greater than any distance we create. He is all-knowing, all-powerful and everywhere all the time. Even though our inclination is to wander, God focuses on proximity. Jesus came …
Disappointment is part of the cycle of life. Sometimes disappointment comes from our own faulty thinking, foolish choices or from vulnerable moments following great mountaintop experiences. Asaph pens words of pathos …
Pastor Brad Tuttle teaches the value of integrity in the life of the believer. Integrity may be defined as “wholeness” or “authenticity,” unity between what we say and what we …
Knowing how many chips you have can win or lose the game of ministry. Leading people is about choosing your battles wisely and navigating change well. Valuable relationships that foster …
Praying the powerful names of God is the way Jesus prays. He is intimately connected with His Heavenly Father, so He knows both the Father’s heart and the Father’s will. …
Prayer is a constant communion with God. We must catch His heartbeat and purposes, access His kingdom power and provisions for life and submit to His will. As we make …
The ability to work is a gift from God. We should do our work as unto Him, reverently, diligently, loyally and with excellence. God will reward our labors. For more …
Dr. Weld discusses the negative messages we receive in our growing-up years, how to process them and how to discover our true identity in Christ.
Satan’s objective is to block us from closing the gap to the abundant life God intends for us to enjoy. Satan steals us from intimacy with God by keeping us …
The key to abundant living is to abide in Christ, to drink of His “living water.” Many see life filled with scarcity, stagnation and misery instead of a life with …
True spirituality results from an intimate relationship with God, not a set of rules. We don’t bear fruit being religious laborers whose lives are defined by works. Our beliefs and …
Closing the gap in our spiritual lives means moving from where we are to where God longs for us to be — experiencing the abundant life. It is possible to …
King David’s prayer of repentance and restoration models what we can do to overcome failure and sin in our lives. Honest confession, brokenness and an assurance of God’s grace can …
Holy living is not self-promotion, but devotion to the audience of ONE, our Father in heaven. Jesus decries the Pharisees’ ostentatious display of religious practices as He continues to teach …
Every pastor needs safe people in his congregation to listen, love and support him. Ralph Tacker, father-in-law of Roger Barrier, chats about the pastors he has loved and the ways …
Two messengers–Isaiah and John the Baptist–prophesied the coming of the Messiah. For those who had ears to hear, their lives were transformed even in the midst of captivity and uncertainty. …
Fear is the antithesis of faith. Examples like the terrified Hebrews spying out the Promised Land, David facing the giant Goliath, the disciples panicking on a stormy boat, illustrate the fact …
In spite of our fears, Jesus says we can handle the truth and it will set us free. God used Elijah’s fears to deepen Elijah’s faith and distinguish his spiritual …
The ten lepers are healed because God’s love extends beyond explanation and expectation. But one grateful leper who reaches back to God is twice blessed. He is also saved from …
Are you a penny picker, passer or partner? Christ’s story of the widow’s mite teaches us that God can use our gifts and talents to bless Him. God will use …
Faith triumphs over fear when Peter walks on the stormy water to meet Jesus. Like Peter, God has extreme adventures planned or us if only we will get out of …
King Solomon has it all — wealth, women, power and pleasure. So, why does he lament? These earthly pleasures fail to fill the void that only intimacy with God can …
Jesus teaches His disciples to take their eyes off themselves and fish for men. God still uses ordinary believers to spread the message of His love and reconciliation. If we …
God always has time for us. Do we have time for Him? Most of us suffer from hurry sickness. It diminishes our capacity to love God and others. When we …
We gain momentum in our spiritual lives when we take the Bible to heart. Jesus teaches how to have a receptive heart in the parable of the soils. Jesus puts …
We want to do amazing things for God, but that isn’t our job. God is the One who does amazing things for us. Our job? To consecrate ourselves to God. …